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2022-01-14 16:28:22 +00:00
use strict;
use warnings;
use Setup;
use Test2::V0;
use Catalyst::Test ();
use HTTP::Request::Common;
use JSON::MaybeXS qw(decode_json);
2022-01-14 16:28:22 +00:00
my $ctx = test_context();
my $builds = $ctx->makeAndEvaluateJobset(
expression => "basic.nix",
build => 1
my $build = $builds->{"empty_dir"};
my $jobset = $build->jobset;
my $project = $build->project;
subtest "/job/PROJECT/JOBSET/JOB/all" => sub {
my $response = request(GET '/job/' . $project->name . '/' . $jobset->name . '/' . $build->job . '/all');
ok($response->is_success, "The page showing the job's builds returns 200.");
subtest "/job/PROJECT/JOBSET/JOB/channel/latest" => sub {
my $response = request(GET '/job/' . $project->name . '/' . $jobset->name . '/' . $build->job . '/channel/latest');
ok($response->is_success, "The page showing the job's channel returns 200.");
subtest "/job/PROJECT/JOBSET/JOB/shield" => sub {
my $response = request(GET '/job/' . $project->name . '/' . $jobset->name . '/' . $build->job . '/shield');
ok($response->is_success, "The page showing the job's shield returns 200.");
my $data;
my $valid_json = lives { $data = decode_json($response->content); };
ok($valid_json, "We get back valid JSON.");
if (!$valid_json) {
use Data::Dumper;
print STDERR Dumper $response->content;
is($data->{"color"}, "green");
is($data->{"label"}, "hydra build");
is($data->{"message"}, "passing");
is($data->{"schemaVersion"}, 1);
2022-01-14 16:28:22 +00:00