Eelco Dolstra 0f840483c7
Add date of last commit to SourceInfo
This is primarily useful for version string generation, where we need
a monotonically increasing number. The revcount is the preferred thing
to use, but isn't available for GitHub flakes (since it requires
fetching the entire history). The last commit timestamp OTOH can be
extracted from GitHub tarballs.
2019-05-29 10:10:36 +02:00

423 lines
10 KiB

#include "command.hh"
#include "common-args.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "progress-bar.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "primops/flake.hh"
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <queue>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace nix;
class FlakeCommand : virtual Args, public EvalCommand, public MixFlakeOptions
std::string flakeUri = ".";
expectArg("flake-uri", &flakeUri, true);
FlakeRef getFlakeRef()
if (flakeUri.find('/') != std::string::npos || flakeUri == ".")
return FlakeRef(flakeUri, true);
return FlakeRef(flakeUri);
Flake getFlake()
auto evalState = getEvalState();
return nix::getFlake(*evalState, getFlakeRef(), useRegistries);
ResolvedFlake resolveFlake()
return nix::resolveFlake(*getEvalState(), getFlakeRef(), getLockFileMode());
struct CmdFlakeList : EvalCommand
std::string name() override
return "list";
std::string description() override
return "list available Nix flakes";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto registries = getEvalState()->getFlakeRegistries();
for (auto & entry : registries[FLAG_REGISTRY]->entries)
std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " flags " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n";
for (auto & entry : registries[USER_REGISTRY]->entries)
std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " user " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n";
for (auto & entry : registries[GLOBAL_REGISTRY]->entries)
std::cout << entry.first.to_string() << " global " << entry.second.to_string() << "\n";
static void printSourceInfo(const SourceInfo & sourceInfo)
std::cout << fmt("URI: %s\n", sourceInfo.resolvedRef.to_string());
if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref)
std::cout << fmt("Branch: %s\n",*sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref);
if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev)
std::cout << fmt("Revision: %s\n", sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false));
if (sourceInfo.revCount)
std::cout << fmt("Revisions: %s\n", *sourceInfo.revCount);
if (sourceInfo.lastModified)
std::cout << fmt("Last modified: %s\n",
std::put_time(std::localtime(&*sourceInfo.lastModified), "%F %T"));
std::cout << fmt("Path: %s\n", sourceInfo.storePath);
static void sourceInfoToJson(const SourceInfo & sourceInfo, nlohmann::json & j)
j["uri"] = sourceInfo.resolvedRef.to_string();
if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref)
j["branch"] = *sourceInfo.resolvedRef.ref;
if (sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev)
j["revision"] = sourceInfo.resolvedRef.rev->to_string(Base16, false);
if (sourceInfo.revCount)
j["revCount"] = *sourceInfo.revCount;
if (sourceInfo.lastModified)
j["lastModified"] = *sourceInfo.lastModified;
j["path"] = sourceInfo.storePath;
static void printFlakeInfo(const Flake & flake)
std::cout << fmt("ID: %s\n",;
std::cout << fmt("Description: %s\n", flake.description);
std::cout << fmt("Epoch: %s\n", flake.epoch);
static nlohmann::json flakeToJson(const Flake & flake)
nlohmann::json j;
j["id"] =;
j["description"] = flake.description;
j["epoch"] = flake.epoch;
sourceInfoToJson(flake.sourceInfo, j);
return j;
static void printNonFlakeInfo(const NonFlake & nonFlake)
std::cout << fmt("ID: %s\n", nonFlake.alias);
static nlohmann::json nonFlakeToJson(const NonFlake & nonFlake)
nlohmann::json j;
j["id"] = nonFlake.alias;
sourceInfoToJson(nonFlake.sourceInfo, j);
return j;
// FIXME: merge info CmdFlakeInfo?
struct CmdFlakeDeps : FlakeCommand
std::string name() override
return "deps";
std::string description() override
return "list informaton about dependencies";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = getEvalState();
std::queue<ResolvedFlake> todo;
while (!todo.empty()) {
auto resFlake = std::move(todo.front());
for (auto & nonFlake : resFlake.nonFlakeDeps)
for (auto & info : resFlake.flakeDeps) {
struct CmdFlakeUpdate : FlakeCommand
std::string name() override
return "update";
std::string description() override
return "update flake lock file";
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = getEvalState();
auto flakeRef = getFlakeRef();
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsPath>(&
updateLockFile(*evalState, flakeRef, true);
throw Error("cannot update lockfile of flake '%s'", flakeRef);
struct CmdFlakeInfo : FlakeCommand, MixJSON
std::string name() override
return "info";
std::string description() override
return "list info about a given flake";
CmdFlakeInfo () { }
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto flake = getFlake();
if (json)
std::cout << flakeToJson(flake).dump() << std::endl;
struct CmdFlakeAdd : MixEvalArgs, Command
FlakeUri alias;
FlakeUri uri;
std::string name() override
return "add";
std::string description() override
return "upsert flake in user flake registry";
expectArg("alias", &alias);
expectArg("flake-uri", &uri);
void run() override
FlakeRef aliasRef(alias);
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
auto userRegistry = readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
userRegistry->entries.insert_or_assign(aliasRef, FlakeRef(uri));
writeRegistry(*userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
struct CmdFlakeRemove : virtual Args, MixEvalArgs, Command
FlakeUri alias;
std::string name() override
return "remove";
std::string description() override
return "remove flake from user flake registry";
expectArg("alias", &alias);
void run() override
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
auto userRegistry = readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
writeRegistry(*userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
struct CmdFlakePin : virtual Args, EvalCommand
FlakeUri alias;
std::string name() override
return "pin";
std::string description() override
return "pin flake require in user flake registry";
expectArg("alias", &alias);
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = getEvalState();
Path userRegistryPath = getUserRegistryPath();
FlakeRegistry userRegistry = *readRegistry(userRegistryPath);
auto it = userRegistry.entries.find(FlakeRef(alias));
if (it != userRegistry.entries.end()) {
it->second = getFlake(*evalState, it->second, true).sourceInfo.resolvedRef;
writeRegistry(userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
} else {
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> globalReg = evalState->getGlobalFlakeRegistry();
it = globalReg->entries.find(FlakeRef(alias));
if (it != globalReg->entries.end()) {
auto newRef = getFlake(*evalState, it->second, true).sourceInfo.resolvedRef;
userRegistry.entries.insert_or_assign(alias, newRef);
writeRegistry(userRegistry, userRegistryPath);
} else
throw Error("the flake alias '%s' does not exist in the user or global registry", alias);
struct CmdFlakeInit : virtual Args, Command
std::string name() override
return "init";
std::string description() override
return "create a skeleton 'flake.nix' file in the current directory";
void run() override
Path flakeDir = absPath(".");
if (!pathExists(flakeDir + "/.git"))
throw Error("the directory '%s' is not a Git repository", flakeDir);
Path flakePath = flakeDir + "/flake.nix";
if (pathExists(flakePath))
throw Error("file '%s' already exists", flakePath);
#include "flake-template.nix.gen.hh"
struct CmdFlakeClone : FlakeCommand
Path destDir;
std::string name() override
return "clone";
std::string description() override
return "clone flake repository";
expectArg("dest-dir", &destDir, true);
void run(nix::ref<nix::Store> store) override
auto evalState = getEvalState();
Registries registries = evalState->getFlakeRegistries();
gitCloneFlake(getFlakeRef().to_string(), *evalState, registries, destDir);
struct CmdFlake : virtual MultiCommand, virtual Command
: MultiCommand({make_ref<CmdFlakeList>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeUpdate>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeInfo>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeDeps>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeAdd>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeRemove>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakePin>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeInit>()
, make_ref<CmdFlakeClone>()
std::string name() override
return "flake";
std::string description() override
return "manage Nix flakes";
void run() override
if (!command)
throw UsageError("'nix flake' requires a sub-command.");
void printHelp(const string & programName, std::ostream & out) override
MultiCommand::printHelp(programName, out);
static RegisterCommand r1(make_ref<CmdFlake>());