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#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use utf8;
use Hydra::Plugin;
use Hydra::Helper::Nix;
Enable declarative projects. This allows fully declarative project specifications. This is best illustrated by example: * I create a new project, setting the declarative spec file to "spec.json" and the declarative input to a git repo pointing at git://github.com/shlevy/declarative-hydra-example.git * hydra creates a special ".jobsets" jobset alongside the project * Just before evaluating the ".jobsets" jobset, hydra fetches declarative-hydra-example.git, reads spec.json as a jobset spec, and updates the jobset's configuration accordingly: { "enabled": 1, "hidden": false, "description": "Jobsets", "nixexprinput": "src", "nixexprpath": "default.nix", "checkinterval": 300, "schedulingshares": 100, "enableemail": false, "emailoverride": "", "keepnr": 3, "inputs": { "src": { "type": "git", "value": "git://github.com/shlevy/declarative-hydra-example.git", "emailresponsible": false }, "nixpkgs": { "type": "git", "value": "git://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git release-16.03", "emailresponsible": false } } } * When the "jobsets" job of the ".jobsets" jobset completes, hydra reads its output as a JSON representation of a dictionary of jobset specs and creates a jobset named "master" configured accordingly (In this example, this is the same configuration as .jobsets itself, except using release.nix instead of default.nix): { "enabled": 1, "hidden": false, "description": "js", "nixexprinput": "src", "nixexprpath": "release.nix", "checkinterval": 300, "schedulingshares": 100, "enableemail": false, "emailoverride": "", "keepnr": 3, "inputs": { "src": { "type": "git", "value": "git://github.com/shlevy/declarative-hydra-example.git", "emailresponsible": false }, "nixpkgs": { "type": "git", "value": "git://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git release-16.03", "emailresponsible": false } } }
2016-03-11 23:14:58 +00:00
use Hydra::Helper::AddBuilds;
use IO::Select;
binmode STDERR, ":encoding(utf8)";
my $config = getHydraConfig();
my $db = Hydra::Model::DB->new();
my @plugins = Hydra::Plugin->instantiate(db => $db, config => $config);
my $dbh = $db->storage->dbh;
$dbh->do("listen build_started");
$dbh->do("listen build_finished");
$dbh->do("listen step_finished");
sub buildStarted {
my ($buildId) = @_;
my $build = $db->resultset('Builds')->find($buildId)
or die "build $buildId does not exist\n";
foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
eval { $plugin->buildStarted($build); };
if ($@) {
print STDERR "$plugin->buildStarted: $@\n";
sub buildFinished {
my ($build, @deps) = @_;
Enable declarative projects. This allows fully declarative project specifications. This is best illustrated by example: * I create a new project, setting the declarative spec file to "spec.json" and the declarative input to a git repo pointing at git://github.com/shlevy/declarative-hydra-example.git * hydra creates a special ".jobsets" jobset alongside the project * Just before evaluating the ".jobsets" jobset, hydra fetches declarative-hydra-example.git, reads spec.json as a jobset spec, and updates the jobset's configuration accordingly: { "enabled": 1, "hidden": false, "description": "Jobsets", "nixexprinput": "src", "nixexprpath": "default.nix", "checkinterval": 300, "schedulingshares": 100, "enableemail": false, "emailoverride": "", "keepnr": 3, "inputs": { "src": { "type": "git", "value": "git://github.com/shlevy/declarative-hydra-example.git", "emailresponsible": false }, "nixpkgs": { "type": "git", "value": "git://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git release-16.03", "emailresponsible": false } } } * When the "jobsets" job of the ".jobsets" jobset completes, hydra reads its output as a JSON representation of a dictionary of jobset specs and creates a jobset named "master" configured accordingly (In this example, this is the same configuration as .jobsets itself, except using release.nix instead of default.nix): { "enabled": 1, "hidden": false, "description": "js", "nixexprinput": "src", "nixexprpath": "release.nix", "checkinterval": 300, "schedulingshares": 100, "enableemail": false, "emailoverride": "", "keepnr": 3, "inputs": { "src": { "type": "git", "value": "git://github.com/shlevy/declarative-hydra-example.git", "emailresponsible": false }, "nixpkgs": { "type": "git", "value": "git://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs.git release-16.03", "emailresponsible": false } } }
2016-03-11 23:14:58 +00:00
my $project = $build->project;
my $jobset = $build->jobset;
if (length($project->declfile) && $jobset->name eq ".jobsets" && $build->iscurrent) {
handleDeclarativeJobsetBuild($db, $project, $build);
my @dependents;
foreach my $id (@deps) {
my $dep = $db->resultset('Builds')->find($id)
or die "build $id does not exist\n";
push @dependents, $dep;
foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
eval { $plugin->buildFinished($build, [@dependents]); };
if ($@) {
print STDERR "$plugin->buildFinished: $@\n";
$build->update({ notificationpendingsince => undef });
2017-05-24 13:45:31 +00:00
sub stepFinished {
my ($buildId, $stepNr, $logPath) = @_;
my $build = $db->resultset('Builds')->find($buildId)
or die "build $buildId does not exist\n";
my $step = $build->buildsteps->find({stepnr => $stepNr})
or die "step $stepNr does not exist\n";
$logPath = undef if $logPath eq "-";
foreach my $plugin (@plugins) {
eval { $plugin->stepFinished($step, $logPath); };
if ($@) {
print STDERR "$plugin->stepFinished: $@\n";
# Process builds that finished while hydra-notify wasn't running.
for my $build ($db->resultset('Builds')->search(
{ notificationpendingsince => { '!=', undef } }))
my $buildId = $build->id;
print STDERR "sending notifications for build ${\$buildId}...\n";
# Process incoming notifications.
my $fd = $dbh->func("getfd");
my $sel = IO::Select->new($fd);
while (1) {
my $notify = $dbh->func("pg_notifies");
next if !$notify;
my ($channelName, $pid, $payload) = @$notify;
#print STDERR "got '$channelName' from $pid: $payload\n";
my @payload = split / /, $payload;
eval {
if ($channelName eq "build_started") {
} elsif ($channelName eq "build_finished") {
my $buildId = int($payload[0]);
my $build = $db->resultset('Builds')->find($buildId)
or die "build $buildId does not exist\n";
buildFinished($build, @payload[1..$#payload]);
} elsif ($channelName eq "step_finished") {
stepFinished(int($payload[0]), int($payload[1]));
if ($@) {
print STDERR "error processing message '$payload' on channel '$channelName': $@\n";