use strict; use warnings; use Setup; use JSON::MaybeXS qw(decode_json encode_json); use Data::Dumper; use URI; use Test2::V0; use Catalyst::Test (); use HTTP::Request::Common; my %ctx = test_init(); Catalyst::Test->import('Hydra'); my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new; hydra_setup($db); my $project = $db->resultset('Projects')->create({name => "tests", displayname => "", owner => "root"}); my $jobset = createBaseJobset("aggregate", "aggregate.nix", $ctx{jobsdir}); ok(evalSucceeds($jobset), "Evaluating jobs/aggregate.nix should exit with return code 0"); is(nrQueuedBuildsForJobset($jobset), 3, "Evaluating jobs/aggregate.nix should result in 3 builds"); my $aggregateBuild; for my $build (queuedBuildsForJobset($jobset)) { if ($build->nixname eq "aggregate") { $aggregateBuild = $build; } ok(runBuild($build), "Build '".$build->job."' from jobs/aggregate.nix should exit with return code 0"); } $aggregateBuild->discard_changes(); my $build_redirect = request(GET '/job/tests/aggregate/aggregate/latest-finished'); my $build_url = URI->new($build_redirect->header('location'))->path; subtest "validating the JSON representation of a build" => sub { my $response = request(GET $build_url, Accept => 'application/json', ); is($response->code, 200, "Getting the build data"); my $data; my $valid_json = lives { $data = decode_json($response->content); }; ok($valid_json, "We get back valid JSON."); if (!$valid_json) { use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper $response->content; } is($data, { project => "tests", jobset => "aggregate", buildmetrics => {}, buildoutputs => { out => { path => $aggregateBuild->buildoutputs->find({ name => "out" })->path }}, buildproducts => { 1 => { defaultpath => "", filesize => undef, name => "aggregate", path => $aggregateBuild->buildoutputs->find({ name => "out" })->path, sha256hash => undef, subtype => "", type => "nix-build", }}, buildstatus => 0, drvpath => $aggregateBuild->drvpath, finished => 1, id => $aggregateBuild->id, job => "aggregate", jobsetevals => [ $aggregateBuild->jobsetevals->first->id ], nixname => "aggregate", priority => 100, releasename => undef, starttime => $aggregateBuild->starttime, stoptime => $aggregateBuild->stoptime, timestamp => $aggregateBuild->timestamp, system => $aggregateBuild->system, }, "The build's JSON matches our API."); }; subtest "accessing the constituents API" => sub { my $url = $build_url . "/constituents"; my $constituents = request(GET $url, Accept => 'application/json', ); ok($constituents->is_success, "Getting the constituent builds"); my $data; my $valid_json = lives { $data = decode_json($constituents->content); }; ok($valid_json, "We get back valid JSON."); if (!$valid_json) { use Data::Dumper; print STDERR Dumper $constituents->content; } my ($buildA) = grep { $_->{nixname} eq "empty-dir-a" } @$data; my ($buildB) = grep { $_->{nixname} eq "empty-dir-b" } @$data; is($buildA->{job}, "a"); is($buildB->{job}, "b"); }; done_testing;