Allow determinism checking for entire jobsets
Setting xxx-jobset-repeats = patchelf:master:2 will cause Hydra to perform every build step in the specified jobset 2 additional times (i.e. 3 times in total). Non-determinism is not fatal unless the derivation has the attribute "isDeterministic = true"; we just note the lack of determinism in the Hydra database. This will allow us to get stats about the (lack of) reproducibility of all of Nixpkgs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ static void copyClosureTo(ref<Store> destStore,
void State::buildRemote(ref<Store> destStore,
Machine::ptr machine, Step::ptr step,
unsigned int maxSilentTime, unsigned int buildTimeout,
unsigned int maxSilentTime, unsigned int buildTimeout, unsigned int repeats,
RemoteResult & result, std::shared_ptr<ActiveStep> activeStep)
assert(BuildResult::TimedOut == 8);
@ -263,9 +263,10 @@ void State::buildRemote(ref<Store> destStore,
to << maxSilentTime << buildTimeout;
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(remoteVersion) >= 2)
to << 64 * 1024 * 1024; // == maxLogSize
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(remoteVersion) >= 3)
// FIXME: make the number of repeats configurable.
to << (step->isDeterministic ? 1 : 0);
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(remoteVersion) >= 3) {
to << repeats // == build-repeat
<< step->isDeterministic; // == enforce-determinism
result.startTime = time(0);
@ -295,6 +296,10 @@ void State::buildRemote(ref<Store> destStore,
result.stepStatus = bsSuccess;
} else {
result.errorMsg = readString(from);
if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(remoteVersion) >= 3) {
result.timesBuilt = readInt(from);
result.isNonDeterministic = readInt(from);
switch ((BuildResult::Status) res) {
case BuildResult::Built:
result.stepStatus = bsSuccess;
@ -86,6 +86,7 @@ State::StepResult State::doBuildStep(nix::ref<Store> destStore,
BuildID buildId;
Path buildDrvPath;
unsigned int maxSilentTime, buildTimeout;
unsigned int repeats = step->isDeterministic ? 1 : 0;
std::set<Build::ptr> dependents;
@ -113,6 +114,11 @@ State::StepResult State::doBuildStep(nix::ref<Store> destStore,
build = build2;
enqueueNotificationItem({NotificationItem::Type::BuildStarted, build->id});
auto i = jobsetRepeats.find(std::make_pair(build2->projectName, build2->jobsetName));
if (i != jobsetRepeats.end())
repeats = std::max(repeats, i->second);
if (!build) build = *dependents.begin();
@ -121,8 +127,8 @@ State::StepResult State::doBuildStep(nix::ref<Store> destStore,
maxSilentTime = build->maxSilentTime;
buildTimeout = build->buildTimeout;
printMsg(lvlInfo, format("performing step ‘%1%’ on ‘%2%’ (needed by build %3% and %4% others)")
% step->drvPath % machine->sshName % buildId % (dependents.size() - 1));
printInfo("performing step ‘%s’ %d times on ‘%s’ (needed by build %d and %d others)",
step->drvPath, repeats + 1, machine->sshName, buildId, (dependents.size() - 1));
bool quit = buildId == buildOne && step->drvPath == buildDrvPath;
@ -162,7 +168,7 @@ State::StepResult State::doBuildStep(nix::ref<Store> destStore,
/* Do the build. */
try {
/* FIXME: referring builds may have conflicting timeouts. */
buildRemote(destStore, machine, step, maxSilentTime, buildTimeout, result, activeStep);
buildRemote(destStore, machine, step, maxSilentTime, buildTimeout, repeats, result, activeStep);
} catch (NoTokens & e) {
result.stepStatus = bsNarSizeLimitExceeded;
} catch (Error & e) {
@ -224,8 +230,7 @@ State::StepResult State::doBuildStep(nix::ref<Store> destStore,
auto mc = startDbUpdate();
pqxx::work txn(*conn);
finishBuildStep(txn, result.startTime, result.stopTime, result.overhead, buildId,
stepNr, machine->sshName, result.stepStatus, result.errorMsg);
finishBuildStep(txn, result, buildId, stepNr, machine->sshName);
stepFinished = true;
@ -279,8 +284,7 @@ State::StepResult State::doBuildStep(nix::ref<Store> destStore,
pqxx::work txn(*conn);
finishBuildStep(txn, result.startTime, result.stopTime, result.overhead,
buildId, stepNr, machine->sshName, bsSuccess);
finishBuildStep(txn, result, buildId, stepNr, machine->sshName);
for (auto & b : direct) {
printMsg(lvlInfo, format("marking build %1% as succeeded") % b->id);
@ -386,8 +390,7 @@ State::StepResult State::doBuildStep(nix::ref<Store> destStore,
if (result.stepStatus != bsCachedFailure && !stepFinished) {
finishBuildStep(txn, result.startTime, result.stopTime, result.overhead,
buildId, stepNr, machine->sshName, result.stepStatus, result.errorMsg);
finishBuildStep(txn, result, buildId, stepNr, machine->sshName);
/* Mark all builds that depend on this derivation as failed. */
@ -264,20 +264,21 @@ unsigned int State::createBuildStep(pqxx::work & txn, time_t startTime, BuildID
void State::finishBuildStep(pqxx::work & txn, time_t startTime, time_t stopTime, unsigned int overhead,
BuildID buildId, unsigned int stepNr, const std::string & machine, BuildStatus status,
const std::string & errorMsg, BuildID propagatedFrom)
void State::finishBuildStep(pqxx::work & txn, const RemoteResult & result,
BuildID buildId, unsigned int stepNr, const std::string & machine)
("update BuildSteps set busy = 0, status = $1, propagatedFrom = $4, errorMsg = $5, startTime = $6, stopTime = $7, machine = $8, overhead = $9 where build = $2 and stepnr = $3")
((int) status)(buildId)(stepNr)
(propagatedFrom, propagatedFrom != 0)
(errorMsg, errorMsg != "")
("update BuildSteps set busy = 0, status = $1, errorMsg = $4, startTime = $5, stopTime = $6, machine = $7, overhead = $8, timesBuilt = $9, isNonDeterministic = $10 where build = $2 and stepnr = $3")
((int) result.stepStatus)(buildId)(stepNr)
(result.errorMsg, result.errorMsg != "")
(machine, machine != "")
(overhead, overhead != 0).exec();
(result.overhead, result.overhead != 0)
(result.timesBuilt, result.timesBuilt > 0)
(result.isNonDeterministic, result.timesBuilt > 1)
@ -809,6 +810,13 @@ void State::run(BuildID buildOne)
useSubstitutes = isTrue(hydraConfig["use-substitutes"]);
// FIXME: hacky mechanism for configuring determinism checks.
for (auto & s : tokenizeString<Strings>(hydraConfig["xxx-jobset-repeats"])) {
auto s2 = tokenizeString<std::vector<std::string>>(s, ":");
if (s2.size() != 3) throw Error("bad value in xxx-jobset-repeats");
jobsetRepeats.emplace(std::make_pair(s2[0], s2[1]), std::stoi(s2[2]));
auto conn(dbPool.get());
clearBusy(*conn, 0);
@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ struct RemoteResult
bool canCache = false; // for bsFailed
std::string errorMsg; // for bsAborted
unsigned int timesBuilt = 0;
bool isNonDeterministic = false;
time_t startTime = 0, stopTime = 0;
unsigned int overhead = 0;
nix::Path logFile;
@ -414,6 +417,10 @@ private:
from showing up as busy until the queue runner is restarted. */
nix::Sync<std::set<std::pair<BuildID, int>>> orphanedSteps;
/* How often the build steps of a jobset should be repeated in
order to detect non-determinism. */
std::map<std::pair<std::string, std::string>, unsigned int> jobsetRepeats;
@ -437,10 +444,8 @@ private:
const std::string & machine, BuildStatus status, const std::string & errorMsg = "",
BuildID propagatedFrom = 0);
void finishBuildStep(pqxx::work & txn, time_t startTime, time_t stopTime,
unsigned int overhead, BuildID buildId, unsigned int stepNr,
const std::string & machine, BuildStatus status, const std::string & errorMsg = "",
BuildID propagatedFrom = 0);
void finishBuildStep(pqxx::work & txn, const RemoteResult & result, BuildID buildId, unsigned int stepNr,
const std::string & machine);
int createSubstitutionStep(pqxx::work & txn, time_t startTime, time_t stopTime,
Build::ptr build, const nix::Path & drvPath, const std::string & outputName, const nix::Path & storePath);
@ -492,6 +497,7 @@ private:
void buildRemote(nix::ref<nix::Store> destStore,
Machine::ptr machine, Step::ptr step,
unsigned int maxSilentTime, unsigned int buildTimeout,
unsigned int repeats,
RemoteResult & result, std::shared_ptr<ActiveStep> activeStep);
void markSucceededBuild(pqxx::work & txn, Build::ptr build,
@ -103,6 +103,16 @@ __PACKAGE__->table("BuildSteps");
data_type: 'integer'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 timesbuilt
data_type: 'integer'
is_nullable: 1
=head2 isnondeterministic
data_type: 'boolean'
is_nullable: 1
@ -132,6 +142,10 @@ __PACKAGE__->add_columns(
{ data_type => "integer", is_foreign_key => 1, is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "integer", is_nullable => 1 },
{ data_type => "boolean", is_nullable => 1 },
@ -201,8 +215,8 @@ __PACKAGE__->belongs_to(
# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.07043 @ 2016-02-16 18:04:52
# Created by DBIx::Class::Schema::Loader v0.07045 @ 2016-12-07 13:48:19
my %hint = (
columns => [
@ -50,13 +50,20 @@ FOR step IN steps; IF step.busy; busy = 1; END; END;
END %]
<td>[% IF step.busy == 1 || ((step.machine || step.starttime) && (step.status == 0 || step.status == 1 || step.status == 3 || step.status == 4 || step.status == 7)); INCLUDE renderMachineName machine=step.machine; ELSE; "<em>n/a</em>"; END %]</td>
<td class="step-status">
[% IF step.busy == 1 %]
[% ELSIF step.status == 0 %]
[% IF step.isnondeterministic %]
<span class="warn">Succeeded with non-determistic result</span>
[% ELSE %]
[% END %]
[% IF step.timesbuilt > 1 %]
([% step.timesbuilt %] times)
[% END %]
[% ELSIF step.status == 3 %]
<span class="error"><strong>Aborted</strong>[% IF step.errormsg %]: [% HTML.escape(step.errormsg); END %]</span>
<span class="error">Aborted</span>[% IF step.errormsg %]: <em>[% HTML.escape(step.errormsg) %]</em>[% END %]
[% ELSIF step.status == 4 %]
<span class="error">Cancelled</span>
[% ELSIF step.status == 7 %]
@ -70,9 +77,9 @@ FOR step IN steps; IF step.busy; busy = 1; END; END;
[% ELSIF step.status == 11 %]
<span class="error">Output limit exceeded</span>
[% ELSIF step.status == 12 %]
<span class="error">Non-deterministic build</span>
<span class="error">Non-determinism detected</span> [% IF step.timesbuilt %] after [% step.timesbuilt %] times[% END %]
[% ELSIF step.errormsg %]
<span class="error">Failed: [% HTML.escape(step.errormsg) %]</span>
<span class="error">Failed</span>: <em>[% HTML.escape(step.errormsg) %]</em>
[% ELSE %]
<span class="error">Failed</span>
[% END %]
@ -137,7 +144,7 @@ FOR step IN steps; IF step.busy; busy = 1; END; END;
[% INCLUDE renderBuildStatusIcon size=128, build=build %]
[% INCLUDE renderBuildStatusIcon size=128 build=build %]
<table class="info-table">
@ -132,3 +132,13 @@ div.flot-tooltip {
opacity: 0.80;
z-index: 100;
td.step-status span.error {
color: red;
font-weight: bold;
td.step-status span.warn {
color: #aaaa00;
font-weight: bold;
@ -289,6 +289,12 @@ create table BuildSteps (
-- Time in milliseconds spend copying stuff from/to build machines.
overhead integer,
-- How many times this build step was done (for checking determinism).
timesBuilt integer,
-- Whether this build step produced different results when repeated.
isNonDeterministic boolean,
primary key (build, stepnr),
foreign key (build) references Builds(id) on delete cascade,
foreign key (propagatedFrom) references Builds(id) on delete cascade
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
alter table BuildSteps
add column timesBuilt integer,
add column isNonDeterministic boolean;
Reference in a new issue