{ pkgs, ... }: { # documentation.dev.enable = true; # environment.extraOutputsToInstall = [ "info" "man" "devman" ]; # this extends the list from: # https://github.com/numtide/srvos/blob/master/server.nix#L10 environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ socat whois jq psmisc libarchive sipcalc iperf openssl binutils file wget htop ripgrep lsof tcpdump rsync git tig lazygit python3 iotop man-pages netcat mtr (neovim.override { vimAlias = true; }) pciutils ethtool usbutils ipmitool (neovim.override { viAlias = true; vimAlias = true; configure = { packages.myPlugins = with pkgs.vimPlugins; { start = [ vim-lastplace vim-nix ]; opt = [ ]; }; }; }) # tries to default to soft-float due to out-dated cc-rs ] ++ lib.optional (!stdenv.hostPlatform.isRiscV) bandwhich; programs.vim.defaultEditor = true; environment.variables = { EDITOR = "nvim"; }; programs.mosh.enable = true; programs.tmux.enable = true; }