#include "crypto.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh" #include "thread-pool.hh" #include "json.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "url.hh" #include namespace nix { bool Store::isInStore(const Path & path) const { return isInDir(path, storeDir); } Path Store::toStorePath(const Path & path) const { if (!isInStore(path)) throw Error("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store", path); Path::size_type slash = path.find('/', storeDir.size() + 1); if (slash == Path::npos) return path; else return Path(path, 0, slash); } Path Store::followLinksToStore(std::string_view _path) const { Path path = absPath(std::string(_path)); while (!isInStore(path)) { if (!isLink(path)) break; string target = readLink(path); path = absPath(target, dirOf(path)); } if (!isInStore(path)) throw NotInStore("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store", path); return path; } StorePath Store::followLinksToStorePath(std::string_view path) const { return parseStorePath(toStorePath(followLinksToStore(path))); } StorePathWithOutputs Store::followLinksToStorePathWithOutputs(std::string_view path) const { auto [path2, outputs] = nix::parsePathWithOutputs(path); return StorePathWithOutputs { followLinksToStorePath(path2), std::move(outputs) }; } /* Store paths have the following form: = /- where = the location of the Nix store, usually /nix/store = a human readable name for the path, typically obtained from the name attribute of the derivation, or the name of the source file from which the store path is created. For derivation outputs other than the default "out" output, the string "-" is suffixed to . = base-32 representation of the first 160 bits of a SHA-256 hash of ; the hash part of the store name = the string ":sha256:

::"; note that it includes the location of the store as well as the name to make sure that changes to either of those are reflected in the hash (e.g. you won't get /nix/store/-name1 and /nix/store/-name2 with equal hash parts). = one of: "text:::..." for plain text files written to the store using addTextToStore(); ... are the store paths referenced by this path, in the form described by "source:::...::self" for paths copied to the store using addToStore() when recursive = true and hashAlgo = "sha256". Just like in the text case, we can have the store paths referenced by the path. Additionally, we can have an optional :self label to denote self reference. "output:" for either the outputs created by derivations, OR paths copied to the store using addToStore() with recursive != true or hashAlgo != "sha256" (in that case "source" is used; it's silly, but it's done that way for compatibility). is the name of the output (usually, "out").

= base-16 representation of a SHA-256 hash of: if = "text:...": the string written to the resulting store path if = "source": the serialisation of the path from which this store path is copied, as returned by hashPath() if = "output:": for non-fixed derivation outputs: the derivation (see hashDerivationModulo() in primops.cc) for paths copied by addToStore() or produced by fixed-output derivations: the string "fixed:out:::", where = "r:" for recursive (path) hashes, or "" for flat (file) hashes = "md5", "sha1" or "sha256" = base-16 representation of the path or flat hash of the contents of the path (or expected contents of the path for fixed-output derivations) Note that since an output derivation has always type output, while something added by addToStore can have type output or source depending on the hash, this means that the same input can be hashed differently if added to the store via addToStore or via a derivation, in the sha256 recursive case. It would have been nicer to handle fixed-output derivations under "source", e.g. have something like "source:", but we're stuck with this for now... The main reason for this way of computing names is to prevent name collisions (for security). For instance, it shouldn't be feasible to come up with a derivation whose output path collides with the path for a copied source. The former would have a starting with "output:out:", while the latter would have a starting with "source:". */ StorePath Store::makeStorePath(const string & type, const Hash & hash, std::string_view name) const { /* e.g., "source:sha256:1abc...:/nix/store:foo.tar.gz" */ string s = type + ":" + hash.to_string(Base16, true) + ":" + storeDir + ":" + std::string(name); auto h = compressHash(hashString(htSHA256, s), 20); return StorePath(h, name); } StorePath Store::makeOutputPath(const string & id, const Hash & hash, std::string_view name) const { return makeStorePath("output:" + id, hash, std::string(name) + (id == "out" ? "" : "-" + id)); } static std::string makeType( const Store & store, string && type, const StorePathSet & references, bool hasSelfReference = false) { for (auto & i : references) { type += ":"; type += store.printStorePath(i); } if (hasSelfReference) type += ":self"; return std::move(type); } StorePath Store::makeFixedOutputPath( FileIngestionMethod method, const Hash & hash, std::string_view name, const StorePathSet & references, bool hasSelfReference) const { if (hash.type == htSHA256 && method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive) { return makeStorePath(makeType(*this, "source", references, hasSelfReference), hash, name); } else { assert(references.empty()); return makeStorePath("output:out", hashString(htSHA256, "fixed:out:" + makeFileIngestionPrefix(method) + hash.to_string(Base16, true) + ":"), name); } } StorePath Store::makeTextPath(std::string_view name, const Hash & hash, const StorePathSet & references) const { assert(hash.type == htSHA256); /* Stuff the references (if any) into the type. This is a bit hacky, but we can't put them in `s' since that would be ambiguous. */ return makeStorePath(makeType(*this, "text", references), hash, name); } std::pair Store::computeStorePathForPath(std::string_view name, const Path & srcPath, FileIngestionMethod method, HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter & filter) const { Hash h = method == FileIngestionMethod::Recursive ? hashPath(hashAlgo, srcPath, filter).first : hashFile(hashAlgo, srcPath); return std::make_pair(makeFixedOutputPath(method, h, name), h); } StorePath Store::computeStorePathForText(const string & name, const string & s, const StorePathSet & references) const { return makeTextPath(name, hashString(htSHA256, s), references); } Store::Store(const Params & params) : Config(params) , state({(size_t) pathInfoCacheSize}) { } std::string Store::getUri() { return ""; } bool Store::PathInfoCacheValue::isKnownNow() { std::chrono::duration ttl = didExist() ? std::chrono::seconds(settings.ttlPositiveNarInfoCache) : std::chrono::seconds(settings.ttlNegativeNarInfoCache); return std::chrono::steady_clock::now() < time_point + ttl; } bool Store::isValidPath(const StorePath & storePath) { std::string hashPart(storePath.hashPart()); { auto state_(state.lock()); auto res = state_->pathInfoCache.get(hashPart); if (res && res->isKnownNow()) { stats.narInfoReadAverted++; return res->didExist(); } } if (diskCache) { auto res = diskCache->lookupNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart); if (res.first != NarInfoDiskCache::oUnknown) { stats.narInfoReadAverted++; auto state_(state.lock()); state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart, res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid ? PathInfoCacheValue{} : PathInfoCacheValue { .value = res.second }); return res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oValid; } } bool valid = isValidPathUncached(storePath); if (diskCache && !valid) // FIXME: handle valid = true case. diskCache->upsertNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart, 0); return valid; } /* Default implementation for stores that only implement queryPathInfoUncached(). */ bool Store::isValidPathUncached(const StorePath & path) { try { queryPathInfo(path); return true; } catch (InvalidPath &) { return false; } } ref Store::queryPathInfo(const StorePath & storePath) { std::promise> promise; queryPathInfo(storePath, {[&](std::future> result) { try { promise.set_value(result.get()); } catch (...) { promise.set_exception(std::current_exception()); } }}); return promise.get_future().get(); } void Store::queryPathInfo(const StorePath & storePath, Callback> callback) noexcept { std::string hashPart; try { hashPart = storePath.hashPart(); { auto res = state.lock()->pathInfoCache.get(hashPart); if (res && res->isKnownNow()) { stats.narInfoReadAverted++; if (!res->didExist()) throw InvalidPath("path '%s' is not valid", printStorePath(storePath)); return callback(ref(res->value)); } } if (diskCache) { auto res = diskCache->lookupNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart); if (res.first != NarInfoDiskCache::oUnknown) { stats.narInfoReadAverted++; { auto state_(state.lock()); state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart, res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid ? PathInfoCacheValue{} : PathInfoCacheValue{ .value = res.second }); if (res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid || res.second->path != storePath) throw InvalidPath("path '%s' is not valid", printStorePath(storePath)); } return callback(ref(res.second)); } } } catch (...) { return callback.rethrow(); } auto callbackPtr = std::make_shared(std::move(callback)); queryPathInfoUncached(storePath, {[this, storePath{printStorePath(storePath)}, hashPart, callbackPtr](std::future> fut) { try { auto info = fut.get(); if (diskCache) diskCache->upsertNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart, info); { auto state_(state.lock()); state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart, PathInfoCacheValue { .value = info }); } if (!info || info->path != parseStorePath(storePath)) { stats.narInfoMissing++; throw InvalidPath("path '%s' is not valid", storePath); } (*callbackPtr)(ref(info)); } catch (...) { callbackPtr->rethrow(); } }}); } StorePathSet Store::queryValidPaths(const StorePathSet & paths, SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute) { struct State { size_t left; StorePathSet valid; std::exception_ptr exc; }; Sync state_(State{paths.size(), StorePathSet()}); std::condition_variable wakeup; ThreadPool pool; auto doQuery = [&](const Path & path) { checkInterrupt(); queryPathInfo(parseStorePath(path), {[path, this, &state_, &wakeup](std::future> fut) { auto state(state_.lock()); try { auto info = fut.get(); state->valid.insert(parseStorePath(path)); } catch (InvalidPath &) { } catch (...) { state->exc = std::current_exception(); } assert(state->left); if (!--state->left) wakeup.notify_one(); }}); }; for (auto & path : paths) pool.enqueue(std::bind(doQuery, printStorePath(path))); // FIXME pool.process(); while (true) { auto state(state_.lock()); if (!state->left) { if (state->exc) std::rethrow_exception(state->exc); return std::move(state->valid); } state.wait(wakeup); } } /* Return a string accepted by decodeValidPathInfo() that registers the specified paths as valid. Note: it's the responsibility of the caller to provide a closure. */ string Store::makeValidityRegistration(const StorePathSet & paths, bool showDerivers, bool showHash) { string s = ""; for (auto & i : paths) { s += printStorePath(i) + "\n"; auto info = queryPathInfo(i); if (showHash) { s += info->narHash.to_string(Base16, false) + "\n"; s += (format("%1%\n") % info->narSize).str(); } auto deriver = showDerivers && info->deriver ? printStorePath(*info->deriver) : ""; s += deriver + "\n"; s += (format("%1%\n") % info->references.size()).str(); for (auto & j : info->references) s += printStorePath(j) + "\n"; } return s; } void Store::pathInfoToJSON(JSONPlaceholder & jsonOut, const StorePathSet & storePaths, bool includeImpureInfo, bool showClosureSize, Base hashBase, AllowInvalidFlag allowInvalid) { auto jsonList = jsonOut.list(); for (auto & storePath : storePaths) { auto jsonPath = jsonList.object(); jsonPath.attr("path", printStorePath(storePath)); try { auto info = queryPathInfo(storePath); jsonPath .attr("narHash", info->narHash.to_string(hashBase, true)) .attr("narSize", info->narSize); { auto jsonRefs = jsonPath.list("references"); for (auto & ref : info->references) jsonRefs.elem(printStorePath(ref)); } if (info->ca) jsonPath.attr("ca", renderContentAddress(info->ca)); std::pair closureSizes; if (showClosureSize) { closureSizes = getClosureSize(info->path); jsonPath.attr("closureSize", closureSizes.first); } if (includeImpureInfo) { if (info->deriver) jsonPath.attr("deriver", printStorePath(*info->deriver)); if (info->registrationTime) jsonPath.attr("registrationTime", info->registrationTime); if (info->ultimate) jsonPath.attr("ultimate", info->ultimate); if (!info->sigs.empty()) { auto jsonSigs = jsonPath.list("signatures"); for (auto & sig : info->sigs) jsonSigs.elem(sig); } auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast( std::shared_ptr(info)); if (narInfo) { if (!narInfo->url.empty()) jsonPath.attr("url", narInfo->url); if (narInfo->fileHash) jsonPath.attr("downloadHash", narInfo->fileHash.to_string(Base32, true)); if (narInfo->fileSize) jsonPath.attr("downloadSize", narInfo->fileSize); if (showClosureSize) jsonPath.attr("closureDownloadSize", closureSizes.second); } } } catch (InvalidPath &) { jsonPath.attr("valid", false); } } } std::pair Store::getClosureSize(const StorePath & storePath) { uint64_t totalNarSize = 0, totalDownloadSize = 0; StorePathSet closure; computeFSClosure(storePath, closure, false, false); for (auto & p : closure) { auto info = queryPathInfo(p); totalNarSize += info->narSize; auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast( std::shared_ptr(info)); if (narInfo) totalDownloadSize += narInfo->fileSize; } return {totalNarSize, totalDownloadSize}; } const Store::Stats & Store::getStats() { { auto state_(state.lock()); stats.pathInfoCacheSize = state_->pathInfoCache.size(); } return stats; } void Store::buildPaths(const std::vector & paths, BuildMode buildMode) { StorePathSet paths2; for (auto & path : paths) { if (path.path.isDerivation()) unsupported("buildPaths"); paths2.insert(path.path); } if (queryValidPaths(paths2).size() != paths2.size()) unsupported("buildPaths"); } void copyStorePath(ref srcStore, ref dstStore, const StorePath & storePath, RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs) { auto srcUri = srcStore->getUri(); auto dstUri = dstStore->getUri(); Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actCopyPath, srcUri == "local" || srcUri == "daemon" ? fmt("copying path '%s' to '%s'", srcStore->printStorePath(storePath), dstUri) : dstUri == "local" || dstUri == "daemon" ? fmt("copying path '%s' from '%s'", srcStore->printStorePath(storePath), srcUri) : fmt("copying path '%s' from '%s' to '%s'", srcStore->printStorePath(storePath), srcUri, dstUri), {srcStore->printStorePath(storePath), srcUri, dstUri}); PushActivity pact(act.id); auto info = srcStore->queryPathInfo(storePath); uint64_t total = 0; if (!info->narHash) { StringSink sink; srcStore->narFromPath({storePath}, sink); auto info2 = make_ref(*info); info2->narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *sink.s); if (!info->narSize) info2->narSize = sink.s->size(); if (info->ultimate) info2->ultimate = false; info = info2; StringSource source(*sink.s); dstStore->addToStore(*info, source, repair, checkSigs); return; } if (info->ultimate) { auto info2 = make_ref(*info); info2->ultimate = false; info = info2; } auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink & sink) { LambdaSink wrapperSink([&](const unsigned char * data, size_t len) { sink(data, len); total += len; act.progress(total, info->narSize); }); srcStore->narFromPath(storePath, wrapperSink); }, [&]() { throw EndOfFile("NAR for '%s' fetched from '%s' is incomplete", srcStore->printStorePath(storePath), srcStore->getUri()); }); dstStore->addToStore(*info, *source, repair, checkSigs); } void copyPaths(ref srcStore, ref dstStore, const StorePathSet & storePaths, RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs, SubstituteFlag substitute) { auto valid = dstStore->queryValidPaths(storePaths, substitute); PathSet missing; for (auto & path : storePaths) if (!valid.count(path)) missing.insert(srcStore->printStorePath(path)); if (missing.empty()) return; Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actCopyPaths, fmt("copying %d paths", missing.size())); std::atomic nrDone{0}; std::atomic nrFailed{0}; std::atomic bytesExpected{0}; std::atomic nrRunning{0}; auto showProgress = [&]() { act.progress(nrDone, missing.size(), nrRunning, nrFailed); }; ThreadPool pool; processGraph(pool, PathSet(missing.begin(), missing.end()), [&](const Path & storePath) { if (dstStore->isValidPath(dstStore->parseStorePath(storePath))) { nrDone++; showProgress(); return PathSet(); } auto info = srcStore->queryPathInfo(srcStore->parseStorePath(storePath)); bytesExpected += info->narSize; act.setExpected(actCopyPath, bytesExpected); return srcStore->printStorePathSet(info->references); }, [&](const Path & storePathS) { checkInterrupt(); auto storePath = dstStore->parseStorePath(storePathS); if (!dstStore->isValidPath(storePath)) { MaintainCount mc(nrRunning); showProgress(); try { copyStorePath(srcStore, dstStore, storePath, repair, checkSigs); } catch (Error &e) { nrFailed++; if (!settings.keepGoing) throw e; logger->log(lvlError, fmt("could not copy %s: %s", storePathS, e.what())); showProgress(); return; } } nrDone++; showProgress(); }); } void copyClosure(ref srcStore, ref dstStore, const StorePathSet & storePaths, RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs, SubstituteFlag substitute) { StorePathSet closure; srcStore->computeFSClosure(storePaths, closure); copyPaths(srcStore, dstStore, closure, repair, checkSigs, substitute); } std::optional decodeValidPathInfo(const Store & store, std::istream & str, bool hashGiven) { std::string path; getline(str, path); if (str.eof()) { return {}; } ValidPathInfo info(store.parseStorePath(path)); if (hashGiven) { string s; getline(str, s); info.narHash = Hash(s, htSHA256); getline(str, s); if (!string2Int(s, info.narSize)) throw Error("number expected"); } std::string deriver; getline(str, deriver); if (deriver != "") info.deriver = store.parseStorePath(deriver); string s; int n; getline(str, s); if (!string2Int(s, n)) throw Error("number expected"); while (n--) { getline(str, s); info.references.insert(store.parseStorePath(s)); } if (!str || str.eof()) throw Error("missing input"); return std::optional(std::move(info)); } std::string Store::showPaths(const StorePathSet & paths) { std::string s; for (auto & i : paths) { if (s.size() != 0) s += ", "; s += "'" + printStorePath(i) + "'"; } return s; } string showPaths(const PathSet & paths) { return concatStringsSep(", ", quoteStrings(paths)); } std::string ValidPathInfo::fingerprint(const Store & store) const { if (narSize == 0 || !narHash) throw Error("cannot calculate fingerprint of path '%s' because its size/hash is not known", store.printStorePath(path)); return "1;" + store.printStorePath(path) + ";" + narHash.to_string(Base32, true) + ";" + std::to_string(narSize) + ";" + concatStringsSep(",", store.printStorePathSet(references)); } void ValidPathInfo::sign(const Store & store, const SecretKey & secretKey) { sigs.insert(secretKey.signDetached(fingerprint(store))); } // FIXME Put this somewhere? template struct overloaded : Ts... { using Ts::operator()...; }; template overloaded(Ts...) -> overloaded; bool ValidPathInfo::isContentAddressed(const Store & store) const { if (! ca) return false; auto caPath = std::visit(overloaded { [&](TextHash th) { return store.makeTextPath(path.name(), th.hash, references); }, [&](FileSystemHash fsh) { auto refs = references; bool hasSelfReference = false; if (refs.count(path)) { hasSelfReference = true; refs.erase(path); } return store.makeFixedOutputPath(fsh.method, fsh.hash, path.name(), refs, hasSelfReference); } }, *ca); bool res = caPath == path; if (!res) printError("warning: path '%s' claims to be content-addressed but isn't", store.printStorePath(path)); return res; } size_t ValidPathInfo::checkSignatures(const Store & store, const PublicKeys & publicKeys) const { if (isContentAddressed(store)) return maxSigs; size_t good = 0; for (auto & sig : sigs) if (checkSignature(store, publicKeys, sig)) good++; return good; } bool ValidPathInfo::checkSignature(const Store & store, const PublicKeys & publicKeys, const std::string & sig) const { return verifyDetached(fingerprint(store), sig, publicKeys); } Strings ValidPathInfo::shortRefs() const { Strings refs; for (auto & r : references) refs.push_back(std::string(r.to_string())); return refs; } } #include "local-store.hh" #include "remote-store.hh" namespace nix { RegisterStoreImplementation::Implementations * RegisterStoreImplementation::implementations = 0; /* Split URI into protocol+hierarchy part and its parameter set. */ std::pair splitUriAndParams(const std::string & uri_) { auto uri(uri_); Store::Params params; auto q = uri.find('?'); if (q != std::string::npos) { params = decodeQuery(uri.substr(q + 1)); uri = uri_.substr(0, q); } return {uri, params}; } ref openStore(const std::string & uri_, const Store::Params & extraParams) { auto [uri, uriParams] = splitUriAndParams(uri_); auto params = extraParams; params.insert(uriParams.begin(), uriParams.end()); for (auto fun : *RegisterStoreImplementation::implementations) { auto store = fun(uri, params); if (store) { store->warnUnknownSettings(); return ref(store); } } throw Error("don't know how to open Nix store '%s'", uri); } StoreType getStoreType(const std::string & uri, const std::string & stateDir) { if (uri == "daemon") { return tDaemon; } else if (uri == "local" || hasPrefix(uri, "/")) { return tLocal; } else if (uri == "" || uri == "auto") { if (access(stateDir.c_str(), R_OK | W_OK) == 0) return tLocal; else if (pathExists(settings.nixDaemonSocketFile)) return tDaemon; else return tLocal; } else { return tOther; } } static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore([]( const std::string & uri, const Store::Params & params) -> std::shared_ptr { switch (getStoreType(uri, get(params, "state").value_or(settings.nixStateDir))) { case tDaemon: return std::shared_ptr(std::make_shared(params)); case tLocal: { Store::Params params2 = params; if (hasPrefix(uri, "/")) params2["root"] = uri; return std::shared_ptr(std::make_shared(params2)); } default: return nullptr; } }); std::list> getDefaultSubstituters() { static auto stores([]() { std::list> stores; StringSet done; auto addStore = [&](const std::string & uri) { if (!done.insert(uri).second) return; try { stores.push_back(openStore(uri)); } catch (Error & e) { logWarning(e.info()); } }; for (auto uri : settings.substituters.get()) addStore(uri); for (auto uri : settings.extraSubstituters.get()) addStore(uri); stores.sort([](ref & a, ref & b) { return a->priority < b->priority; }); return stores; } ()); return stores; } }