[% WRAPPER layout.tt title="Hydra Overview" %] [% PROCESS common.tt %] [% USE HTML %] [% BLOCK renderSelection %] [% IF edit %] [% ELSE %] [% options.$curValue %] [% END %] [% END %] [% BLOCK maybeEditString; IF edit -%] param, name => param, value => value) %] /> [% ELSE; HTML.escape(value); END -%] [% END -%] [% BLOCK renderInputAlt %] [% IF edit %] [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param=param value=alt.value %]
[% ELSE %] [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param=param value=alt.value %] [% END %] [% END %] [% BLOCK renderInput %] [% IF edit %][% END -%] [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="$baseName-name" value=input.name extraClass="shortString" %] [% INCLUDE renderSelection curValue=input.type param="$baseName-type" options=inputTypes %] [% FOREACH alt IN input.jobsetinputalts -%] [% IF input.type == "string" && !edit %] "[% HTML.escape(alt.value) %]" [% ELSE %] [% INCLUDE renderInputAlt alt=alt param="$baseName-values" %] [% END %] [% END %] [% IF edit %][% END %] [% END %] [% BLOCK renderJobset %]

[% IF edit %][% END %] [% IF jobset %]Jobset [% jobset.name %][% ELSE %]New jobset[% END %]


[% IF edit %] [% END %] [% IF !edit %] [% END %] [% IF !edit && jobset.errormsg %] [% END %]
Identifier: [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="jobset-$baseName-name" value=jobset.name %]
Description: [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="jobset-$baseName-description" value=jobset.description %]
Nix expression: [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="jobset-$baseName-nixexprpath" value=jobset.nixexprpath extraClass="shortString" %] in input [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="jobset-$baseName-nixexprinput" value=jobset.nixexprinput extraClass="shortString" %]
Last checked: [% PROCESS renderDateTime timestamp = jobset.lastcheckedtime %]
Last evaluation error: On [% PROCESS renderDateTime timestamp = jobset.errortime %]:
[% HTML.escape(jobset.errormsg) %]


[% FOREACH input IN jobset.jobsetinputs -%] [% INCLUDE renderInput input=input baseName="jobset-$baseName-input-$input.name" %] [% END %] [% IF edit %] [% END %]
Input nameTypeValues
[% END %] [% IF edit %]
[% END %] [% IF create %]

New Project

[% ELSE %]

Project [% curProject.name %]

[% END %]

General information

[% IF edit %] [% END %]
Identifier: [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="name" value=curProject.name %]
Display name: [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="displayname" value=curProject.displayname %]
Description: [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="description" value=curProject.description %]
Owner: [% INCLUDE maybeEditString param="owner" value=curProject.owner edit=(edit && c.check_user_roles('admin')) %]
Enabled: [% INCLUDE renderSelection param="enabled" curValue=curProject.enabled options={"1" = "Yes", "0" = "No"} %]


[% IF curProject.jobsets && curProject.jobsets.size > 0 || edit %] [% IF edit %]

[% INCLUDE renderJobset jobset="" baseName="template" %]
[% INCLUDE renderInput input="" extraClass="template" id="input-template" baseName="input-template" %]
[% INCLUDE renderInputAlt alt=alt %] [% END %] [% FOREACH jobset IN curProject.jobsets -%] [% INCLUDE renderJobset jobset=jobset baseName=jobset.name %] [% END -%] [% ELSE %]

No jobsets have been defined yet.

[% END %] [% IF !edit %]


[% IF jobName && jobNames.size > 0 %] [% ELSE %]

No builds have been performed or scheduled.

[% END %]


Finished builds: [% finishedBuilds %]
Succeeded builds: [% succeededBuilds %]
Failed builds: [% finishedBuilds - succeededBuilds %]
Total build time: [% totalBuildTime %]s
Scheduled builds: [% scheduledBuilds %]
Currently executing builds: [% busyBuilds %]
[% END %] [% IF edit %]

[% IF !create %]

[% END %] [% END %] [% END %]