import json import multiprocessing import os import sys import uuid from collections import defaultdict from import Generator from dataclasses import dataclass from pathlib import Path from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any from buildbot.configurators import ConfiguratorBase from buildbot.plugins import reporters, schedulers, secrets, steps, util, worker from buildbot.process import buildstep, logobserver, remotecommand from buildbot.process.project import Project from import Interpolate, Properties from buildbot.process.results import ALL_RESULTS, statusToString from buildbot.steps.trigger import Trigger from buildbot.util import asyncSleep from buildbot.www.authz.endpointmatchers import EndpointMatcherBase, Match from buildbot.www.oauth2 import OAuth2Auth from buildbot.changes.gerritchangesource import GerritChangeSource if TYPE_CHECKING: from buildbot.process.log import Log from twisted.internet import defer, threads from twisted.logger import Logger from twisted.python.failure import Failure from .github_projects import ( slugify_project_name, ) SKIPPED_BUILDER_NAME = "skipped-builds" log = Logger() class LixSystemsOAuth2(OAuth2Auth): name = 'identity-lix-systems' faIcon = '...' resourceEndpoint = '' authUri = '' tokenUri = '' class BuildbotNixError(Exception): pass @dataclass class GerritProject: name: str class BuildTrigger(Trigger): """Dynamic trigger that creates a build for every attribute.""" def __init__( self, builds_scheduler: str, skipped_builds_scheduler: str, jobs: list[dict[str, Any]], **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if "name" not in kwargs: kwargs["name"] = "trigger" = jobs self.config = None self.builds_scheduler = builds_scheduler self.skipped_builds_scheduler = skipped_builds_scheduler Trigger.__init__( self, waitForFinish=True, schedulerNames=[builds_scheduler, skipped_builds_scheduler], haltOnFailure=True, flunkOnFailure=True, sourceStamps=[], alwaysUseLatest=False, updateSourceStamp=False, **kwargs, ) def createTriggerProperties(self, props: Any) -> Any: # noqa: N802 return props def getSchedulersAndProperties(self) -> list[tuple[str, Properties]]: # noqa: N802 build_props = repo_name = build_props.getProperty( "github.base.repo.full_name", build_props.getProperty("github.repository.full_name"), ) project_id = slugify_project_name(repo_name) source = f"nix-eval-{project_id}" triggered_schedulers = [] for job in attr = job.get("attr", "eval-error") name = attr if repo_name is not None: name = f"github:{repo_name}#checks.{name}" else: name = f"checks.{name}" error = job.get("error") props = Properties() props.setProperty("virtual_builder_name", name, source) props.setProperty("status_name", f"nix-build .#checks.{attr}", source) props.setProperty("virtual_builder_tags", "", source) if error is not None: props.setProperty("error", error, source) triggered_schedulers.append((self.skipped_builds_scheduler, props)) continue if job.get("isCached"): triggered_schedulers.append((self.skipped_builds_scheduler, props)) continue drv_path = job.get("drvPath") system = job.get("system") out_path = job.get("outputs", {}).get("out") build_props.setProperty(f"{attr}-out_path", out_path, source) build_props.setProperty(f"{attr}-drv_path", drv_path, source) props.setProperty("attr", attr, source) props.setProperty("system", system, source) props.setProperty("drv_path", drv_path, source) props.setProperty("out_path", out_path, source) # we use this to identify builds when running a retry props.setProperty("build_uuid", str(uuid.uuid4()), source) triggered_schedulers.append((self.builds_scheduler, props)) return triggered_schedulers def getCurrentSummary(self) -> dict[str, str]: # noqa: N802 """The original build trigger will the generic builder name `nix-build` in this case, which is not helpful""" if not self.triggeredNames: return {"step": "running"} summary = [] if self._result_list: for status in ALL_RESULTS: count = self._result_list.count(status) if count: summary.append( f"{self._result_list.count(status)} {statusToString(status, count)}", ) return {"step": f"({', '.join(summary)})"} class NixEvalCommand(buildstep.ShellMixin, steps.BuildStep): """Parses the output of `nix-eval-jobs` and triggers a `nix-build` build for every attribute. """ def __init__(self, supported_systems: list[str], **kwargs: Any) -> None: kwargs = self.setupShellMixin(kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) = logobserver.BufferLogObserver() self.addLogObserver("stdio", self.supported_systems = supported_systems @defer.inlineCallbacks def run(self) -> Generator[Any, object, Any]: # run nix-eval-jobs --flake .#checks to generate the dict of stages cmd: remotecommand.RemoteCommand = yield self.makeRemoteShellCommand() yield self.runCommand(cmd) # if the command passes extract the list of stages result = cmd.results() if result == util.SUCCESS: # create a ShellCommand for each stage and add them to the build jobs = [] for line in"\n"): if line != "": try: job = json.loads(line) except json.JSONDecodeError as e: msg = f"Failed to parse line: {line}" raise BuildbotNixError(msg) from e jobs.append(job) build_props = repo_name = build_props.getProperty( "github.base.repo.full_name", build_props.getProperty("github.repository.full_name"), ) project_id = slugify_project_name(repo_name) filtered_jobs = [] for job in jobs: system = job.get("system") if not system or system in self.supported_systems: # report eval errors filtered_jobs.append(job) [ BuildTrigger( builds_scheduler=f"{project_id}-nix-build", skipped_builds_scheduler=f"{project_id}-nix-skipped-build", name="build flake", jobs=filtered_jobs, ), ], ) return result # FIXME this leaks memory... but probably not enough that we care class RetryCounter: def __init__(self, retries: int) -> None: self.builds: dict[uuid.UUID, int] = defaultdict(lambda: retries) def retry_build(self, build_id: uuid.UUID) -> int: retries = self.builds[build_id] if retries > 1: self.builds[build_id] = retries - 1 return retries return 0 # For now we limit this to two. Often this allows us to make the error log # shorter because we won't see the logs for all previous succeeded builds RETRY_COUNTER = RetryCounter(retries=2) class EvalErrorStep(steps.BuildStep): """Shows the error message of a failed evaluation.""" @defer.inlineCallbacks def run(self) -> Generator[Any, object, Any]: error = self.getProperty("error") attr = self.getProperty("attr") # show eval error error_log: Log = yield self.addLog("nix_error") error_log.addStderr(f"{attr} failed to evaluate:\n{error}") return util.FAILURE class NixBuildCommand(buildstep.ShellMixin, steps.BuildStep): """Builds a nix derivation.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: kwargs = self.setupShellMixin(kwargs) super().__init__(**kwargs) @defer.inlineCallbacks def run(self) -> Generator[Any, object, Any]: # run `nix build` cmd: remotecommand.RemoteCommand = yield self.makeRemoteShellCommand() yield self.runCommand(cmd) res = cmd.results() if res == util.FAILURE: retries = RETRY_COUNTER.retry_build(self.getProperty("build_uuid")) if retries > 0: return util.RETRY return res class UpdateBuildOutput(steps.BuildStep): """Updates store paths in a public www directory. This is useful to prefetch updates without having to evaluate on the target machine. """ def __init__(self, path: Path, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) self.path = path def run(self) -> Generator[Any, object, Any]: props = if props.getProperty("branch") != props.getProperty( "github.repository.default_branch", ): return util.SKIPPED attr = Path(props.getProperty("attr")).name out_path = props.getProperty("out_path") # XXX don't hardcode this self.path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) (self.path / attr).write_text(out_path) return util.SUCCESS # The builtin retry mechanism doesn't seem to work for github, # since github is sometimes not delivering the pull request ref fast enough. class GitWithRetry(steps.Git): @defer.inlineCallbacks def run_vc( self, branch: str, revision: str, patch: str, ) -> Generator[Any, object, Any]: retry_counter = 0 while True: try: res = yield super().run_vc(branch, revision, patch) except Exception as e: # noqa: BLE001 retry_counter += 1 if retry_counter == 3: msg = "Failed to clone" raise BuildbotNixError(msg) from e log: Log = yield self.addLog("log") yield log.addStderr(f"Retrying git clone (error: {e})\n") yield asyncSleep(2 << retry_counter) # 2, 4, 8 else: return res def nix_eval_config( project: GerritProject, worker_names: list[str], supported_systems: list[str], eval_lock: util.MasterLock, worker_count: int, max_memory_size: int, ) -> util.BuilderConfig: """Uses nix-eval-jobs to evaluate hydraJobs from flake.nix in parallel. For each evaluated attribute a new build pipeline is started. """ factory = util.BuildFactory() # check out the source factory.addStep( steps.Gerrit( repourl=project.url, mode="full", retry=[60, 60], timeout=3600 ), ) drv_gcroots_dir = util.Interpolate( "/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user/buildbot-worker/%(prop:project)s/drvs/", ) factory.addStep( NixEvalCommand( env={}, name="evaluate flake", supported_systems=supported_systems, command=[ "nix-eval-jobs", "--workers", str(worker_count), "--max-memory-size", str(max_memory_size), "--option", "accept-flake-config", "true", "--gc-roots-dir", drv_gcroots_dir, "--force-recurse", "--check-cache-status", "--flake", ".#checks", ], haltOnFailure=True, locks=[eval_lock.access("exclusive")], ), ) factory.addStep( steps.ShellCommand( name="Cleanup drv paths", command=[ "rm", "-rf", drv_gcroots_dir, ], ), ) return util.BuilderConfig( name=f"{}/nix-eval", workernames=worker_names,, factory=factory, properties=dict(status_name="nix-eval"), ) @dataclass class CachixConfig: name: str signing_key_secret_name: str | None = None auth_token_secret_name: str | None = None def cachix_env(self) -> dict[str, str]: env = {} if self.signing_key_secret_name is not None: env["CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY"] = util.Secret(self.signing_key_secret_name) if self.auth_token_secret_name is not None: env["CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN"] = util.Secret(self.auth_token_secret_name) return env def nix_build_config( project: GerritProject, worker_names: list[str], cachix: CachixConfig | None = None, outputs_path: Path | None = None, ) -> util.BuilderConfig: """Builds one nix flake attribute.""" factory = util.BuildFactory() factory.addStep( NixBuildCommand( env={}, name="Build flake attr", command=[ "nix", "build", "-L", "--option", "keep-going", "true", "--option", # stop stuck builds after 20 minutes "--max-silent-time", str(60 * 20), "--accept-flake-config", "--out-link", util.Interpolate("result-%(prop:attr)s"), util.Interpolate("%(prop:drv_path)s^*"), ], # 3 hours, defaults to 20 minutes # We increase this over the default since the build output might end up in a different `nix build`. timeout=60 * 60 * 3, haltOnFailure=True, ), ) if cachix: factory.addStep( steps.ShellCommand( name="Upload cachix", env=cachix.cachix_env(), command=[ "cachix", "push",, util.Interpolate("result-%(prop:attr)s"), ], ), ) factory.addStep( steps.ShellCommand( name="Register gcroot", command=[ "nix-store", "--add-root", # FIXME: cleanup old build attributes util.Interpolate( "/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user/buildbot-worker/%(prop:project)s/%(prop:attr)s", ), "-r", util.Property("out_path"), ], doStepIf=lambda s: s.getProperty("branch") == s.getProperty("github.repository.default_branch"), ), ) factory.addStep( steps.ShellCommand( name="Delete temporary gcroots", command=["rm", "-f", util.Interpolate("result-%(prop:attr)s")], ), ) if outputs_path is not None: factory.addStep( UpdateBuildOutput( name="Update build output", path=outputs_path, ), ) return util.BuilderConfig( name=f"{}/nix-build",, workernames=worker_names, collapseRequests=False, env={}, factory=factory, ) def nix_skipped_build_config( project: GerritProject, worker_names: list[str], ) -> util.BuilderConfig: """Dummy builder that is triggered when a build is skipped.""" factory = util.BuildFactory() factory.addStep( EvalErrorStep( name="Nix evaluation", doStepIf=lambda s: s.getProperty("error"), hideStepIf=lambda _, s: not s.getProperty("error"), ), ) # This is just a dummy step showing the cached build factory.addStep( steps.BuildStep( name="Nix build (cached)", doStepIf=lambda _: False, hideStepIf=lambda _, s: s.getProperty("error"), ), ) return util.BuilderConfig( name=f"{}/nix-skipped-build",, workernames=worker_names, collapseRequests=False, env={}, factory=factory, ) def read_secret_file(secret_name: str) -> str: directory = os.environ.get("CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY") if directory is None: print("directory not set", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) return Path(directory).joinpath(secret_name).read_text().rstrip() def config_for_project( config: dict[str, Any], project: GerritProject, worker_names: list[str], nix_supported_systems: list[str], nix_eval_worker_count: int, nix_eval_max_memory_size: int, eval_lock: util.MasterLock, cachix: CachixConfig | None = None, outputs_path: Path | None = None, ) -> Project: config["projects"].append(Project( config["schedulers"].extend( [ # build all pull requests schedulers.SingleBranchScheduler( name=f"{project.project_id}-prs", change_filter=util.ChangeFilter( repository=project.url, category="pull", ), builderNames=[f"{}/nix-eval"], ), # this is triggered from `nix-eval` schedulers.Triggerable( name=f"{project.project_id}-nix-build", builderNames=[f"{}/nix-build"], ), # this is triggered from `nix-eval` when the build is skipped schedulers.Triggerable( name=f"{project.project_id}-nix-skipped-build", builderNames=[f"{}/nix-skipped-build"], ), # allow to manually trigger a nix-build schedulers.ForceScheduler( name=f"{project.project_id}-force", builderNames=[f"{}/nix-eval"], properties=[ util.StringParameter( name="project", label="Name of the GitHub repository.",, ), ], ), ], ) config["builders"].extend( [ # Since all workers run on the same machine, we only assign one of them to do the evaluation. # This should prevent exessive memory usage. nix_eval_config( project, worker_names, supported_systems=nix_supported_systems, worker_count=nix_eval_worker_count, max_memory_size=nix_eval_max_memory_size, eval_lock=eval_lock, ), nix_build_config( project, worker_names, cachix=cachix, outputs_path=outputs_path, ), nix_skipped_build_config(project, [SKIPPED_BUILDER_NAME]), ], ) class PeriodicWithStartup(schedulers.Periodic): def __init__(self, *args: Any, run_on_startup: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.run_on_startup = run_on_startup @defer.inlineCallbacks def activate(self) -> Generator[Any, object, Any]: if self.run_on_startup: yield self.setState("last_build", None) yield super().activate() def gerritReviewCB(builderName, build, result, master, arg): if result == util.RETRY: return dict() message = "Buildbot finished compiling your patchset\n" message += "on configuration: %s\n" % builderName message += "The result is: %s\n" % util.Results[result].upper() if arg: message += "\nFor more details visit:\n" message += build['url'] + "\n" if result == util.SUCCESS: verified = 1 else: verified = -1 return dict(message=message, labels={'Verified': verified}) def gerritStartCB(builderName, build, arg): message = "Buildbot started compiling your patchset\n" message += "on configuration: %s\n" % builderName message += "See your build here: %s" % build['url'] return dict(message=message) def gerritSummaryCB(buildInfoList, results, status, arg): success = False failure = False msgs = [] for buildInfo in buildInfoList: msg = "Builder %(name)s %(resultText)s (%(text)s)" % buildInfo link = buildInfo.get('url', None) if link: msg += " - " + link else: msg += "." msgs.append(msg) if buildInfo['result'] == util.SUCCESS: success = True else: failure = True if success and not failure: verified = 1 else: verified = -1 return dict(message='\n\n'.join(msgs), labels={ 'Verified': verified }) class GerritNixConfigurator(ConfiguratorBase): """Janitor is a configurator which create a Janitor Builder with all needed Janitor steps""" def __init__( self, # Shape of this file: [ { "name": "", "pass": "", "cores": "" } ] gerrit_server: str, gerrit_user: str, gerrit_port: int, url: str, nix_supported_systems: list[str], nix_eval_worker_count: int | None, nix_eval_max_memory_size: int, nix_workers_secret_name: str = "buildbot-nix-workers", # noqa: S107 cachix: CachixConfig | None = None, outputs_path: str | None = None, ) -> None: super().__init__() self.gerrit_server = gerrit_server self.gerrit_user = gerrit_user self.gerrit_port = gerrit_port self.nix_workers_secret_name = nix_workers_secret_name self.nix_eval_max_memory_size = nix_eval_max_memory_size self.nix_eval_worker_count = nix_eval_worker_count self.nix_supported_systems = nix_supported_systems self.gerrit_change_source = GerritChangeSource(gerrit_server, gerrit_user, gerritport=gerrit_port) self.url = url self.cachix = cachix if outputs_path is None: self.outputs_path = None else: self.outputs_path = Path(outputs_path) def configure(self, config: dict[str, Any]) -> None: worker_config = json.loads(read_secret_file(self.nix_workers_secret_name)) worker_names = [] config.setdefault("projects", []) config.setdefault("secretsProviders", []) config.setdefault("www", {}) for item in worker_config: cores = item.get("cores", 0) for i in range(cores): worker_name = f"{item['name']}-{i:03}" config["workers"].append(worker.Worker(worker_name, item["pass"])) worker_names.append(worker_name) eval_lock = util.MasterLock("nix-eval") # TODO: initialize Lix # config_for_project( # config, # project, # worker_names, # self.nix_supported_systems, # self.nix_eval_worker_count or multiprocessing.cpu_count(), # self.nix_eval_max_memory_size, # eval_lock, # self.cachix, # self.outputs_path, # ) config["workers"].append(worker.LocalWorker(SKIPPED_BUILDER_NAME)) config["services"].append( reporters.GerritStatusPush(self.gerrit_server, self.gerrit_user, reviewCB=gerritReviewCB, reviewArg=self.url, startCB=gerritStartCB, startArg=self.url, summaryCB=gerritSummaryCB, summaryArg=self.url) ) systemd_secrets = secrets.SecretInAFile( dirname=os.environ["CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY"], ) config["secretsProviders"].append(systemd_secrets) config["www"].setdefault("plugins", {}) config["www"]["plugins"].update(dict(base_react={})) if "auth" not in config["www"]: config["www"]["auth"] = LixSystemsOAuth2()