$(document).ready(function() { /*** Tree toggles in logfiles. ***/ /* Set the appearance of the toggle depending on whether the corresponding subtree is initially shown or hidden. */ $(".tree-toggle").map(function() { if ($(this).siblings("ul:hidden").length == 0) { $(this).text("-"); } else { $(this).text("+"); } }); /* When a toggle is clicked, show or hide the subtree. */ $(".tree-toggle").click(function() { if ($(this).siblings("ul:hidden").length != 0) { $(this).siblings("ul").show(); $(this).text("-"); } else { $(this).siblings("ul").hide(); $(this).text("+"); } }); /* Implementation of the expand all link. */ $(".tree-expand-all").click(function() { $(".tree-toggle", $(this).parent().siblings(".tree")).map(function() { $(this).siblings("ul").show(); $(this).text("-"); }); }); /* Implementation of the collapse all link. */ $(".tree-collapse-all").click(function() { $(".tree-toggle", $(this).parent().siblings(".tree")).map(function() { $(this).siblings("ul").hide(); $(this).text("+"); }); }); $("table.clickable-rows").click(function(event) { if ($(event.target).closest("a").length) return; link = $(event.target).parents("tr").find("a.row-link"); if (link.length == 1) window.location = link.attr("href"); }); bootbox.animate(false); $(".hydra-popover").popover({}); $(function() { if (window.location.hash) { $(".nav-tabs a[href='" + window.location.hash + "']").tab('show'); } /* If no tab is active, show the first one. */ $(".nav-tabs").each(function() { if ($("li.active", this).length > 0) return; $("a", $(this).children("li:not(.dropdown)").first()).tab('show'); }); /* Ensure that pressing the back button on another page navigates back to the previously selected tab on this page. */ $('.nav-tabs').bind('show', function(e) { var pattern = /#.+/gi; var id = e.target.toString().match(pattern)[0]; history.replaceState(null, "", id); }); }); /* Automatically set Bootstrap radio buttons from hidden form controls. */ $('div[data-toggle="buttons-radio"] input[type="hidden"]').map(function(){ $('button[value="' + $(this).val() + '"]', $(this).parent()).addClass('active'); }); /* Automatically update hidden form controls from Bootstrap radio buttons. */ $('div[data-toggle="buttons-radio"] .btn').click(function(){ $('input', $(this).parent()).val($(this).val()); }); }); var tabsLoaded = {}; function makeLazyTab(tabName, uri) { $('.nav-tabs').bind('show', function(e) { var pattern = /#.+/gi; var id = e.target.toString().match(pattern)[0]; if (id == '#' + tabName && !tabsLoaded[id]) { tabsLoaded[id] = 1; $('#' + tabName).load(uri, function(response, status, xhr) { if (status == "error") { $('#' + tabName).html("
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