forked from lix-project/lix

Previously, when we were attempting to reuse the old lockfile information in the computeLocks function, we have passed the parent of the current input to the next computeLocks call. This was incorrect, since the follows are resolved relative to the parent. This caused issues when we tried to reuse oldLock but couldn't for some reason (read: mustRefetch is true), in that case the follows were resolved incorrectly. Fix this by passing the correct parent, and adding some tests to prevent this particular regression from happening again. Closes
825 lines
22 KiB
825 lines
22 KiB
if [[ -z $(type -p git) ]]; then
echo "Git not installed; skipping flake tests"
exit 99
rm -rf $TEST_HOME/.cache $TEST_HOME/.config
for repo in $flake1Dir $flake2Dir $flake3Dir $flake7Dir $templatesDir $nonFlakeDir $flakeA $flakeB $flakeFollowsA; do
rm -rf $repo $repo.tmp
mkdir -p $repo
git -C $repo init
git -C $repo config ""
git -C $repo config "Foobar"
cat > $flake1Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Bla bla";
outputs = inputs: rec {
packages.$ = import ./simple.nix;
defaultPackage.$system = packages.$;
# To test "nix flake init".
legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.hello = import ./simple.nix;
cp ./simple.nix ./ ./config.nix $flake1Dir/
git -C $flake1Dir add flake.nix simple.nix config.nix
git -C $flake1Dir commit -m 'Initial'
cat > $flake2Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Fnord";
outputs = { self, flake1 }: rec {
packages.$ = flake1.packages.$;
git -C $flake2Dir add flake.nix
git -C $flake2Dir commit -m 'Initial'
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Fnord";
outputs = { self, flake2 }: rec {
packages.$system.xyzzy = flake2.packages.$;
checks = {
xyzzy = packages.$system.xyzzy;
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Initial'
cat > $nonFlakeDir/ <<EOF
git -C $nonFlakeDir add
git -C $nonFlakeDir commit -m 'Initial'
# Construct a custom registry, additionally test the --registry flag
nix registry add --registry $registry flake1 git+file://$flake1Dir
nix registry add --registry $registry flake2 git+file://$flake2Dir
nix registry add --registry $registry flake3 git+file://$flake3Dir
nix registry add --registry $registry flake4 flake3
nix registry add --registry $registry flake5 hg+file://$flake5Dir
nix registry add --registry $registry nixpkgs flake1
nix registry add --registry $registry templates git+file://$templatesDir
# Test 'nix flake list'.
[[ $(nix registry list | wc -l) == 7 ]]
# Test 'nix flake metadata'.
nix flake metadata flake1
nix flake metadata flake1 | grep -q 'Locked URL:.*flake1.*'
# Test 'nix flake metadata' on a local flake.
(cd $flake1Dir && nix flake metadata) | grep -q 'URL:.*flake1.*'
(cd $flake1Dir && nix flake metadata .) | grep -q 'URL:.*flake1.*'
nix flake metadata $flake1Dir | grep -q 'URL:.*flake1.*'
# Test 'nix flake metadata --json'.
json=$(nix flake metadata flake1 --json | jq .)
[[ $(echo "$json" | jq -r .description) = 'Bla bla' ]]
[[ -d $(echo "$json" | jq -r .path) ]]
[[ $(echo "$json" | jq -r .lastModified) = $(git -C $flake1Dir log -n1 --format=%ct) ]]
hash1=$(echo "$json" | jq -r .revision)
echo -n '# foo' >> $flake1Dir/flake.nix
git -C $flake1Dir commit -a -m 'Foo'
hash2=$(nix flake metadata flake1 --json --refresh | jq -r .revision)
[[ $hash1 != $hash2 ]]
# Test 'nix build' on a flake.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake1#foo
[[ -e $TEST_ROOT/result/hello ]]
# Test defaultPackage.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake1
[[ -e $TEST_ROOT/result/hello ]]
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake1Dir
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result git+file://$flake1Dir
# Check that store symlinks inside a flake are not interpreted as flakes.
nix build -o $flake1Dir/result git+file://$flake1Dir
nix path-info $flake1Dir/result
# 'getFlake' on a mutable flakeref should fail in pure mode, but succeed in impure mode.
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --expr "(builtins.getFlake \"$flake1Dir\").defaultPackage.$system")
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --expr "(builtins.getFlake \"$flake1Dir\").defaultPackage.$system" --impure
# 'getFlake' on an immutable flakeref should succeed even in pure mode.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --expr "(builtins.getFlake \"git+file://$flake1Dir?rev=$hash2\").defaultPackage.$system"
# Building a flake with an unlocked dependency should fail in pure mode.
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake2#bar --no-registries)
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake2#bar --no-use-registries)
(! nix eval --expr "builtins.getFlake \"$flake2Dir\"")
# But should succeed in impure mode.
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake2#bar --impure)
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake2#bar --impure --no-write-lock-file
# Building a local flake with an unlocked dependency should fail with --no-update-lock-file.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar --no-update-lock-file 2>&1 | grep 'requires lock file changes'
# But it should succeed without that flag.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar --no-write-lock-file
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar --no-update-lock-file 2>&1 | grep 'requires lock file changes'
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar --commit-lock-file
[[ -e $flake2Dir/flake.lock ]]
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff master) ]]
# Rerunning the build should not change the lockfile.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake2Dir#bar
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff master) ]]
# Building with a lockfile should not require a fetch of the registry.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --flake-registry file:///no-registry.json $flake2Dir#bar --refresh
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --no-registries $flake2Dir#bar --refresh
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --no-use-registries $flake2Dir#bar --refresh
# Updating the flake should not change the lockfile.
nix flake lock $flake2Dir
[[ -z $(git -C $flake2Dir diff master) ]]
# Now we should be able to build the flake in pure mode.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake2#bar
# Or without a registry.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --no-registries git+file://$flake2Dir#bar --refresh
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result --no-use-registries git+file://$flake2Dir#bar --refresh
# Test whether indirect dependencies work.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake3Dir#xyzzy
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.lock
# Add dependency to flake3.
rm $flake3Dir/flake.nix
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Fnord";
outputs = { self, flake1, flake2 }: rec {
packages.$system.xyzzy = flake2.packages.$;
packages.$system."sth sth" = flake1.packages.$;
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Update flake.nix'
# Check whether `nix build` works with an incomplete lockfile
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake3Dir#"sth sth"
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake3Dir#"sth%20sth"
# Check whether it saved the lockfile
(! [[ -z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master) ]])
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.lock
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Add lockfile'
# Test whether registry caching works.
nix registry list --flake-registry file://$registry | grep -q flake3
mv $registry $registry.tmp
nix store gc
nix registry list --flake-registry file://$registry --refresh | grep -q flake3
mv $registry.tmp $registry
# Test whether flakes are registered as GC roots for offline use.
# FIXME: use tarballs rather than git.
rm -rf $TEST_HOME/.cache
nix store gc # get rid of copies in the store to ensure they get fetched to our git cache
_NIX_FORCE_HTTP=1 nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result git+file://$flake2Dir#bar
mv $flake1Dir $flake1Dir.tmp
mv $flake2Dir $flake2Dir.tmp
nix store gc
_NIX_FORCE_HTTP=1 nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result git+file://$flake2Dir#bar
_NIX_FORCE_HTTP=1 nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result git+file://$flake2Dir#bar --refresh
mv $flake1Dir.tmp $flake1Dir
mv $flake2Dir.tmp $flake2Dir
# Add nonFlakeInputs to flake3.
rm $flake3Dir/flake.nix
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
inputs = {
flake1 = {};
flake2 = {};
nonFlake = {
url = git+file://$nonFlakeDir;
flake = false;
description = "Fnord";
outputs = inputs: rec {
packages.$system.xyzzy = inputs.flake2.packages.$;
packages.$system.sth = inputs.flake1.packages.$;
packages.$system.fnord =
with import ./config.nix;
mkDerivation {
inherit system;
name = "fnord";
dummy = builtins.readFile (builtins.path { name = "source"; path = ./.; filter = path: type: baseNameOf path == "config.nix"; } + "/config.nix");
dummy2 = builtins.readFile (builtins.path { name = "source"; path = inputs.flake1; filter = path: type: baseNameOf path == "simple.nix"; } + "/simple.nix");
buildCommand = ''
cat \${inputs.nonFlake}/ > \$out
cp ./config.nix $flake3Dir
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix config.nix
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Add nonFlakeInputs'
# Check whether `nix build` works with a lockfile which is missing a
# nonFlakeInputs.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $flake3Dir#sth --commit-lock-file
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake3#fnord
[[ $(cat $TEST_ROOT/result) = FNORD ]]
# Check whether flake input fetching is lazy: flake3#sth does not
# depend on flake2, so this shouldn't fail.
rm -rf $TEST_HOME/.cache
mv $flake2Dir $flake2Dir.tmp
mv $nonFlakeDir $nonFlakeDir.tmp
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake3#sth
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake3#xyzzy)
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake3#fnord)
mv $flake2Dir.tmp $flake2Dir
mv $nonFlakeDir.tmp $nonFlakeDir
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake3#xyzzy flake3#fnord
# Test doing multiple `lookupFlake`s
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake4#xyzzy
# Test 'nix flake update' and --override-flake.
nix flake lock $flake3Dir
[[ -z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master) ]]
nix flake update $flake3Dir --override-flake flake2 nixpkgs
[[ ! -z $(git -C $flake3Dir diff master) ]]
# Make branch "removeXyzzy" where flake3 doesn't have xyzzy anymore
git -C $flake3Dir checkout -b removeXyzzy
rm $flake3Dir/flake.nix
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
inputs = {
nonFlake = {
url = "$nonFlakeDir";
flake = false;
description = "Fnord";
outputs = { self, flake1, flake2, nonFlake }: rec {
packages.$system.sth = flake1.packages.$;
packages.$system.fnord =
with import ./config.nix;
mkDerivation {
inherit system;
name = "fnord";
buildCommand = ''
cat \${nonFlake}/ > \$out
nix flake lock $flake3Dir
git -C $flake3Dir add flake.nix flake.lock
git -C $flake3Dir commit -m 'Remove packages.xyzzy'
git -C $flake3Dir checkout master
# Test whether fuzzy-matching works for registry entries.
(! nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake4/removeXyzzy#xyzzy)
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result flake4/removeXyzzy#sth
# Testing the nix CLI
nix registry add flake1 flake3
[[ $(nix registry list | wc -l) == 8 ]]
nix registry pin flake1
[[ $(nix registry list | wc -l) == 8 ]]
nix registry pin flake1 flake3
[[ $(nix registry list | wc -l) == 8 ]]
nix registry remove flake1
[[ $(nix registry list | wc -l) == 7 ]]
# Test 'nix flake init'.
cat > $templatesDir/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Some templates";
outputs = { self }: {
templates = {
trivial = {
path = ./trivial;
description = "A trivial flake";
defaultTemplate = self.templates.trivial;
mkdir $templatesDir/trivial
cat > $templatesDir/trivial/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "A flake for building Hello World";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs }: {
packages.x86_64-linux.hello = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.x86_64-linux.hello;
defaultPackage.x86_64-linux = self.packages.x86_64-linux.hello;
git -C $templatesDir add flake.nix trivial/flake.nix
git -C $templatesDir commit -m 'Initial'
nix flake check templates
nix flake show templates
nix flake show templates --json | jq
(cd $flake7Dir && nix flake init)
(cd $flake7Dir && nix flake init) # check idempotence
git -C $flake7Dir add flake.nix
nix flake check $flake7Dir
nix flake show $flake7Dir
nix flake show $flake7Dir --json | jq
git -C $flake7Dir commit -a -m 'Initial'
# Test 'nix flake new'.
rm -rf $flake6Dir
nix flake new -t templates#trivial $flake6Dir
nix flake new -t templates#trivial $flake6Dir # check idempotence
nix flake check $flake6Dir
# Test 'nix flake clone'.
rm -rf $TEST_ROOT/flake1-v2
nix flake clone flake1 --dest $TEST_ROOT/flake1-v2
[ -e $TEST_ROOT/flake1-v2/flake.nix ]
# More 'nix flake check' tests.
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
outputs = { flake1, self }: {
overlay = final: prev: {
nix flake check $flake3Dir
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
outputs = { flake1, self }: {
overlay = finalll: prev: {
(! nix flake check $flake3Dir)
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
outputs = { flake1, self }: {
| = {
a.b.c = 123;
foo = true;
nix flake check $flake3Dir
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
outputs = { flake1, self }: {
| = {
a.b.c = 123;
foo = assert false; true;
(! nix flake check $flake3Dir)
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
outputs = { flake1, self }: {
nixosModule = { config, pkgs, ... }: {
a.b.c = 123;
nix flake check $flake3Dir
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
outputs = { flake1, self }: {
nixosModule = { config, pkgs }: {
a.b.c = 123;
(! nix flake check $flake3Dir)
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
outputs = { flake1, self }: {
defaultPackage = {
system-1 = "foo";
system-2 = "bar";
checkRes=$(nix flake check --keep-going $flake3Dir 2>&1 && fail "nix flake check should have failed" || true)
echo "$checkRes" | grep -q "defaultPackage.system-1"
echo "$checkRes" | grep -q "defaultPackage.system-2"
# Test 'follows' inputs.
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
| = {
type = "indirect";
id = "flake1";
| = "foo";
outputs = { self, foo, bar }: {
nix flake lock $flake3Dir
[[ $(jq -c $flake3Dir/flake.lock) = '["foo"]' ]]
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
| = "flake2/flake1";
outputs = { self, flake2, bar }: {
nix flake lock $flake3Dir
[[ $(jq -c $flake3Dir/flake.lock) = '["flake2","flake1"]' ]]
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
| = "flake2";
outputs = { self, flake2, bar }: {
nix flake lock $flake3Dir
[[ $(jq -c $flake3Dir/flake.lock) = '["flake2"]' ]]
# Test overriding inputs of inputs.
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
inputs.flake2.inputs.flake1 = {
type = "git";
url = file://$flake7Dir;
outputs = { self, flake2 }: {
nix flake lock $flake3Dir
[[ $(jq .nodes.flake1.locked.url $flake3Dir/flake.lock) =~ flake7 ]]
cat > $flake3Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
inputs.flake2.inputs.flake1.follows = "foo";
| = git+file://$flake7Dir;
outputs = { self, flake2 }: {
nix flake update $flake3Dir
[[ $(jq -c .nodes.flake2.inputs.flake1 $flake3Dir/flake.lock) =~ '["foo"]' ]]
[[ $(jq $flake3Dir/flake.lock) =~ flake7 ]]
# Test git+file with bare repo.
rm -rf $flakeGitBare
git clone --bare $flake1Dir $flakeGitBare
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result git+file://$flakeGitBare
# Test Mercurial flakes.
rm -rf $flake5Dir
mkdir $flake5Dir
cat > $flake5Dir/flake.nix <<EOF
outputs = { self, flake1 }: {
defaultPackage.$system = flake1.defaultPackage.$system;
expr = assert builtins.pathExists ./flake.lock; 123;
if [[ -n $(type -p hg) ]]; then
hg init $flake5Dir
hg add $flake5Dir/flake.nix
hg commit --config $flake5Dir -m 'Initial commit'
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result hg+file://$flake5Dir
[[ -e $TEST_ROOT/result/hello ]]
(! nix flake metadata --json hg+file://$flake5Dir | jq -e -r .revision)
nix eval hg+file://$flake5Dir#expr
nix eval hg+file://$flake5Dir#expr
(! nix eval hg+file://$flake5Dir#expr --no-allow-dirty)
(! nix flake metadata --json hg+file://$flake5Dir | jq -e -r .revision)
hg commit --config $flake5Dir -m 'Add lock file'
nix flake metadata --json hg+file://$flake5Dir --refresh | jq -e -r .revision
nix flake metadata --json hg+file://$flake5Dir
[[ $(nix flake metadata --json hg+file://$flake5Dir | jq -e -r .revCount) = 1 ]]
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result hg+file://$flake5Dir --no-registries --no-allow-dirty
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result hg+file://$flake5Dir --no-use-registries --no-allow-dirty
# Test path flakes.
rm -rf $flake5Dir/.hg $flake5Dir/flake.lock
nix flake lock path://$flake5Dir
# Test tarball flakes.
tar cfz $TEST_ROOT/flake.tar.gz -C $TEST_ROOT flake5
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result file://$TEST_ROOT/flake.tar.gz
# Building with a tarball URL containing a SRI hash should also work.
url=$(nix flake metadata --json file://$TEST_ROOT/flake.tar.gz | jq -r .url)
[[ $url =~ sha256- ]]
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result $url
# Building with an incorrect SRI hash should fail.
nix build -o $TEST_ROOT/result "file://$TEST_ROOT/flake.tar.gz?narHash=sha256-qQ2Zz4DNHViCUrp6gTS7EE4+RMqFQtUfWF2UNUtJKS0=" 2>&1 | grep 'NAR hash mismatch'
# Test --override-input.
git -C $flake3Dir reset --hard
nix flake lock $flake3Dir --override-input flake2/flake1 file://$TEST_ROOT/flake.tar.gz -vvvvv
[[ $(jq .nodes.flake1_2.locked.url $flake3Dir/flake.lock) =~ flake.tar.gz ]]
nix flake lock $flake3Dir --override-input flake2/flake1 flake1
[[ $(jq -r .nodes.flake1_2.locked.rev $flake3Dir/flake.lock) =~ $hash2 ]]
nix flake lock $flake3Dir --override-input flake2/flake1 flake1/master/$hash1
[[ $(jq -r .nodes.flake1_2.locked.rev $flake3Dir/flake.lock) =~ $hash1 ]]
# Test --update-input.
nix flake lock $flake3Dir
[[ $(jq -r .nodes.flake1_2.locked.rev $flake3Dir/flake.lock) = $hash1 ]]
nix flake lock $flake3Dir --update-input flake2/flake1
[[ $(jq -r .nodes.flake1_2.locked.rev $flake3Dir/flake.lock) =~ $hash2 ]]
# Test 'nix flake metadata --json'.
nix flake metadata $flake3Dir --json | jq .
# Test circular flake dependencies.
cat > $flakeA/flake.nix <<EOF
inputs.b.url = git+file://$flakeB;
inputs.b.inputs.a.follows = "/";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, b }: {
foo = 123 +;
xyzzy = 1000;
git -C $flakeA add flake.nix
cat > $flakeB/flake.nix <<EOF
inputs.a.url = git+file://$flakeA;
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, a }: {
bar = 456 + a.xyzzy;
git -C $flakeB add flake.nix
git -C $flakeB commit -a -m 'Foo'
[[ $(nix eval $flakeA#foo) = 1579 ]]
[[ $(nix eval $flakeA#foo) = 1579 ]]
sed -i $flakeB/flake.nix -e 's/456/789/'
git -C $flakeB commit -a -m 'Foo'
[[ $(nix eval --update-input b $flakeA#foo) = 1912 ]]
# Test list-inputs with circular dependencies
nix flake metadata $flakeA
# Test flake follow paths
mkdir -p $flakeFollowsB
mkdir -p $flakeFollowsC
mkdir -p $flakeFollowsD
mkdir -p $flakeFollowsE
cat > $flakeFollowsA/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Flake A";
inputs = {
B = {
url = "path:./flakeB";
inputs.foobar.follows = "D";
inputs.nonFlake.follows = "D";
D.url = "path:./flakeD";
outputs = { ... }: {};
cat > $flakeFollowsB/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Flake B";
inputs = {
foobar.url = "path:$flakeFollowsA/flakeE";
nonFlake.url = "path:$nonFlakeDir";
goodoo.follows = "C/goodoo";
C = {
url = "path:./flakeC";
inputs.foobar.follows = "foobar";
outputs = { ... }: {};
cat > $flakeFollowsC/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Flake C";
inputs = {
foobar.url = "path:$flakeFollowsA/flakeE";
goodoo.follows = "foobar";
outputs = { ... }: {};
cat > $flakeFollowsD/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Flake D";
inputs = {};
outputs = { ... }: {};
cat > $flakeFollowsE/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Flake D";
inputs = {};
outputs = { ... }: {};
git -C $flakeFollowsA add flake.nix flakeB/flake.nix \
flakeB/flakeC/flake.nix flakeD/flake.nix flakeE/flake.nix
nix flake update $flakeFollowsA
oldLock="$(cat "$flakeFollowsA/flake.lock")"
# Ensure that locking twice doesn't change anything
nix flake lock $flakeFollowsA
newLock="$(cat "$flakeFollowsA/flake.lock")"
diff <(echo "$newLock") <(echo "$oldLock")
[[ $(jq -c .nodes.B.inputs.C $flakeFollowsA/flake.lock) = '"C"' ]]
[[ $(jq -c .nodes.B.inputs.foobar $flakeFollowsA/flake.lock) = '["D"]' ]]
[[ $(jq -c .nodes.C.inputs.foobar $flakeFollowsA/flake.lock) = '["B","foobar"]' ]]
# Ensure removing follows from flake.nix removes them from the lockfile
cat > $flakeFollowsA/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Flake A";
inputs = {
B = {
url = "path:./flakeB";
inputs.nonFlake.follows = "D";
D.url = "path:./flakeD";
outputs = { ... }: {};
nix flake lock $flakeFollowsA
[[ $(jq -c .nodes.B.inputs.foobar $flakeFollowsA/flake.lock) = '"foobar"' ]]
jq -r -c '.nodes | keys | .[]' $flakeFollowsA/flake.lock | grep "^foobar$"
# Ensure a relative path is not allowed to go outside the store path
cat > $flakeFollowsA/flake.nix <<EOF
description = "Flake A";
inputs = {
B.url = "path:../flakeB";
outputs = { ... }: {};
git -C $flakeFollowsA add flake.nix
nix flake lock $flakeFollowsA 2>&1 | grep 'points outside'
# Test flake in store does not evaluate
rm -rf $badFlakeDir
mkdir $badFlakeDir
echo INVALID > $badFlakeDir/flake.nix
nix store delete $(nix store add-path $badFlakeDir)
[[ $(nix path-info $(nix store add-path $flake1Dir)) =~ flake1 ]]
[[ $(nix path-info path:$(nix store add-path $flake1Dir)) =~ simple ]]