import requests import textwrap import dataclasses import logging import re import os API_BASE = '' API_KEY = os.environ['FORGEJO_API_KEY'] log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.setLevel(logging.INFO) fmt = logging.Formatter('{asctime} {levelname} {name}: {message}', datefmt='%b %d %H:%M:%S', style='{') if not any(isinstance(h, logging.StreamHandler) for h in log.handlers): hand = logging.StreamHandler() hand.setFormatter(fmt) log.addHandler(hand) # These are erring in the direction of re-triage, rather than necessarily # mapping all metadata of the issue LABEL_MAPPING = { 'lix-import': 153, # 'imported', 'contributor-experience': 148, # 'devx', 'bug': 150, # 'bug', 'UX': 149, # 'ux', 'error-messages': 149, # 'ux', 'lix-stability': 146, # 'stability', 'performance': 147, # 'performance', 'tests': 121, # 'tests', } def api(method, endpoint: str, resp_json=True, **kwargs):'http %s %s', method, endpoint) if not endpoint.startswith('https'): endpoint = API_BASE + endpoint resp = requests.request(method, endpoint, headers={'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_KEY}'}, **kwargs) resp.raise_for_status() if resp_json: return resp.json() else: return resp def paginate(method: str, url: str): while True: resp = api(method, url, resp_json=False) yield from resp.json() next_one = resp.links.get('next') if not next_one: return url = next_one.get('url') if not url: return class DataClassUnpack: """Taken from:""" classFieldCache = {} @classmethod def instantiate(cls, classToInstantiate, argDict): if classToInstantiate not in cls.classFieldCache: cls.classFieldCache[classToInstantiate] = { for f in getattr(classToInstantiate, dataclasses._FIELDS).values() if f._field_type is not dataclasses._FIELD_CLASSVAR # type: ignore } fieldSet = cls.classFieldCache[classToInstantiate] filteredArgDict = {k: v for k, v in argDict.items() if k in fieldSet} return classToInstantiate(**filteredArgDict) @dataclasses.dataclass class Label: name: str description: str @dataclasses.dataclass class Issue: number: int url: str html_url: str title: str body: str labels: dataclasses.InitVar[list[dict]] labels_clean: list[Label] = dataclasses.field(init=False) def __post_init__(self, labels): self.labels_clean = [DataClassUnpack.instantiate(Label, l) for l in labels] def issues_to_import(): yield from paginate('GET', '/repos/nixos/nix/issues?state=open&labels=lix-import') def issues_already_imported(): yield from paginate('GET', '/repos/lix-project/lix/issues?state=all&labels=imported') UPSTREAM_ISSUE_RE = re.compile(r'^Upstream-Issue: https://git\.lix\.systems/NixOS/nix/issues/(\d+)$', re.MULTILINE) def make_already_imported(): d = {} for issue in issues_already_imported(): iss = DataClassUnpack.instantiate(Issue, issue) print(iss) match = if match: d[int(] = iss return d def new_issue(title, body, labels): api('POST', '/repos/lix-project/lix/issues', resp_json=True, json={ 'labels': labels, 'body': body, 'title': title, }) already_imported = make_already_imported() def import_issue(iss: Issue): if iss.number in already_imported:'Skipping already imported %d', iss.number) return new_body = textwrap.dedent(''' Upstream-Issue: {iss} {original_body} ''').format(iss=iss.html_url, original_body=iss.body) new_labels = [LABEL_MAPPING[] for l in iss.labels_clean if in LABEL_MAPPING] new_title = '[Nix#{num}] {title}'.format(num=iss.number, title=iss.title)'%s', f'create issue with: {new_labels} {new_title} {new_body}') new_issue(new_title, new_body, new_labels) def go(): print('Have you turned off the forgejo mailer? Enter "We have" if so:') answer = input('> ') if answer != 'We have': return'Importing issues!') for issue in issues_to_import(): import_issue(DataClassUnpack.instantiate(Issue, issue)) if __name__ == '__main__': go()