#include "eval.hh" #include "command.hh" #include "common-args.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "affinity.hh" #include "progress-bar.hh" using namespace nix; struct BuildEnvironment { // FIXME: figure out which vars should be exported. std::map env; std::map functions; }; BuildEnvironment readEnvironment(const Path & path) { BuildEnvironment res; auto lines = tokenizeString(readFile(path), "\n"); auto getLine = [&]() { if (lines.empty()) throw Error("shell environment '%s' ends unexpectedly", path); auto line = lines.front(); lines.pop_front(); return line; }; while (!lines.empty()) { auto line = getLine(); auto eq = line.find('='); if (eq != std::string::npos) { std::string name(line, 0, eq); std::string value(line, eq + 1); // FIXME: parse arrays res.env.insert({name, value}); } else if (hasSuffix(line, " () ")) { std::string name(line, 0, line.size() - 4); // FIXME: validate name auto l = getLine(); if (l != "{ ") throw Error("shell environment '%s' has unexpected line '%s'", path, l); std::string body; while ((l = getLine()) != "}") { body += l; body += '\n'; } res.functions.insert({name, body}); } else throw Error("shell environment '%s' has unexpected line '%s'", path, line); } return res; } /* Given an existing derivation, return the shell environment as initialised by stdenv's setup script. We do this by building a modified derivation with the same dependencies and nearly the same initial environment variables, that just writes the resulting environment to a file and exits. */ BuildEnvironment getDerivationEnvironment(ref store, Derivation drv) { auto builder = baseNameOf(drv.builder); if (builder != "bash") throw Error("'nix shell' only works on derivations that use 'bash' as their builder"); drv.args = {"-c", "set -e; if [[ -n $stdenv ]]; then source $stdenv/setup; fi; set > $out"}; /* Remove derivation checks. */ drv.env.erase("allowedReferences"); drv.env.erase("allowedRequisites"); drv.env.erase("disallowedReferences"); drv.env.erase("disallowedRequisites"); // FIXME: handle structured attrs /* Rehash and write the derivation. FIXME: would be nice to use 'buildDerivation', but that's privileged. */ auto drvName = drv.env["name"] + "-env"; for (auto & output : drv.outputs) drv.env.erase(output.first); drv.env["out"] = ""; drv.env["outputs"] = "out"; drv.outputs["out"] = DerivationOutput("", "", ""); Hash h = hashDerivationModulo(*store, drv); Path shellOutPath = store->makeOutputPath("out", h, drvName); drv.outputs["out"].path = shellOutPath; drv.env["out"] = shellOutPath; Path shellDrvPath2 = writeDerivation(store, drv, drvName); /* Build the derivation. */ store->buildPaths({shellDrvPath2}); assert(store->isValidPath(shellOutPath)); return readEnvironment(shellOutPath); } struct Common : InstallableCommand { /* std::set keepVars{ "DISPLAY", "HOME", "IN_NIX_SHELL", "LOGNAME", "NIX_BUILD_SHELL", "PAGER", "PATH", "TERM", "TZ", "USER", }; */ std::set ignoreVars{ "BASHOPTS", "EUID", "NIX_BUILD_TOP", "PPID", "PWD", "SHELLOPTS", "SHLVL", "TEMP", "TEMPDIR", "TMP", "TMPDIR", "UID", }; void makeRcScript(const BuildEnvironment & buildEnvironment, std::ostream & out) { for (auto & i : buildEnvironment.env) { // FIXME: shellEscape // FIXME: figure out what to export // FIXME: handle arrays if (!ignoreVars.count(i.first) && !hasPrefix(i.first, "BASH_")) out << fmt("export %s=%s\n", i.first, i.second); } for (auto & i : buildEnvironment.functions) { out << fmt("%s () {\n%s\n}\n", i.first, i.second); } // FIXME: set outputs out << "export NIX_BUILD_TOP=\"$(mktemp -d --tmpdir nix-shell.XXXXXX)\"\n"; for (auto & i : {"TMP", "TMPDIR", "TEMP", "TEMPDIR"}) out << fmt("export %s=\"$NIX_BUILD_TOP\"\n", i); } }; std::pair createTempFile(const Path & prefix = "nix") { Path tmpl(getEnv("TMPDIR", "/tmp") + "/" + prefix + ".XXXXXX"); // Strictly speaking, this is UB, but who cares... AutoCloseFD fd(mkstemp((char *) tmpl.c_str())); if (!fd) throw SysError("creating temporary file '%s'", tmpl); return {std::move(fd), tmpl}; } struct CmdDevShell : Common { std::string name() override { return "dev-shell"; } std::string description() override { return "run a bash shell that provides the build environment of a derivation"; } Examples examples() override { return { Example{ "To get the build environment of GNU hello:", "nix dev-shell nixpkgs:hello" }, Example{ "To get the build environment of the default package of flake in the current directory:", "nix dev-shell" }, }; } void run(ref store) override { auto drvs = toDerivations(store, {installable}); if (drvs.size() != 1) throw Error("'%s' needs to evaluate to a single derivation, but it evaluated to %d derivations", installable->what(), drvs.size()); auto & drvPath = *drvs.begin(); auto buildEnvironment = getDerivationEnvironment(store, store->derivationFromPath(drvPath)); auto [rcFileFd, rcFilePath] = createTempFile("nix-shell"); std::ostringstream ss; makeRcScript(buildEnvironment, ss); ss << fmt("rm -f '%s'\n", rcFilePath); writeFull(rcFileFd.get(), ss.str()); stopProgressBar(); auto shell = getEnv("SHELL", "bash"); auto args = Strings{baseNameOf(shell), "--rcfile", rcFilePath}; restoreAffinity(); restoreSignals(); execvp(shell.c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data()); throw SysError("executing shell '%s'", shell); } }; struct CmdPrintDevEnv : Common { std::string name() override { return "print-dev-env"; } std::string description() override { return "print shell code that can be sourced by bash to reproduce the build environment of a derivation"; } Examples examples() override { return { Example{ "To apply the build environment of GNU hello to the current shell:", ". <(nix print-dev-env nixpkgs:hello)" }, }; } void run(ref store) override { auto drvs = toDerivations(store, {installable}); if (drvs.size() != 1) throw Error("'%s' needs to evaluate to a single derivation, but it evaluated to %d derivations", installable->what(), drvs.size()); auto & drvPath = *drvs.begin(); auto buildEnvironment = getDerivationEnvironment(store, store->derivationFromPath(drvPath)); stopProgressBar(); makeRcScript(buildEnvironment, std::cout); } }; static RegisterCommand r1(make_ref()); static RegisterCommand r2(make_ref());