forked from lix-project/lix
No need to use `c_str()` in combination with `ASSERT_STREQ`. It's possible to just use ASSERT_EQ on std::string
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 54 additions and 54 deletions
@ -12,14 +12,14 @@ namespace nix {
TEST(absPath, doesntChangeRoot) {
auto p = absPath("/");
ASSERT_STREQ(p.c_str(), "/");
ASSERT_EQ(p, "/");
TEST(absPath, turnsEmptyPathIntoCWD) {
char cwd[PATH_MAX+1];
auto p = absPath("");
ASSERT_STREQ(p.c_str(), getcwd((char*)&cwd, PATH_MAX));
ASSERT_EQ(p, getcwd((char*)&cwd, PATH_MAX));
TEST(absPath, usesOptionalBasePathWhenGiven) {
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ namespace nix {
auto p = absPath("", cwd);
ASSERT_STREQ(p.c_str(), cwd);
ASSERT_EQ(p, cwd);
TEST(absPath, isIdempotent) {
@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ namespace nix {
auto p1 = absPath(cwd);
auto p2 = absPath(p1);
ASSERT_STREQ(p1.c_str(), p2.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(p1, p2);
@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ namespace nix {
auto p1 = absPath(path);
auto p2 = absPath(p1);
ASSERT_STREQ(p1.c_str(), "/some/path/with/trailing/dot");
ASSERT_STREQ(p1.c_str(), p2.c_str());
ASSERT_EQ(p1, "/some/path/with/trailing/dot");
ASSERT_EQ(p1, p2);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -58,21 +58,21 @@ namespace nix {
auto path = "/this/is/a/path//";
auto p = canonPath(path);
ASSERT_STREQ(p.c_str(), "/this/is/a/path");
ASSERT_EQ(p, "/this/is/a/path");
TEST(canonPath, removesDots) {
auto path = "/this/./is/a/path/./";
auto p = canonPath(path);
ASSERT_STREQ(p.c_str(), "/this/is/a/path");
ASSERT_EQ(p, "/this/is/a/path");
TEST(canonPath, removesDots2) {
auto path = "/this/a/../is/a////path/foo/..";
auto p = canonPath(path);
ASSERT_STREQ(p.c_str(), "/this/is/a/path");
ASSERT_EQ(p, "/this/is/a/path");
TEST(canonPath, requiresAbsolutePath) {
@ -91,18 +91,18 @@ namespace nix {
TEST(dirOf, DISABLED_returnsEmptyStringForRoot) {
auto p = dirOf("/");
ASSERT_STREQ(p.c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(p, "");
TEST(dirOf, returnsFirstPathComponent) {
auto p1 = dirOf("/dir/");
ASSERT_STREQ(p1.c_str(), "/dir");
ASSERT_EQ(p1, "/dir");
auto p2 = dirOf("/dir");
ASSERT_STREQ(p2.c_str(), "/");
ASSERT_EQ(p2, "/");
auto p3 = dirOf("/dir/..");
ASSERT_STREQ(p3.c_str(), "/dir");
ASSERT_EQ(p3, "/dir");
auto p4 = dirOf("/dir/../");
ASSERT_STREQ(p4.c_str(), "/dir/..");
ASSERT_EQ(p4, "/dir/..");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -111,29 +111,29 @@ namespace nix {
TEST(baseNameOf, emptyPath) {
auto p1 = baseNameOf("");
ASSERT_STREQ(std::string(p1).c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(std::string(p1), "");
TEST(baseNameOf, pathOnRoot) {
auto p1 = baseNameOf("/dir");
ASSERT_STREQ(std::string(p1).c_str(), "dir");
ASSERT_EQ(std::string(p1), "dir");
TEST(baseNameOf, relativePath) {
auto p1 = baseNameOf("dir/foo");
ASSERT_STREQ(std::string(p1).c_str(), "foo");
ASSERT_EQ(std::string(p1), "foo");
TEST(baseNameOf, pathWithTrailingSlashRoot) {
auto p1 = baseNameOf("/");
ASSERT_STREQ(std::string(p1).c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(std::string(p1), "");
// XXX: according to the doc of `baseNameOf`, baseNameOf("/dir/") should return
// "" but it actually returns "dir"
TEST(baseNameOf, DISABLED_trailingSlash) {
auto p1 = baseNameOf("/dir/");
ASSERT_STREQ(std::string(p1).c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(std::string(p1), "");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -265,11 +265,11 @@ namespace nix {
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TEST(base64Encode, emptyString) {
ASSERT_STREQ(base64Encode("").c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(base64Encode(""), "");
TEST(base64Encode, encodesAString) {
ASSERT_STREQ(base64Encode("quod erat demonstrandum").c_str(), "cXVvZCBlcmF0IGRlbW9uc3RyYW5kdW0=");
ASSERT_EQ(base64Encode("quod erat demonstrandum"), "cXVvZCBlcmF0IGRlbW9uc3RyYW5kdW0=");
TEST(base64Encode, encodeAndDecode) {
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ namespace nix {
auto encoded = base64Encode(s);
auto decoded = base64Decode(encoded);
ASSERT_STREQ(decoded.c_str(), s);
ASSERT_EQ(decoded, s);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -285,11 +285,11 @@ namespace nix {
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TEST(base64Decode, emptyString) {
ASSERT_STREQ(base64Decode("").c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(base64Decode(""), "");
TEST(base64Decode, decodeAString) {
ASSERT_STREQ(base64Decode("cXVvZCBlcmF0IGRlbW9uc3RyYW5kdW0=").c_str(), "quod erat demonstrandum");
ASSERT_EQ(base64Decode("cXVvZCBlcmF0IGRlbW9uc3RyYW5kdW0="), "quod erat demonstrandum");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -297,12 +297,12 @@ namespace nix {
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TEST(toLower, emptyString) {
ASSERT_STREQ(toLower("").c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(toLower(""), "");
TEST(toLower, nonLetters) {
auto s = "!@(*$#)(@#=\\234_";
ASSERT_STREQ(toLower(s).c_str(), s);
ASSERT_EQ(toLower(s), s);
// XXX: std::tolower() doesn't cover this. This probably doesn't matter
@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ namespace nix {
// characters are not allowed.
TEST(toLower, DISABLED_umlauts) {
auto s = "ÄÖÜ";
ASSERT_STREQ(toLower(s).c_str(), "äöü");
ASSERT_EQ(toLower(s), "äöü");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -377,27 +377,27 @@ namespace nix {
StringMap rewrites;
rewrites["this"] = "that";
ASSERT_STREQ(rewriteStrings("", rewrites).c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(rewriteStrings("", rewrites), "");
TEST(rewriteStrings, emptyRewrites) {
StringMap rewrites;
ASSERT_STREQ(rewriteStrings("this and that", rewrites).c_str(), "this and that");
ASSERT_EQ(rewriteStrings("this and that", rewrites), "this and that");
TEST(rewriteStrings, successfulRewrite) {
StringMap rewrites;
rewrites["this"] = "that";
ASSERT_STREQ(rewriteStrings("this and that", rewrites).c_str(), "that and that");
ASSERT_EQ(rewriteStrings("this and that", rewrites), "that and that");
TEST(rewriteStrings, doesntOccur) {
StringMap rewrites;
rewrites["foo"] = "bar";
ASSERT_STREQ(rewriteStrings("this and that", rewrites).c_str(), "this and that");
ASSERT_EQ(rewriteStrings("this and that", rewrites), "this and that");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -405,16 +405,16 @@ namespace nix {
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TEST(replaceStrings, emptyString) {
ASSERT_STREQ(replaceStrings("", "this", "that").c_str(), "");
ASSERT_STREQ(replaceStrings("this and that", "", "").c_str(), "this and that");
ASSERT_EQ(replaceStrings("", "this", "that"), "");
ASSERT_EQ(replaceStrings("this and that", "", ""), "this and that");
TEST(replaceStrings, successfulReplace) {
ASSERT_STREQ(replaceStrings("this and that", "this", "that").c_str(), "that and that");
ASSERT_EQ(replaceStrings("this and that", "this", "that"), "that and that");
TEST(replaceStrings, doesntOccur) {
ASSERT_STREQ(replaceStrings("this and that", "foo", "bar").c_str(), "this and that");
ASSERT_EQ(replaceStrings("this and that", "foo", "bar"), "this and that");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -422,14 +422,14 @@ namespace nix {
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TEST(trim, emptyString) {
ASSERT_STREQ(trim("").c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(trim(""), "");
TEST(trim, removesWhitespace) {
ASSERT_STREQ(trim("foo").c_str(), "foo");
ASSERT_STREQ(trim(" foo ").c_str(), "foo");
ASSERT_STREQ(trim(" foo bar baz").c_str(), "foo bar baz");
ASSERT_STREQ(trim(" \t foo bar baz\n").c_str(), "foo bar baz");
ASSERT_EQ(trim("foo"), "foo");
ASSERT_EQ(trim(" foo "), "foo");
ASSERT_EQ(trim(" foo bar baz"), "foo bar baz");
ASSERT_EQ(trim(" \t foo bar baz\n"), "foo bar baz");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -437,15 +437,15 @@ namespace nix {
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
TEST(chomp, emptyString) {
ASSERT_STREQ(chomp("").c_str(), "");
ASSERT_EQ(chomp(""), "");
TEST(chomp, removesWhitespace) {
ASSERT_STREQ(chomp("foo").c_str(), "foo");
ASSERT_STREQ(chomp("foo ").c_str(), "foo");
ASSERT_STREQ(chomp(" foo ").c_str(), " foo");
ASSERT_STREQ(chomp(" foo bar baz ").c_str(), " foo bar baz");
ASSERT_STREQ(chomp("\t foo bar baz\n").c_str(), "\t foo bar baz");
ASSERT_EQ(chomp("foo"), "foo");
ASSERT_EQ(chomp("foo "), "foo");
ASSERT_EQ(chomp(" foo "), " foo");
ASSERT_EQ(chomp(" foo bar baz "), " foo bar baz");
ASSERT_EQ(chomp("\t foo bar baz\n"), "\t foo bar baz");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@ -566,29 +566,29 @@ namespace nix {
auto s = "";
auto expected = "";
ASSERT_STREQ(filterANSIEscapes(s).c_str(), expected);
ASSERT_EQ(filterANSIEscapes(s), expected);
TEST(filterANSIEscapes, doesntChangePrintableChars) {
auto s = "09 2q304ruyhr slk2-19024 kjsadh sar f";
ASSERT_STREQ(filterANSIEscapes(s).c_str(), s);
ASSERT_EQ(filterANSIEscapes(s), s);
TEST(filterANSIEscapes, filtersColorCodes) {
auto s = "\u001b[30m A \u001b[31m B \u001b[32m C \u001b[33m D \u001b[0m";
ASSERT_STREQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 2).c_str(), " A" );
ASSERT_STREQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 3).c_str(), " A " );
ASSERT_STREQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 4).c_str(), " A " );
ASSERT_STREQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 5).c_str(), " A B" );
ASSERT_STREQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 8).c_str(), " A B C" );
ASSERT_EQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 2), " A" );
ASSERT_EQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 3), " A " );
ASSERT_EQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 4), " A " );
ASSERT_EQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 5), " A B" );
ASSERT_EQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true, 8), " A B C" );
TEST(filterANSIEscapes, expandsTabs) {
auto s = "foo\tbar\tbaz";
ASSERT_STREQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true).c_str(), "foo bar baz" );
ASSERT_EQ(filterANSIEscapes(s, true), "foo bar baz" );
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