
592 lines
22 KiB
Raw Normal View History

USE date;
USE String;
USE Math;
USE mibs=format("%.2f");
BLOCK renderDateTime;
date.format(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S');
BLOCK renderRelativeDate;
ago = date.now - timestamp;
IF ago >= 0 && ago < 60; THEN;
ago _ 's ago';
ELSIF ago >= 0 && ago < 60 * 60; THEN;
Math.int(ago / 60) _ 'm ago';
ELSIF ago >= 0 && ago < 24 * 60 * 60; THEN;
Math.int(ago / (60 * 60)) _ 'h ago';
ELSIF ago >= 0 && ago < 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; THEN;
Math.int(ago / (24 * 60 * 60)) _ 'd ago';
date.format(timestamp, '%Y-%m-%d');
BLOCK renderProjectName %]
<a [% IF inRow %]class="row-link"[% END %] href="[% c.uri_for('/project' project) %]"><tt>[% project %]</tt></a>
[% END;
BLOCK renderJobsetName %]
<a [% IF inRow %]class="row-link"[% END %] href="[% c.uri_for('/jobset' project jobset) %]"><tt>[% jobset %]</tt></a>
[% END;
BLOCK renderJobName %]
<a [% IF inRow %]class="row-link"[% END %] href="[% c.uri_for('/job' project jobset job) %]">[% job %]</a>
[% END;
BLOCK renderFullJobsetName %]
2013-02-22 17:11:29 +00:00
<tt>[% INCLUDE renderProjectName inRow=0 %]:[% INCLUDE renderJobsetName %]</tt>
[% END;
BLOCK renderFullJobName %]
2013-02-22 17:11:29 +00:00
<tt>[% IF !hideProjectName; INCLUDE renderProjectName inRow=0 %]:[% END; IF !hideJobsetName; INCLUDE renderJobsetName inRow=0 %]:[% END; INCLUDE renderJobName %]</tt>
[% END;
BLOCK renderFullJobNameOfBuild;
INCLUDE renderFullJobName project=build.get_column("project") jobset = build.get_column("jobset") job = build.get_column("job");
2009-03-13 14:49:25 +00:00
BLOCK renderDuration;
2013-10-10 10:43:27 +00:00
IF duration >= 24 * 60 * 60; duration div (24 * 60 * 60) %]d&nbsp;[% END;
IF duration >= 60 * 60; duration div (60 * 60) % 24 %]h&nbsp;[% END;
IF duration >= 60; duration div 60 % 60 %]m&nbsp;[% END;
duration % 60 %]s[%
2009-03-13 16:04:49 +00:00
BLOCK renderBuildListHeader %]
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed clickable-rows">
[% IF !hideResultInfo %]
[% END %]
[% IF showSchedulingInfo %]
[% END %]
2015-03-23 15:11:38 +00:00
[% IF !hideJobName %]
[% END %]
<th>[% IF showSchedulingInfo %]Queued at[% ELSE %]Finished at[% END %]</th>
<th>Package/release name</th>
[% IF showDescription %]
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderBuildListBody;
FOREACH build IN builds; link = c.uri_for('/build' build.id) %]
[% IF !hideResultInfo %]
[% INCLUDE renderBuildStatusIcon size=16 buildstatus=build.buildstatus %]
[% END %]
[% IF showSchedulingInfo %]
<td>[% IF busy %]<span class="label label-success">Started</span>[% ELSE %]<span class="label">Queued</span>[% END %]</td>
[% END %]
2015-03-23 15:11:38 +00:00
<td><a class="row-link" href="[% link %]">[% build.id %]</a></td>
[% IF !hideJobName %]
<td><a href="[%link%]">[% IF !hideJobsetName %][%build.get_column("project")%]:[%build.get_column("jobset")%]:[% END %][%build.get_column("job")%]</td>
[% END %]
2015-03-24 13:31:27 +00:00
<td class="nowrap">[% t = showSchedulingInfo ? build.timestamp : build.stoptime; IF t; INCLUDE renderRelativeDate timestamp=(showSchedulingInfo ? build.timestamp : build.stoptime); ELSE; "-"; END %]</td>
<td>[% !showSchedulingInfo and build.get_column('releasename') ? build.get_column('releasename') : build.nixname %]</td>
<td class="nowrap"><tt>[% build.system %]</tt></td>
[% IF showDescription %]
<td>[% build.description %]</td>
[% END %]
[% END;
IF linkToAll %]
2013-08-12 22:41:37 +00:00
<tr><td class="centered" colspan="5"><a href="[% linkToAll %]"><em>More...</em></a></td></tr>
[% END;
BLOCK renderBuildListFooter %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderBuildList;
INCLUDE renderBuildListHeader;
INCLUDE renderBuildListBody;
INCLUDE renderBuildListFooter;
BLOCK renderLink %]<a href="[% uri %]">[% title %]</a>[% END;
BLOCK maybeLink;
IF uri %]<a [% HTML.attributes(href => uri, class => class); IF confirmmsg +%] onclick="javascript:return confirm('[% confirmmsg %]')"[% END %]>[% content %]</a>[% ELSE; content; END;
BLOCK renderSelection;
IF edit;
IF radiobuttons; %]
<div class="controls">
[% FOREACH name IN options.keys.sort %]
<label class="radio inline">
<input type="radio" [% HTML.attributes(id => param, name => param, value => name) %]
[% IF name == curValue; "checked='1'"; END %]>
[% options.$name %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
2015-02-25 16:42:47 +00:00
<select style='width: 15em;' [% HTML.attributes(id => param, name => param) %]>
[% FOREACH name IN options.keys.sort %]
<option [% IF name == curValue; "selected='selected'"; END; " "; HTML.attributes(value => name) %]>[% options.$name %]</option>
[% END %]
[% END;
2013-02-21 01:33:57 +00:00
BLOCK editString; %]
<input type="text" class="string" [% HTML.attributes(id => param, name => param, value => value) %] />
2013-02-21 12:42:44 +00:00
[% END;
2013-02-21 00:12:57 +00:00
BLOCK renderFullBuildLink;
INCLUDE renderFullJobNameOfBuild build=build %] <a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' build.id) %]">build [% build.id %]</a>[%
BLOCK renderBuildIdLink; %]
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' id) %]">build [% id %]</a>
2013-02-22 12:17:07 +00:00
[% END;
BLOCK renderBuildLink; INCLUDE renderBuildIdLink id=build.id; END;
BLOCK renderBuildStatusIcon;
finished = build != undef ? build.finished : 1;
buildstatus = buildstatus != undef ? buildstatus : build.buildstatus;
IF finished;
IF buildstatus == 0 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-check-2714.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Succeeded" alt="Succeeded" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 1 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Failed" alt="Failed" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 2 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-gray-x-2716.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Dependency failed" alt="Dependency failed" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 3 || buildstatus == 9 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-stopsign-1f6d1.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Aborted" alt="Aborted" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 4 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-stopsign-1f6d1.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Cancelled" alt="Cancelled" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 6 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Failed with output" alt="Failed with output" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 7 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Timed out" alt="Timed out" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 10 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Log limit exceeded" alt="Log limit exceeded" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 11 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Output size limit exceeded" alt="Output size limit exceeded" class="build-status" />
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 12 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Non-deterministic build" alt="Non-deterministic build" class="build-status" />
[% ELSE %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Failed" alt="Failed" class="build-status" />
[% END;
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-question-2754.svg") %]" height="[% size %]" width="[% size %]" title="Queued" alt="Queued" class="build-status" />
[% END;
BLOCK renderStatus;
IF build.finished;
buildstatus = build.buildstatus;
IF icon; INCLUDE renderBuildStatusIcon size=16; END;
IF buildstatus == 0 %]
2011-11-29 18:04:40 +00:00
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 1 %]
2011-11-29 18:04:40 +00:00
<span class="error">Build returned a non-zero exit code</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 2 %]
2011-11-29 18:04:40 +00:00
<span class="error">A dependency of the build failed</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 4 %]
2011-11-29 18:04:40 +00:00
<span class="error">Cancelled by user</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 6 %]
2015-06-17 15:11:42 +00:00
<span class="error">Build failed with output</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 7 %]
<span class="error">Timed out</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 9 %]
<span class="error">Unsupported system type</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 10 %]
<span class="error">Log limit exceeded</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 11 %]
<span class="error">Output limit exceeded</span>
[% ELSIF buildstatus == 12 %]
<span class="error">Non-deterministic build</span>
2011-11-29 18:04:40 +00:00
[% ELSE %]
<span class="error">Aborted</span>
(Hydra failure; see <a href="#nix-error">below</a>)
[% END;
ELSIF busy %]
<strong>Build in progress</strong>[%-
2011-11-29 18:04:40 +00:00
<strong>Scheduled to be built</strong>
[% END;
BLOCK renderShortInputValue;
IF input.type == "build" || input.type == "sysbuild" %]
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' input.dependency.id) %]">[% input.dependency.id %]</a>
[% ELSIF input.type == "string" %]
<tt>"[% HTML.escape(input.value) %]"</tt>
[% ELSIF input.type == "nix" || input.type == "boolean" %]
<tt>[% HTML.escape(input.value) %]</tt>
[% ELSE %]
<tt>[% HTML.escape(input.uri) %][% IF input.revision %] (r[% HTML.escape(input.revision) %])[% END %]</tt>
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderDiffUri;
nouri = 1;
FOREACH m IN mappers;
base = m.baseuri;
url = bi1.uri;
path = url.replace(base, '');
IF url.match(base) %]
<a target="_blank" href="[% m.uri.replace('_path_', path).replace('_1_', bi1.revision).replace('_2_', bi2.revision) %]">[% contents %]</a>
[% nouri = 0;
IF nouri;
res = bi1.uri.split(' ');
url = res.0;
branch = res.1;
IF bi1.type == "hg" || bi1.type == "git" %]
<a target="_blank" href="[% HTML.escape(c.uri_for('/api/scmdiff', {
uri = url,
rev1 = bi1.revision,
rev2 = bi2.revision,
type = bi1.type,
branch = branch
})) %]">[% contents %]</a>
[% ELSE;
BLOCK renderInputs; %]
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
<tr><th>Name</th><th>Type</th><th>Value</th><th>Revision</th><th>Store path</th></tr>
[% FOREACH input IN inputs %]
<td><tt>[% input.name %]</tt></td>
2013-04-26 11:24:57 +00:00
<td>[% type = input.type; inputTypes.$type %]</td>
[% IF input.type == "build" || input.type == "sysbuild" %]
[% INCLUDE renderFullBuildLink build=input.dependency %]
[% ELSIF input.type == "string" %]
<tt>"[% HTML.escape(input.value) %]"</tt>
[% ELSIF input.type == "nix" || input.type == "boolean" %]
<tt>[% HTML.escape(input.value) %]</tt>
[% ELSE %]
<tt>[% HTML.escape(input.uri) %]</tt>
[% END %]
<td>[% IF input.revision %][% HTML.escape(input.revision) %][% END %]</td>
<td><tt>[% input.path %]</tt></td>
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderInputDiff; %]
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed">
2010-02-25 13:17:11 +00:00
[% IF !nestedDiff %]
[% END;
IF !nestLevel;
nestLevel = 0;
IF nestLevel <= 3;
FOREACH bi1 IN inputs1;
deletedInput = 1;
FOREACH bi2 IN inputs2;
IF bi1.name == bi2.name;
IF bi1.type == bi2.type;
IF bi1.value != bi2.value || bi1.uri != bi2.uri %]
<tr><td><b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td><tt>[% INCLUDE renderShortInputValue input=bi1 %]</tt> to <tt>[% INCLUDE renderShortInputValue input=bi2 %]</tt></td></tr>
[% ELSIF bi1.uri == bi2.uri && bi1.revision != bi2.revision %]
[% IF bi1.type == "git" %]
<b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td><tt>[% INCLUDE renderDiffUri contents=(bi1.revision.substr(0, 6) _ ' to ' _ bi2.revision.substr(0, 6)) %]</tt>
2013-01-22 13:41:02 +00:00
[% ELSE %]
<b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td><tt>[% INCLUDE renderDiffUri contents=(bi1.revision _ ' to ' _ bi2.revision) %]</tt>
[% END %]
[% ELSIF bi1.dependency.id != bi2.dependency.id || bi1.path != bi2.path %]
<b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td><tt>[% INCLUDE renderShortInputValue input=bi1 %]</tt> to <tt>[% INCLUDE renderShortInputValue input=bi2 %]</tt>
[% INCLUDE renderInputDiff inputs1=bi1.dependency.inputs inputs2=bi2.dependency.inputs nestedDiff=1 nestLevel=nestLevel+1 %]
[% END %]
[% ELSE %]
<tr><td><b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td>Changed input type from '[% type = bi1.type; inputTypes.$type %]' to '[% type = bi2.type; inputTypes.$type %]'</td></tr>
[% END;
deletedInput = 0;
IF deletedInput == 1 %]
<tr><td><b>[% bi1.name %]</b></td><td>Input not present in this build.</td></tr>
[% END;
END %]
[% END;
2013-01-22 13:41:02 +00:00
BLOCK renderPager %]
<ul class="pager">
2013-08-12 22:41:37 +00:00
<li [% IF page == 1 %]class="disabled"[% END %]><a href="[% "$baseUri?page=1" %]">« First</a></li>
<li [% IF page == 1 %]class="disabled"[% END %]><a href="[% "$baseUri?page="; (page - 1) %]"> Previous</a></li>
<li [% IF page * resultsPerPage >= total %]class="disabled"[% END %]><a href="[% "$baseUri?page="; (page + 1) %]">Next </a></li>
<li [% IF page * resultsPerPage >= total %]class="disabled"[% END %]><a href="[% "$baseUri?page="; (total - 1) div resultsPerPage + 1 %]">Last »</a></li>
[% END;
BLOCK renderShortEvalInput;
IF input.type == "svn" || input.type == "svn-checkout" || input.type == "bzr" || input.type == "bzr-checkout" %]
r[% input.revision %]
[% ELSIF input.type == "git" %]
<tt>[% input.revision.substr(0, 7) %]</tt>
2015-07-06 15:12:37 +00:00
[% ELSIF input.type == "hg" %]
<tt>[% input.revision.substr(0, 12) %]</tt>
[% ELSIF input.type == "build" || input.type == "sysbuild" %]
<a href="[% c.uri_for('/build' input.get_column('dependency')) %]">[% input.get_column('dependency') %]</a>
[% ELSE %]
<tt>[% input.revision %]</tt>
[% END;
BLOCK renderEvals %]
<table class="table table-condensed table-striped clickable-rows">
2015-03-23 15:11:38 +00:00
[% IF !jobset && !build %]
[% END %]
<th style="width: 10em">Date</th>
<th>Input changes</th>
<th colspan='2' style="width: 25em">Success</th>
2013-02-14 17:03:12 +00:00
[% FOREACH e IN evals;
eval = e.eval;
link = c.uri_for(c.controller('JobsetEval').action_for('view'), [eval.id]) %]
2015-03-23 15:11:38 +00:00
<td><a class="row-link" href="[% link %]">[% eval.id %]</a></td>
[% IF !jobset && !build %]
<td>[% INCLUDE renderFullJobsetName project=eval.get_column('project') jobset=eval.get_column('jobset') %]</td>
[% END %]
2015-03-24 13:31:27 +00:00
<td class="nowrap">[% INCLUDE renderRelativeDate timestamp = eval.timestamp %]</td>
[% IF e.changedInputs.size > 0;
FOREACH input IN e.changedInputs;
sep; %] [% input.name %] → [% INCLUDE renderShortEvalInput input=input;
sep=', ';
[% END %]
<td align='right' class="nowrap">
<span class="label label-success">[% e.nrSucceeded %]</span>
[% IF e.nrFailed > 0 %]
<span class="label label-important">[% e.nrFailed %]</span>
[% END %]
[% IF e.nrScheduled > 0 %]
<span class="label">[% e.nrScheduled %]</span>
[% END %]
<td align='right' class="nowrap">
[% IF e.diff > 0 %]
<span class='label label-success'><strong>+[% e.diff %]</strong></span>
[% ELSIF e.diff < 0 && e.nrScheduled == 0 %]
<span class='label label-important'><strong>[% e.diff %]</strong></span>
[% END %]
[% END;
IF linkToAll %]
<tr><td class="centered" colspan="5"><a href="[% linkToAll %]"><em>More...</em></a></td></tr>
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK renderLogLinks %]
2017-04-05 15:55:56 +00:00
(<a [% IF inRow %]class="row-link"[% END %] href="[% url %]">log</a>, <a href="[% "$url/raw" %]">raw</a>, <a href="[% "$url/tail" %]">tail</a>)
2013-02-22 12:36:15 +00:00
[% END;
BLOCK makeLazyTab %]
<div id="[% tabName %]" class="tab-pane">
<center><img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/ajax-loader.gif") %]" alt="Loading..." /></center>
2013-02-22 12:36:15 +00:00
2013-09-21 17:25:01 +00:00
$(function() { makeLazyTab("[% tabName %]", "[% uri %]"); });
2013-02-22 12:36:15 +00:00
[% END;
BLOCK makePopover %]
<div class="btn hydra-popover [% classes %]" data-toggle="popover" data-html="true" [% HTML.attributes('data-content' => content, 'data-placement' => placement || 'bottom') %]>
[% title %]
[% END;
BLOCK menuItem %]
<li class="[% IF "${root}${curUri}" == uri %]active[% END %]" [% IF confirmmsg %]onclick="javascript:return confirm('[% confirmmsg %]')"[% END %]>
<a [% HTML.attributes(href => uri) %] [%+ IF modal %]data-toggle="modal"[% END %]>
[% IF icon %]<i class="[% icon %] icon-black"></i> [%+ END %]
[% title %]
[% END;
BLOCK makeStar %]
<span class="star" data-post="[% starUri %]">[% IF starred; "★"; ELSE; "☆"; END %]</span>
[% END;
BLOCK renderJobsetOverview %]
<table class="table table-striped table-condensed clickable-rows">
<th>Last evaluated</th>
<th colspan="2">Success</th>
[% FOREACH j IN jobsets %]
[% successrate = 0 %]
<tr class="jobset [% IF j.hidden && !showHidden %] hidden-jobset [% END %] [% IF !j.enabled %] disabled-jobset [% END %]" >
[% IF j.get_column('nrscheduled') > 0 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-question-2754.svg") %]" height="16" width="16" title="Scheduled" alt="Scheduled" />
[% ELSIF j.get_column('nrfailed') == 0 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-check-2714.svg") %]" height="16" width="16" title="Succeeded" alt="Succeeded" />
[% ELSIF j.get_column('nrfailed') > 0 && j.get_column('nrsucceeded') > 0 %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="16" width="16" title="Some Failed" alt="Some Failed" />
[% ELSE %]
<img src="[% c.uri_for("/static/images/emojione-red-x-274c.svg") %]" height="16" width="16" title="All Failed" alt="All Failed" />
[% END %]
<td><span class="[% IF !j.enabled %]disabled-jobset[% END %] [%+ IF j.hidden %]hidden-jobset[% END %]">[% IF showProject; INCLUDE renderFullJobsetName project=j.get_column('project') jobset=j.name inRow=1; ELSE; INCLUDE renderJobsetName project=j.get_column('project') jobset=j.name inRow=1; END %]</span></td>
<td>[% HTML.escape(j.description) %]</td>
<td>[% IF j.lastcheckedtime; INCLUDE renderDateTime timestamp = j.lastcheckedtime; ELSE; "-"; END %]</td>
[% IF j.get_column('nrtotal') > 0 %]
[% successrate = ( j.get_column('nrsucceeded') / j.get_column('nrtotal') )*100 %]
[% IF j.get_column('nrscheduled') > 0 %]
[% class = 'label' %]
[% ELSIF successrate < 25 %]
[% class = 'label label-important' %]
[% ELSIF successrate < 75 %]
[% class = 'label label-warning' %]
[% ELSIF successrate <= 100 %]
[% class = 'label label-success' %]
[% END %]
[% END %]
<td><span class="[% class %]">[% successrate FILTER format('%d') %]%</span></td>
[% IF j.get_column('nrsucceeded') > 0 %]
<span class="label label-success">[% j.get_column('nrsucceeded') %]</span>
[% END %]
[% IF j.get_column('nrfailed') > 0 %]
<span class="label label-important">[% j.get_column('nrfailed') %]</span>
[% END %]
[% IF j.get_column('nrscheduled') > 0 %]
<span class="label label">[% j.get_column('nrscheduled') %]</span>
[% END %]
[% END %]
[% END;
BLOCK includeFlot %]
2014-10-07 11:35:31 +00:00
<script src="[% c.uri_for("/static/js/flot/jquery.flot.min.js") %]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="[% c.uri_for("/static/js/flot/jquery.flot.time.min.js") %]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script src="[% c.uri_for("/static/js/flot/jquery.flot.selection.min.js") %]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<div id="flot-tooltip" class="flot-tooltip"></div>
[% END;
BLOCK createChart %]
<div id="[%id%]-chart" style="width: 1000px; height: 400px;"></div>
<div id="[%id%]-overview" style="margin-top: 20px; margin-left: 50px; margin-right: 50px; width: 900px; height: 100px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
2016-03-25 12:33:10 +00:00
showChart("[%id%]", "[%dataUrl%]", "[%yaxis%]");
[% END;
2015-07-10 13:08:34 +00:00
BLOCK renderMachineName;
2015-07-20 23:40:41 +00:00
machine ? stripSSHUser(machine).match('^(([^\.]|\.[0-9])*)').0 : "localhost";
2015-07-10 13:08:34 +00:00
2013-02-22 12:36:15 +00:00