#!/bin/bash set -eu set -o pipefail # Sourced from: # - https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/blob/8c29d0985d74b4a990238497c47a2542a5616b3c/bootstrap.sh # - https://gist.github.com/expipiplus1/e571ce88c608a1e83547c918591b149f/ac504c6c1b96e65505fbda437a28ce563408ecb0 # - https://github.com/NixOS/nixos-org-configurations/blob/a122f418797713d519aadf02e677fce0dc1cb446/delft/scripts/nix-mac-installer.sh # - https://github.com/matthewbauer/macNixOS/blob/f6045394f9153edea417be90c216788e754feaba/install-macNixOS.sh # - https://gist.github.com/LnL7/9717bd6cdcb30b086fd7f2093e5f8494/86b26f852ce563e973acd30f796a9a416248c34a # # however tracking which bits came from which would be impossible. readonly ESC='\033[0m' readonly BOLD='\033[38;1m' readonly BLUE='\033[38;34m' readonly BLUE_UL='\033[38;4;34m' readonly GREEN='\033[38;32m' readonly GREEN_UL='\033[38;4;32m' readonly RED='\033[38;31m' readonly RED_UL='\033[38;4;31m' readonly YELLOW='\033[38;33m' readonly YELLOW_UL='\033[38;4;33m' readonly CORES=$(sysctl -n hw.ncpu) readonly NIX_USER_COUNT="$CORES" readonly NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID="30000" readonly NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME="nixbld" readonly NIX_FIRST_BUILD_UID="30001" # Please don't change this. We don't support it, because the # default shell profile that comes with Nix doesn't support it. readonly NIX_ROOT="/nix" readonly PLIST_DEST=/Library/LaunchDaemons/org.nixos.nix-daemon.plist readonly PROFILE_TARGETS=("/etc/profile" "/etc/bashrc" "/etc/zshrc") readonly PROFILE_BACKUP_SUFFIX=".backup-before-nix" readonly PROFILE_NIX_FILE="$NIX_ROOT/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/profile.d/nix-daemon.sh" readonly NIX_INSTALLED_NIX="@nix@" readonly NIX_INSTALLED_CACERT="@cacert@" readonly EXTRACTED_NIX_PATH="$(dirname "$0")" readonly ROOT_HOME="/var/root" contactme() { echo "We'd love to help if you need it." echo "" echo "If you can, open an issue at https://github.com/nixos/nix/issues" echo "" echo "Or feel free to contact the team," echo " - on IRC #nixos on irc.freenode.net" echo " - on twitter @nixos_org" } uninstall_directions() { subheader "Uninstalling nix:" local step=1 cat < $1" } bold() { echo "$BOLD$*$ESC" } ok() { _textout "$GREEN" "$@" } warning() { warningheader "warning!" cat echo "" } failure() { header "oh no!" _textout "$RED" "$@" echo "" _textout "$RED" "$(contactme)" trap finish_cleanup EXIT exit 1 } ui_confirm() { _textout "$GREEN$GREEN_UL" "$1" local prompt="[y/n] " echo -n "$prompt" while read -r y; do if [ "$y" = "y" ]; then echo "" return 0 elif [ "$y" = "n" ]; then echo "" return 1 else _textout "$RED" "Sorry, I didn't understand. I can only understand answers of y or n" echo -n "$prompt" fi done echo "" return 1 } __sudo() { local expl="$1" local cmd="$2" shift header "sudo execution" echo "I am executing:" echo "" echo " $ sudo $cmd" echo "" echo "$expl" echo "" return 0 } _sudo() { local expl="$1" shift if __sudo "$expl" "$*"; then sudo "$@" fi } readonly SCRATCH=$(mktemp -d -t tmp.XXXXXXXXXX) function finish_cleanup { rm -rf "$SCRATCH" } function finish_fail { finish_cleanup failure < /dev/null >&2; then failure < /dev/null 2>&1; then _sudo "Create the Nix build group, $NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" \ /usr/sbin/dseditgroup -o create \ -r "Nix build group for nix-daemon" \ -i "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID" \ "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" >&2 row " Created" "Yes" else primary_group_id=$(dsclattr "/Groups/$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_NAME" "PrimaryGroupID") if [ "$primary_group_id" -ne "$NIX_BUILD_GROUP_ID" ]; then failure < /dev/null 2>&1; then _sudo "Creating the Nix build user, $username" \ /usr/sbin/sysadminctl -addUser -fullName "Nix build user $coreid" \ -home /var/empty \ -UID "${uid}" \ -addUser "${username}" row " Created" "Yes" else actual_uid=$(dsclattr "$dsclpath" "UniqueID") if [ "$actual_uid" -ne "$uid" ]; then failure <