Oliver Dunkl de91a42c6e Moves runHook to a later execution position
It moves runHook to a later position in the rcfile. After that we are
able to set the PS1 environment-variable for a nix-shell environment

  # turn the color of the prompt to blue
  shellHook = ''
    export PS1="\n\[\033[1;34m\][\u@\h:\w]$\[\033[0m\] ";
2015-01-28 13:39:48 +01:00

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#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
use utf8;
use strict;
use Nix::Config;
use Nix::Store;
use Nix::Utils;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd;
binmode STDERR, ":encoding(utf8)";
my $dryRun = 0;
my $verbose = 0;
my $runEnv = $0 =~ /nix-shell$/;
my $pure = 0;
my $fromArgs = 0;
my $packages = 0;
my $interactive = 1;
my @instArgs = ();
my @buildArgs = ();
my @exprs = ();
my $shell = $ENV{SHELL} || "/bin/sh";
my $envCommand = ""; # interactive shell
my @envExclude = ();
my $myName = $runEnv ? "nix-shell" : "nix-build";
my $inShebang = 0;
my $script;
my $tmpDir = mkTempDir($myName);
my $outLink = "./result";
my $drvLink = "$tmpDir/derivation";
# Ensure that the $tmpDir is deleted.
$SIG{'INT'} = sub { exit 1 };
# Heuristic to see if we're invoked as a shebang script, namely, if we
# have a single argument, it's the name of an executable file, and it
# starts with "#!".
if ($runEnv && scalar @ARGV == 1) {
$script = $ARGV[0];
if (-f $script && -x $script) {
open SCRIPT, "<$script" or die "$0: cannot open $script: $!\n";
my $first = <SCRIPT>;
if ($first =~ /^\#\!/) {
$inShebang = 1;
@ARGV = ();
while (<SCRIPT>) {
if (/^\#\!\s*nix-shell (.*)$/) {
@ARGV = split / /, $1;
close SCRIPT;
for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @ARGV; $n++) {
my $arg = $ARGV[$n];
if ($arg eq "--help") {
exec "man $myName" or die;
elsif ($arg eq "--version") {
print "$myName (Nix) $Nix::Config::version\n";
exit 0;
elsif ($arg eq "--add-drv-link") {
$drvLink = "./derivation";
elsif ($arg eq "--no-out-link" || $arg eq "--no-link") {
$outLink = "$tmpDir/result";
elsif ($arg eq "--drv-link") {
die "$0: $arg requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
$drvLink = $ARGV[$n];
elsif ($arg eq "--out-link" || $arg eq "-o") {
die "$0: $arg requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
$outLink = $ARGV[$n];
elsif ($arg eq "--attr" || $arg eq "-A" || $arg eq "-I") {
die "$0: $arg requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
push @instArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n]);
elsif ($arg eq "--arg" || $arg eq "--argstr") {
die "$0: $arg requires two arguments\n" unless $n + 2 < scalar @ARGV;
push @instArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n + 1], $ARGV[$n + 2]);
$n += 2;
elsif ($arg eq "--log-type") {
die "$0: $arg requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
push @instArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n]);
push @buildArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n]);
elsif ($arg eq "--option") {
die "$0: $arg requires two arguments\n" unless $n + 2 < scalar @ARGV;
push @instArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n + 1], $ARGV[$n + 2]);
push @buildArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n + 1], $ARGV[$n + 2]);
$n += 2;
elsif ($arg eq "--max-jobs" || $arg eq "-j" || $arg eq "--max-silent-time" || $arg eq "--log-type" || $arg eq "--cores" || $arg eq "--timeout" || $arg eq '--add-root') {
die "$0: $arg requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
push @buildArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n]);
elsif ($arg eq "--dry-run") {
push @buildArgs, "--dry-run";
$dryRun = 1;
elsif ($arg eq "--show-trace") {
push @instArgs, $arg;
elsif ($arg eq "-") {
@exprs = ("-");
elsif ($arg eq "--verbose" || substr($arg, 0, 2) eq "-v") {
push @buildArgs, $arg;
push @instArgs, $arg;
$verbose = 1;
elsif ($arg eq "--quiet" || $arg eq "--repair") {
push @buildArgs, $arg;
push @instArgs, $arg;
elsif ($arg eq "--check") {
push @buildArgs, $arg;
elsif ($arg eq "--run-env") { # obsolete
$runEnv = 1;
elsif ($arg eq "--command" || $arg eq "--run") {
die "$0: $arg requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
$envCommand = "$ARGV[$n]\nexit";
$interactive = 0 if $arg eq "--run";
elsif ($arg eq "--exclude") {
die "$0: $arg requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
push @envExclude, $ARGV[$n];
elsif ($arg eq "--pure") { $pure = 1; }
elsif ($arg eq "--impure") { $pure = 0; }
elsif ($arg eq "--expr" || $arg eq "-E") {
$fromArgs = 1;
push @instArgs, "--expr";
elsif ($arg eq "--packages" || $arg eq "-p") {
$packages = 1;
elsif ($inShebang && $arg eq "-i") {
die "$0: $arg requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
my $interpreter = $ARGV[$n];
# Überhack to support Perl. Perl examines the shebang and
# executes it unless it contains the string "perl" or "indir",
# or (undocumented) argv[0] does not contain "perl". Exploit
# the latter by doing "exec -a".
my $execArgs = $interpreter =~ /perl/ ? "-a PERL" : "";
$envCommand = "exec $execArgs $interpreter $script";
elsif (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq "-") {
push @buildArgs, $arg;
else {
push @exprs, $arg;
if ($packages) {
push @instArgs, "--expr";
@exprs = (
'with import <nixpkgs> { }; runCommand "shell" { buildInputs = [ '
. (join " ", map { "($_)" } @exprs) . ']; } ""');
} elsif (!$fromArgs) {
@exprs = ("shell.nix") if scalar @exprs == 0 && $runEnv && -e "shell.nix";
@exprs = ("default.nix") if scalar @exprs == 0;
$ENV{'IN_NIX_SHELL'} = 1 if $runEnv;
foreach my $expr (@exprs) {
# Instantiate.
my @drvPaths;
if ($expr !~ /^\/.*\.drv$/) {
# If we're in a #! script, interpret filenames relative to the
# script.
$expr = dirname(Cwd::abs_path($script)) . "/" . $expr
if $inShebang && $expr !~ /^\//;
# !!! would prefer the perl 5.8.0 pipe open feature here.
my $pid = open(DRVPATHS, "-|") || exec "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-instantiate", "--add-root", $drvLink, "--indirect", @instArgs, $expr;
while (<DRVPATHS>) {chomp; push @drvPaths, $_;}
if (!close DRVPATHS) {
die "nix-instantiate killed by signal " . ($? & 127) . "\n" if ($? & 127);
exit 1;
} else {
push @drvPaths, $expr;
if ($runEnv) {
die "$0: a single derivation is required\n" if scalar @drvPaths != 1;
my $drvPath = $drvPaths[0];
$drvPath = (split '!',$drvPath)[0];
$drvPath = readlink $drvPath or die "cannot read symlink $drvPath" if -l $drvPath;
my $drv = derivationFromPath($drvPath);
# Build or fetch all dependencies of the derivation.
my @inputDrvs = grep { my $x = $_; (grep { $x =~ $_ } @envExclude) == 0 } @{$drv->{inputDrvs}};
system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store", "-r", "--no-output", "--no-gc-warning", @buildArgs, @inputDrvs, @{$drv->{inputSrcs}}) == 0
or die "$0: failed to build all dependencies\n";
# Set the environment.
my $tmp = $ENV{"TMPDIR"} // $ENV{"XDG_RUNTIME_DIR"} // "/tmp";
if ($pure) {
foreach my $name (keys %ENV) {
next if grep { $_ eq $name } ("HOME", "USER", "LOGNAME", "DISPLAY", "PATH", "TERM", "IN_NIX_SHELL", "TZ", "PAGER");
delete $ENV{$name};
# NixOS hack: prevent /etc/bashrc from sourcing /etc/profile.
$ENV{'NIX_BUILD_TOP'} = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = $ENV{'TEMPDIR'} = $ENV{'TMP'} = $ENV{'TEMP'} = $tmp;
$ENV{'NIX_STORE'} = $Nix::Config::storeDir;
$ENV{$_} = $drv->{env}->{$_} foreach keys %{$drv->{env}};
# Run a shell using the derivation's environment. For
# convenience, source $stdenv/setup to setup additional
# environment variables and shell functions. Also don't lose
# the current $PATH directories.
my $rcfile = "$tmpDir/rc";
"rm -rf '$tmpDir'; " .
'unset BASH_ENV; ' .
'[ -n "$PS1" ] && [ -e ~/.bashrc ] && source ~/.bashrc; ' .
($pure ? '' : 'p=$PATH; ' ) .
'dontAddDisableDepTrack=1; ' .
'[ -e $stdenv/setup ] && source $stdenv/setup; ' .
($pure ? '' : 'PATH=$PATH:$p; unset p; ') .
'set +e; ' .
'[ -n "$PS1" ] && PS1="\n\[\033[1;32m\][nix-shell:\w]$\[\033[0m\] "; ' .
'if [ "$(type -t runHook)" = function ]; then runHook shellHook; fi; ' .
'unset NIX_INDENT_MAKE; ' .
'shopt -u nullglob; ' .
'unset TZ; ' . (defined $ENV{'TZ'} ? "export TZ='${ENV{'TZ'}}'; " : '') .
$ENV{BASH_ENV} = $rcfile;
my @args = ($ENV{NIX_BUILD_SHELL} // "bash");
push @args, "--rcfile" if $interactive;
push @args, $rcfile;
exec @args;
# Ugly hackery to make "nix-build -A foo.all" produce symlinks
# ./result, ./result-dev, and so on, rather than ./result,
# ./result-2-dev, and so on. This combines multiple derivation
# paths into one "/nix/store/drv-path!out1,out2,..." argument.
my $prevDrvPath = "";
my @drvPaths2;
foreach my $drvPath (@drvPaths) {
my $p = $drvPath; my $output = "out";
if ($drvPath =~ /(.*)!(.*)/) {
$p = $1; $output = $2;
} else {
$p = $drvPath;
my $target = readlink $p or die "cannot read symlink $p";
print STDERR "derivation is $target\n" if $verbose;
if ($target eq $prevDrvPath) {
push @drvPaths2, (pop @drvPaths2) . "," . $output;
} else {
push @drvPaths2, $target . "!" . $output;
$prevDrvPath = $target;
# Build.
my @outPaths;
my $pid = open(OUTPATHS, "-|") || exec "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store", "--add-root", $outLink, "--indirect", "-r",
@buildArgs, @drvPaths2;
while (<OUTPATHS>) {chomp; push @outPaths, $_;}
if (!close OUTPATHS) {
die "nix-store killed by signal " . ($? & 127) . "\n" if ($? & 127);
exit ($? >> 8 || 1);
next if $dryRun;
foreach my $outPath (@outPaths) {
my $target = readlink $outPath or die "cannot read symlink $outPath";
print "$target\n";