#include "sqlite.hh" #include "util.hh" #include #include namespace nix { [[noreturn]] void throwSQLiteError(sqlite3 * db, const FormatOrString & fs) { int err = sqlite3_errcode(db); int exterr = sqlite3_extended_errcode(db); auto path = sqlite3_db_filename(db, nullptr); if (!path) path = "(in-memory)"; if (err == SQLITE_BUSY || err == SQLITE_PROTOCOL) { throw SQLiteBusy( err == SQLITE_PROTOCOL ? fmt("SQLite database '%s' is busy (SQLITE_PROTOCOL)", path) : fmt("SQLite database '%s' is busy", path)); } else throw SQLiteError("%s: %s (in '%s')", fs.s, sqlite3_errstr(exterr), path); } SQLite::SQLite(const Path & path, bool create) { if (sqlite3_open_v2(path.c_str(), &db, SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | (create ? SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE : 0), 0) != SQLITE_OK) throw Error("cannot open SQLite database '%s'", path); if (sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 60 * 60 * 1000) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(db, "setting timeout"); exec("pragma foreign_keys = 1"); } SQLite::~SQLite() { try { if (db && sqlite3_close(db) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(db, "closing database"); } catch (...) { ignoreException(); } } void SQLite::isCache() { exec("pragma synchronous = off"); exec("pragma main.journal_mode = truncate"); } void SQLite::exec(const std::string & stmt) { retrySQLite([&]() { if (sqlite3_exec(db, stmt.c_str(), 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(db, format("executing SQLite statement '%s'") % stmt); }); } void SQLiteStmt::create(sqlite3 * db, const string & sql) { checkInterrupt(); assert(!stmt); if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql.c_str(), -1, &stmt, 0) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(db, fmt("creating statement '%s'", sql)); this->db = db; this->sql = sql; } SQLiteStmt::~SQLiteStmt() { try { if (stmt && sqlite3_finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(db, fmt("finalizing statement '%s'", sql)); } catch (...) { ignoreException(); } } SQLiteStmt::Use::Use(SQLiteStmt & stmt) : stmt(stmt) { assert(stmt.stmt); /* Note: sqlite3_reset() returns the error code for the most recent call to sqlite3_step(). So ignore it. */ sqlite3_reset(stmt); } SQLiteStmt::Use::~Use() { sqlite3_reset(stmt); } SQLiteStmt::Use & SQLiteStmt::Use::operator () (const std::string & value, bool notNull) { if (notNull) { if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, curArg++, value.c_str(), -1, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, "binding argument"); } else bind(); return *this; } SQLiteStmt::Use & SQLiteStmt::Use::operator () (const unsigned char * data, size_t len, bool notNull) { if (notNull) { if (sqlite3_bind_blob(stmt, curArg++, data, len, SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, "binding argument"); } else bind(); return *this; } SQLiteStmt::Use & SQLiteStmt::Use::operator () (int64_t value, bool notNull) { if (notNull) { if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, curArg++, value) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, "binding argument"); } else bind(); return *this; } SQLiteStmt::Use & SQLiteStmt::Use::bind() { if (sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, curArg++) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, "binding argument"); return *this; } int SQLiteStmt::Use::step() { return sqlite3_step(stmt); } void SQLiteStmt::Use::exec() { int r = step(); assert(r != SQLITE_ROW); if (r != SQLITE_DONE) throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, fmt("executing SQLite statement '%s'", stmt.sql)); } bool SQLiteStmt::Use::next() { int r = step(); if (r != SQLITE_DONE && r != SQLITE_ROW) throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, fmt("executing SQLite query '%s'", stmt.sql)); return r == SQLITE_ROW; } std::string SQLiteStmt::Use::getStr(int col) { auto s = (const char *) sqlite3_column_text(stmt, col); assert(s); return s; } int64_t SQLiteStmt::Use::getInt(int col) { // FIXME: detect nulls? return sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col); } bool SQLiteStmt::Use::isNull(int col) { return sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col) == SQLITE_NULL; } SQLiteTxn::SQLiteTxn(sqlite3 * db) { this->db = db; if (sqlite3_exec(db, "begin;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(db, "starting transaction"); active = true; } void SQLiteTxn::commit() { if (sqlite3_exec(db, "commit;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(db, "committing transaction"); active = false; } SQLiteTxn::~SQLiteTxn() { try { if (active && sqlite3_exec(db, "rollback;", 0, 0, 0) != SQLITE_OK) throwSQLiteError(db, "aborting transaction"); } catch (...) { ignoreException(); } } void handleSQLiteBusy(SQLiteBusy & e) { static std::atomic lastWarned{0}; time_t now = time(0); if (now > lastWarned + 10) { lastWarned = now; logWarning( ErrorInfo { .name = "sqlite busy", .hint = hintfmt(e.what()) }); } /* Sleep for a while since retrying the transaction right away is likely to fail again. */ checkInterrupt(); struct timespec t; t.tv_sec = 0; t.tv_nsec = (random() % 100) * 1000 * 1000; /* <= 0.1s */ nanosleep(&t, 0); } }