(import ./lib.nix) { name = "from-nixos"; nodes = { # `self` here is set by using specialArgs in `lib.nix` node1 = { self, pkgs, ... }: { imports = [ self.nixosModules.buildbot-master ]; services.buildbot-nix.master = { enable = true; domain = "buildbot2.thalheim.io"; workersFile = pkgs.writeText "workers.json" '' [ { "name": "eve", "pass": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", "cores": 16 } ] ''; github = { tokenFile = pkgs.writeText "github-token" "ghp_000000000000000000000000000000000000"; webhookSecretFile = pkgs.writeText "webhookSecret" "00000000000000000000"; oauthSecretFile = pkgs.writeText "oauthSecret" "ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"; oauthId = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"; user = "mic92-buildbot"; admins = [ "Mic92" ]; }; }; }; }; # This is the test code that will check if our service is running correctly: testScript = '' start_all() # wait for our service to start node1.wait_for_unit("buildbot-master") ''; }