forked from lix-project/lix
400 lines
13 KiB
400 lines
13 KiB
#include "flake.hh"
#include "primops.hh"
#include "eval-inline.hh"
#include "fetchGit.hh"
#include "download.hh"
#include "args.hh"
#include <iostream>
#include <queue>
#include <regex>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
namespace nix {
/* Read the registry or a lock file. (Currently they have an identical
format. */
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> readRegistry(const Path & path)
auto registry = std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>();
try {
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(path));
auto version = json.value("version", 0);
if (version != 1)
throw Error("flake registry '%s' has unsupported version %d", path, version);
auto flakes = json["flakes"];
for (auto i = flakes.begin(); i != flakes.end(); ++i) {
FlakeRegistry::Entry entry{FlakeRef(i->value("uri", ""))};
registry->entries.emplace(i.key(), entry);
} catch (SysError & e) {
if (e.errNo != ENOENT) throw;
return registry;
/* Write the registry or lock file to a file. */
void writeRegistry(FlakeRegistry registry, Path path)
nlohmann::json json = {};
json["version"] = 1;
json["flakes"] = {};
for (auto elem : registry.entries) {
json["flakes"][elem.first] = { {"uri", elem.second.ref.to_string()} };
writeFile(path, json.dump(4)); // The '4' is the number of spaces used in the indentation in the json file.
Path getUserRegistryPath()
return getHome() + "/.config/nix/registry.json";
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getGlobalRegistry()
// FIXME: get from
Path registryFile = settings.nixDataDir + "/nix/flake-registry.json";
return readRegistry(registryFile);
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getUserRegistry()
return readRegistry(getUserRegistryPath());
std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> getFlagRegistry()
return std::make_shared<FlakeRegistry>();
// TODO: Implement this once the right flags are implemented.
const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> EvalState::getFlakeRegistries()
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> registries;
return registries;
Value * makeFlakeRegistryValue(EvalState & state)
auto v = state.allocValue();
auto registries = state.getFlakeRegistries();
int size = 0;
for (auto registry : registries)
size += registry->entries.size();
state.mkAttrs(*v, size);
for (auto & registry : registries) {
for (auto & entry : registry->entries) {
auto vEntry = state.allocAttr(*v, entry.first);
state.mkAttrs(*vEntry, 2);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vEntry, state.symbols.create("uri")), entry.second.ref.to_string());
return v;
static FlakeRef lookupFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef,
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>> registries)
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsFlakeId>(& {
for (auto registry : registries) {
auto i = registry->entries.find(refData->id);
if (i != registry->entries.end()) {
auto newRef = FlakeRef(i->second.ref);
if (!newRef.isDirect())
throw Error("found indirect flake URI '%s' in the flake registry", i->second.ref.to_string());
return newRef;
throw Error("cannot find flake '%s' in the flake registry or in the flake lock file", refData->id);
} else
return flakeRef;
struct FlakeSourceInfo
Path storePath;
std::optional<Hash> rev;
std::optional<uint64_t> revCount;
static FlakeSourceInfo fetchFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
FlakeRef directFlakeRef = FlakeRef(flakeRef);
if (!flakeRef.isDirect()) {
directFlakeRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef, state.getFlakeRegistries());
// NOTE FROM NICK: I don't see why one wouldn't fetch FlakeId flakes..
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
// FIXME: require hash in pure mode.
// FIXME: use regular /archive URLs instead?
// might have stricter rate limits.
// FIXME: support passing auth tokens for private repos.
auto url = fmt("",
refData->owner, refData->repo,
? refData->rev->to_string(Base16, false)
: refData->ref
? *refData->ref
: "master");
auto result = getDownloader()->downloadCached(, url, true, "source",
Hash(), nullptr, refData->rev ? 1000000000 : settings.tarballTtl);
if (!result.etag)
throw Error("did not receive an ETag header from '%s'", url);
if (result.etag->size() != 42 || (*result.etag)[0] != '"' || (*result.etag)[41] != '"')
throw Error("ETag header '%s' from '%s' is not a Git revision", *result.etag, url);
FlakeSourceInfo info;
info.storePath = result.path;
info.rev = Hash(std::string(*result.etag, 1, result.etag->size() - 2), htSHA1);
return info;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(& {
auto gitInfo = exportGit(, refData->uri, refData->ref,
refData->rev ? refData->rev->to_string(Base16, false) : "", "source");
FlakeSourceInfo info;
info.storePath = gitInfo.storePath;
info.rev = Hash(gitInfo.rev, htSHA1);
info.revCount = gitInfo.revCount;
return info;
else if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsPath>(& {
if (!pathExists(refData->path + "/.git"))
throw Error("flake '%s' does not reference a Git repository", refData->path);
auto gitInfo = exportGit(, refData->path, {}, "", "source");
FlakeSourceInfo info;
info.storePath = gitInfo.storePath;
info.rev = Hash(gitInfo.rev, htSHA1);
info.revCount = gitInfo.revCount;
return info;
else abort();
Flake getFlake(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef)
auto sourceInfo = fetchFlake(state, flakeRef);
debug("got flake source '%s' with revision %s",
sourceInfo.storePath, sourceInfo.rev.value_or(Hash(htSHA1)).to_string(Base16, false));
auto flakePath = sourceInfo.storePath;
if (state.allowedPaths)
FlakeRef newFlakeRef(flakeRef);
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
FlakeSourceInfo srcInfo = fetchFlake(state, newFlakeRef);
if (srcInfo.rev) {
std::string uri = flakeRef.baseRef().to_string();
newFlakeRef = FlakeRef(uri + "/" + srcInfo.rev->to_string(Base16, false));
Flake flake(newFlakeRef);
flake.path = flakePath;
flake.revCount = sourceInfo.revCount;
Value vInfo;
state.evalFile(flakePath + "/flake.nix", vInfo); // FIXME: symlink attack
if (auto name = vInfo.attrs->get(state.sName))
| = state.forceStringNoCtx(*(**name).value, *(**name).pos);
throw Error("flake lacks attribute 'name'");
if (auto description = vInfo.attrs->get(state.sDescription))
flake.description = state.forceStringNoCtx(*(**description).value, *(**description).pos);
if (auto requires = vInfo.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("requires"))) {
state.forceList(*(**requires).value, *(**requires).pos);
for (unsigned int n = 0; n < (**requires).value->listSize(); ++n)
*(**requires).value->listElems()[n], *(**requires).pos)));
if (auto provides = vInfo.attrs->get(state.symbols.create("provides"))) {
state.forceFunction(*(**provides).value, *(**provides).pos);
flake.vProvides = (**provides).value;
} else
throw Error("flake lacks attribute 'provides'");
auto lockFile = flakePath + "/flake.lock"; // FIXME: symlink attack
if (pathExists(lockFile)) {
flake.lockFile = readRegistry(lockFile);
for (auto & entry : flake.lockFile->entries)
if (!entry.second.ref.isImmutable())
throw Error("flake lock file '%s' contains mutable entry '%s'",
lockFile, entry.second.ref.to_string());
return flake;
/* Given a flake reference, recursively fetch it and its
FIXME: this should return a graph of flakes.
static std::tuple<FlakeId, std::map<FlakeId, Flake>> resolveFlake(EvalState & state,
const FlakeRef & topRef, bool impureTopRef)
std::map<FlakeId, Flake> done;
std::queue<std::tuple<FlakeRef, bool>> todo;
std::optional<FlakeId> topFlakeId; /// FIXME: ambiguous
todo.push({topRef, true});
auto registries = state.getFlakeRegistries();
//std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry> localRegistry =;
while (!todo.empty()) {
auto [flakeRef, toplevel] = todo.front();
if (auto refData = std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsFlakeId>(& {
if (done.count(refData->id)) continue; // optimization
flakeRef = lookupFlake(state, flakeRef,
!evalSettings.pureEval || (toplevel && impureTopRef) ? registries : std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlakeRegistry>>());
// This is why we need the `registries`.
#if 0
if (evalSettings.pureEval && !flakeRef.isImmutable() && (!toplevel || !impureTopRef))
throw Error("mutable flake '%s' is not allowed in pure mode; use --impure to disable", flakeRef.to_string());
auto flake = getFlake(state, flakeRef);
if (done.count( continue;
if (toplevel) topFlakeId =;
for (auto & require : flake.requires)
todo.push({require, false});
#if 0
// The following piece of code basically adds the FlakeRefs from
// the lockfiles of dependencies to the localRegistry. This is used
// to resolve future `FlakeId`s, in `lookupFlake` a bit above this.
if (flake.lockFile)
for (auto & entry : flake.lockFile->entries) {
if (localRegistry->entries.count(entry.first)) continue;
localRegistry->entries.emplace(entry.first, entry.second);
done.emplace(, std::move(flake));
return {*topFlakeId, std::move(done)};
FlakeRegistry updateLockFile(EvalState & evalState, FlakeRef & flakeRef)
FlakeRegistry newLockFile;
std::map<FlakeId, Flake> myDependencyMap = get<1>(resolveFlake(evalState, flakeRef, false));
// Nick assumed that "topRefPure" means that the Flake for flakeRef can be
// fetched purely.
for (auto const& require : myDependencyMap) {
FlakeRegistry::Entry entry = FlakeRegistry::Entry(require.second.ref);
// The FlakeRefs are immutable because they come out of the Flake objects,
// not from the requires.
newLockFile.entries.insert(std::pair<FlakeId, FlakeRegistry::Entry>(require.first, entry));
return newLockFile;
void updateLockFile(EvalState & state, std::string path)
// 'path' is the path to the local flake repo.
FlakeRef flakeRef = FlakeRef("file://" + path);
if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGit>(& {
FlakeRegistry newLockFile = updateLockFile(state, flakeRef);
writeRegistry(newLockFile, path + "/flake.lock");
} else if (std::get_if<FlakeRef::IsGitHub>(& {
throw UsageError("you can only update local flakes, not flakes on GitHub");
} else {
throw UsageError("you can only update local flakes, not flakes through their FlakeId");
Value * makeFlakeValue(EvalState & state, const FlakeRef & flakeRef, bool impureTopRef, Value & v)
auto [topFlakeId, flakes] = resolveFlake(state, flakeRef, impureTopRef);
// FIXME: we should call each flake with only its dependencies
// (rather than the closure of the top-level flake).
auto vResult = state.allocValue();
state.mkAttrs(*vResult, flakes.size());
Value * vTop = 0;
for (auto & flake : flakes) {
auto vFlake = state.allocAttr(*vResult,;
if (topFlakeId == vTop = vFlake;
state.mkAttrs(*vFlake, 4);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.sDescription), flake.second.description);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.sOutPath), flake.second.path, {flake.second.path});
if (flake.second.revCount)
mkInt(*state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.symbols.create("revCount")), *flake.second.revCount);
auto vProvides = state.allocAttr(*vFlake, state.symbols.create("provides"));
mkApp(*vProvides, *flake.second.vProvides, *vResult);
v = *vResult;
return vTop;
static void prim_getFlake(EvalState & state, const Pos & pos, Value * * args, Value & v)
makeFlakeValue(state, state.forceStringNoCtx(*args[0], pos), false, v);
static RegisterPrimOp r2("getFlake", 1, prim_getFlake);