#include "derivations.hh" #include "parsed-derivations.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "local-store.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "thread-pool.hh" namespace nix { void Store::computeFSClosure(const StorePathSet & startPaths, StorePathSet & paths_, bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs, bool includeDerivers) { struct State { size_t pending; StorePathSet & paths; std::exception_ptr exc; }; Sync state_(State{0, paths_, 0}); std::function enqueue; std::condition_variable done; enqueue = [&](const Path & path) -> void { { auto state(state_.lock()); if (state->exc) return; if (!state->paths.insert(parseStorePath(path)).second) return; state->pending++; } queryPathInfo(parseStorePath(path), {[&, pathS(path)](std::future> fut) { // FIXME: calls to isValidPath() should be async try { auto info = fut.get(); auto path = parseStorePath(pathS); if (flipDirection) { StorePathSet referrers; queryReferrers(path, referrers); for (auto & ref : referrers) if (ref != path) enqueue(printStorePath(ref)); if (includeOutputs) for (auto & i : queryValidDerivers(path)) enqueue(printStorePath(i)); if (includeDerivers && path.isDerivation()) for (auto & i : queryDerivationOutputs(path)) if (isValidPath(i) && queryPathInfo(i)->deriver == path) enqueue(printStorePath(i)); } else { for (auto & ref : info->references) if (ref != path) enqueue(printStorePath(ref)); if (includeOutputs && path.isDerivation()) for (auto & i : queryDerivationOutputs(path)) if (isValidPath(i)) enqueue(printStorePath(i)); if (includeDerivers && info->deriver && isValidPath(*info->deriver)) enqueue(printStorePath(*info->deriver)); } { auto state(state_.lock()); assert(state->pending); if (!--state->pending) done.notify_one(); } } catch (...) { auto state(state_.lock()); if (!state->exc) state->exc = std::current_exception(); assert(state->pending); if (!--state->pending) done.notify_one(); }; }}); }; for (auto & startPath : startPaths) enqueue(printStorePath(startPath)); { auto state(state_.lock()); while (state->pending) state.wait(done); if (state->exc) std::rethrow_exception(state->exc); } } void Store::computeFSClosure(const StorePath & startPath, StorePathSet & paths_, bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs, bool includeDerivers) { StorePathSet paths; paths.insert(startPath); computeFSClosure(paths, paths_, flipDirection, includeOutputs, includeDerivers); } std::optional getDerivationCA(const BasicDerivation & drv) { auto outputHashMode = drv.env.find("outputHashMode"); auto outputHashAlgo = drv.env.find("outputHashAlgo"); auto outputHash = drv.env.find("outputHash"); if (outputHashMode != drv.env.end() && outputHashAlgo != drv.env.end() && outputHash != drv.env.end()) { auto ht = parseHashType(outputHashAlgo->second); auto h = Hash(outputHash->second, ht); FileIngestionMethod ingestionMethod; if (outputHashMode->second == "recursive") ingestionMethod = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive; else if (outputHashMode->second == "flat") ingestionMethod = FileIngestionMethod::Flat; else throw Error("unknown ingestion method: '%s'", outputHashMode->second); return makeFixedOutputCA(ingestionMethod, h); } return std::nullopt; } void Store::queryMissing(const std::vector & targets, StorePathSet & willBuild_, StorePathSet & willSubstitute_, StorePathSet & unknown_, unsigned long long & downloadSize_, unsigned long long & narSize_) { Activity act(*logger, lvlDebug, actUnknown, "querying info about missing paths"); downloadSize_ = narSize_ = 0; ThreadPool pool; struct State { std::unordered_set done; StorePathSet & unknown, & willSubstitute, & willBuild; unsigned long long & downloadSize; unsigned long long & narSize; }; struct DrvState { size_t left; bool done = false; StorePathSet outPaths; DrvState(size_t left) : left(left) { } }; Sync state_(State{{}, unknown_, willSubstitute_, willBuild_, downloadSize_, narSize_}); std::function doPath; auto mustBuildDrv = [&](const StorePath & drvPath, const Derivation & drv) { { auto state(state_.lock()); state->willBuild.insert(drvPath); } for (auto & i : drv.inputDrvs) pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, StorePathWithOutputs { i.first, i.second })); }; auto checkOutput = [&]( const Path & drvPathS, ref drv, const Path & outPathS, ref> drvState_) { if (drvState_->lock()->done) return; auto drvPath = parseStorePath(drvPathS); auto outPath = parseStorePath(outPathS); SubstitutablePathInfos infos; querySubstitutablePathInfos({{outPath, getDerivationCA(*drv)}}, infos); if (infos.empty()) { drvState_->lock()->done = true; mustBuildDrv(drvPath, *drv); } else { { auto drvState(drvState_->lock()); if (drvState->done) return; assert(drvState->left); drvState->left--; drvState->outPaths.insert(outPath); if (!drvState->left) { for (auto & path : drvState->outPaths) pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, StorePathWithOutputs { path } )); } } } }; doPath = [&](const StorePathWithOutputs & path) { { auto state(state_.lock()); if (!state->done.insert(path.to_string(*this)).second) return; } if (path.path.isDerivation()) { if (!isValidPath(path.path)) { // FIXME: we could try to substitute the derivation. auto state(state_.lock()); state->unknown.insert(path.path); return; } auto drv = make_ref(derivationFromPath(path.path)); ParsedDerivation parsedDrv(StorePath(path.path), *drv); PathSet invalid; for (auto & j : drv->outputs) if (wantOutput(j.first, path.outputs) && !isValidPath(j.second.path)) invalid.insert(printStorePath(j.second.path)); if (invalid.empty()) return; if (settings.useSubstitutes && parsedDrv.substitutesAllowed()) { auto drvState = make_ref>(DrvState(invalid.size())); for (auto & output : invalid) pool.enqueue(std::bind(checkOutput, printStorePath(path.path), drv, output, drvState)); } else mustBuildDrv(path.path, *drv); } else { if (isValidPath(path.path)) return; SubstitutablePathInfos infos; querySubstitutablePathInfos({{path.path, std::nullopt}}, infos); if (infos.empty()) { auto state(state_.lock()); state->unknown.insert(path.path); return; } auto info = infos.find(path.path); assert(info != infos.end()); { auto state(state_.lock()); state->willSubstitute.insert(path.path); state->downloadSize += info->second.downloadSize; state->narSize += info->second.narSize; } for (auto & ref : info->second.references) pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, StorePathWithOutputs { ref })); } }; for (auto & path : targets) pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, path)); pool.process(); } StorePaths Store::topoSortPaths(const StorePathSet & paths) { StorePaths sorted; StorePathSet visited, parents; std::function dfsVisit; dfsVisit = [&](const StorePath & path, const StorePath * parent) { if (parents.count(path)) throw BuildError("cycle detected in the references of '%s' from '%s'", printStorePath(path), printStorePath(*parent)); if (!visited.insert(path).second) return; parents.insert(path); StorePathSet references; try { references = queryPathInfo(path)->references; } catch (InvalidPath &) { } for (auto & i : references) /* Don't traverse into paths that don't exist. That can happen due to substitutes for non-existent paths. */ if (i != path && paths.count(i)) dfsVisit(i, &path); sorted.push_back(path); parents.erase(path); }; for (auto & i : paths) dfsVisit(i, nullptr); std::reverse(sorted.begin(), sorted.end()); return sorted; } }