alois31 0dd1d8ca1c
tree-wide: unify progress bar inactive and paused states
Previously, the progress bar had two subtly different states in which the bar
would not actually render, both with their own shortcomings: inactive (which
was irreversible) and paused (reversible, but swallowing logs). Furthermore,
there was no way of resetting the statistics, so a very bad solution was
implemented (243c0f18da) that would create a new
logger for each line of the repl, leaking the previous one and discarding the
value of printBuildLogs. Finally, if stderr was not attached to a TTY, the
update thread was started even though the logger was not active, violating the
invariant required by the destructor (which is not observed because the logger
is leaked).

In this commit, the two aforementioned states are unified into a single one,
which can be exited again, correctly upholds the invariant that the update
thread is only running while the progress bar is active, and does not swallow
logs. The latter change in behavior is not expected to be a problems in the
rare cases where the paused state was used before, since other loggers (like
the simple one) don't exhibit it anyway. The startProgressBar/stopProgressBar
API is removed due to being a footgun, and a new method for properly resetting
the progress is added.

Co-Authored-By: Qyriad <>
Change-Id: I2b7c3eb17d439cd0c16f7b896cfb61239ac7ff3a
2024-07-01 18:19:34 +02:00

705 lines
23 KiB

#include "eval.hh"
#include "installable-flake.hh"
#include "command.hh"
#include "common-args.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "outputs-spec.hh"
#include "derivations.hh"
#include "run.hh"
#include <iterator>
#include <memory>
#include <sstream>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace nix;
struct DevelopSettings : Config
Setting<std::string> bashPrompt{this, "", "bash-prompt",
"The bash prompt (`PS1`) in `nix develop` shells."};
Setting<std::string> bashPromptPrefix{this, "", "bash-prompt-prefix",
"Prefix prepended to the `PS1` environment variable in `nix develop` shells."};
Setting<std::string> bashPromptSuffix{this, "", "bash-prompt-suffix",
"Suffix appended to the `PS1` environment variable in `nix develop` shells."};
static DevelopSettings developSettings;
static GlobalConfig::Register rDevelopSettings(&developSettings);
struct BuildEnvironment
struct String
bool exported;
std::string value;
bool operator == (const String & other) const
return exported == other.exported && value == other.value;
using Array = std::vector<std::string>;
using Associative = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
using Value = std::variant<String, Array, Associative>;
std::map<std::string, Value> vars;
std::map<std::string, std::string> bashFunctions;
std::optional<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> structuredAttrs;
static BuildEnvironment fromJSON(std::string_view in)
BuildEnvironment res;
std::set<std::string> exported;
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(in);
for (auto & [name, info] : json["variables"].items()) {
std::string type = info["type"];
if (type == "var" || type == "exported")
res.vars.insert({name, BuildEnvironment::String { .exported = type == "exported", .value = info["value"] }});
else if (type == "array")
res.vars.insert({name, (Array) info["value"]});
else if (type == "associative")
res.vars.insert({name, (Associative) info["value"]});
for (auto & [name, def] : json["bashFunctions"].items()) {
res.bashFunctions.insert({name, def});
if (json.contains("structuredAttrs")) {
res.structuredAttrs = {json["structuredAttrs"][".attrs.json"], json["structuredAttrs"][""]};
return res;
std::string toJSON() const
auto res = nlohmann::json::object();
auto vars2 = nlohmann::json::object();
for (auto & [name, value] : vars) {
auto info = nlohmann::json::object();
if (auto str = std::get_if<String>(&value)) {
info["type"] = str->exported ? "exported" : "var";
info["value"] = str->value;
else if (auto arr = std::get_if<Array>(&value)) {
info["type"] = "array";
info["value"] = *arr;
else if (auto arr = std::get_if<Associative>(&value)) {
info["type"] = "associative";
info["value"] = *arr;
vars2[name] = std::move(info);
res["variables"] = std::move(vars2);
res["bashFunctions"] = bashFunctions;
if (providesStructuredAttrs()) {
auto contents = nlohmann::json::object();
contents[""] = getAttrsSH();
contents[".attrs.json"] = getAttrsJSON();
res["structuredAttrs"] = std::move(contents);
auto json = res.dump();
assert(BuildEnvironment::fromJSON(json) == *this);
return json;
bool providesStructuredAttrs() const
return structuredAttrs.has_value();
std::string getAttrsJSON() const
return structuredAttrs->first;
std::string getAttrsSH() const
return structuredAttrs->second;
void toBash(std::ostream & out, const std::set<std::string> & ignoreVars) const
for (auto & [name, value] : vars) {
if (!ignoreVars.count(name)) {
if (auto str = std::get_if<String>(&value)) {
out << fmt("%s=%s\n", name, shellEscape(str->value));
if (str->exported)
out << fmt("export %s\n", name);
else if (auto arr = std::get_if<Array>(&value)) {
out << "declare -a " << name << "=(";
for (auto & s : *arr)
out << shellEscape(s) << " ";
out << ")\n";
else if (auto arr = std::get_if<Associative>(&value)) {
out << "declare -A " << name << "=(";
for (auto & [n, v] : *arr)
out << "[" << shellEscape(n) << "]=" << shellEscape(v) << " ";
out << ")\n";
for (auto & [name, def] : bashFunctions) {
out << name << " ()\n{\n" << def << "}\n";
static std::string getString(const Value & value)
if (auto str = std::get_if<String>(&value))
return str->value;
throw Error("bash variable is not a string");
static Array getStrings(const Value & value)
if (auto str = std::get_if<String>(&value))
return tokenizeString<Array>(str->value);
else if (auto arr = std::get_if<Array>(&value)) {
return *arr;
} else if (auto assoc = std::get_if<Associative>(&value)) {
Array assocKeys;
std::for_each(assoc->begin(), assoc->end(), [&](auto & n) { assocKeys.push_back(n.first); });
return assocKeys;
throw Error("bash variable is not a string or array");
bool operator == (const BuildEnvironment & other) const
return vars == other.vars && bashFunctions == other.bashFunctions;
std::string getSystem() const
if (auto v = get(vars, "system"))
return getString(*v);
return settings.thisSystem;
const static std::string getEnvSh =
#include ""
/* Given an existing derivation, return the shell environment as
initialised by stdenv's setup script. We do this by building a
modified derivation with the same dependencies and nearly the same
initial environment variables, that just writes the resulting
environment to a file and exits. */
static StorePath getDerivationEnvironment(ref<Store> store, ref<Store> evalStore, const StorePath & drvPath)
auto drv = evalStore->derivationFromPath(drvPath);
auto builder = baseNameOf(drv.builder);
if (builder != "bash")
throw Error("'nix develop' only works on derivations that use 'bash' as their builder");
auto getEnvShPath = evalStore->addTextToStore("", getEnvSh, {});
drv.args = {store->printStorePath(getEnvShPath)};
/* Remove derivation checks. */
/* Rehash and write the derivation. FIXME: would be nice to use
'buildDerivation', but that's privileged. */ += "-env";
if (experimentalFeatureSettings.isEnabled(Xp::CaDerivations)) {
for (auto & output : drv.outputs) {
output.second = DerivationOutput::Deferred {},
drv.env[output.first] = hashPlaceholder(output.first);
} else {
for (auto & output : drv.outputs) {
output.second = DerivationOutput::Deferred { };
drv.env[output.first] = "";
auto hashesModulo = hashDerivationModulo(*evalStore, drv, true);
for (auto & output : drv.outputs) {
Hash h =;
auto outPath = store->makeOutputPath(output.first, h,;
output.second = DerivationOutput::InputAddressed {
.path = outPath,
drv.env[output.first] = store->printStorePath(outPath);
auto shellDrvPath = writeDerivation(*evalStore, drv);
/* Build the derivation. */
{ DerivedPath::Built {
.drvPath = makeConstantStorePathRef(shellDrvPath),
.outputs = OutputsSpec::All { },
bmNormal, evalStore);
for (auto & [_0, optPath] : evalStore->queryPartialDerivationOutputMap(shellDrvPath)) {
auto & outPath = *optPath;
auto outPathS = store->toRealPath(outPath);
if (lstat(outPathS).st_size)
return outPath;
throw Error(" failed to produce an environment");
struct Common : InstallableCommand, MixProfile
std::set<std::string> ignoreVars{
"HOME", // FIXME: don't ignore in pure mode?
"SSL_CERT_FILE", // FIXME: only want to ignore /no-cert-file.crt
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> redirects;
.longName = "redirect",
.description = "Redirect a store path to a mutable location.",
.labels = {"installable", "outputs-dir"},
.handler = {[&](std::string installable, std::string outputsDir) {
redirects.push_back({installable, outputsDir});
std::string makeRcScript(
ref<Store> store,
const BuildEnvironment & buildEnvironment,
const Path & tmpDir,
const Path & outputsDir = absPath(".") + "/outputs")
// A list of colon-separated environment variables that should be
// prepended to, rather than overwritten, in order to keep the shell usable.
// Please keep this list minimal in order to avoid impurities.
static const char * const savedVars[] = {
"PATH", // for commands
"XDG_DATA_DIRS", // for loadable completion
std::ostringstream out;
out << "unset shellHook\n";
for (auto & var : savedVars) {
out << fmt("%s=${%s:-}\n", var, var);
out << fmt("nix_saved_%s=\"$%s\"\n", var, var);
buildEnvironment.toBash(out, ignoreVars);
for (auto & var : savedVars)
out << fmt("%s=\"$%s${nix_saved_%s:+:$nix_saved_%s}\"\n", var, var, var, var);
out << "export NIX_BUILD_TOP=\"$(mktemp -d -t nix-shell.XXXXXX)\"\n";
for (auto & i : {"TMP", "TMPDIR", "TEMP", "TEMPDIR"})
out << fmt("export %s=\"$NIX_BUILD_TOP\"\n", i);
out << "eval \"${shellHook:-}\"\n";
auto script = out.str();
/* Substitute occurrences of output paths. */
auto outputs = buildEnvironment.vars.find("outputs");
assert(outputs != buildEnvironment.vars.end());
// FIXME: properly unquote 'outputs'.
StringMap rewrites;
for (auto & outputName : BuildEnvironment::getStrings(outputs->second)) {
auto from = buildEnvironment.vars.find(outputName);
assert(from != buildEnvironment.vars.end());
// FIXME: unquote
rewrites.insert({BuildEnvironment::getString(from->second), outputsDir + "/" + outputName});
/* Substitute redirects. */
for (auto & [installable_, dir_] : redirects) {
auto dir = absPath(dir_);
auto installable = parseInstallable(store, installable_);
auto builtPaths = Installable::toStorePathSet(
getEvalStore(), store, Realise::Nothing, OperateOn::Output, {installable});
for (auto & path: builtPaths) {
auto from = store->printStorePath(path);
if (script.find(from) == std::string::npos)
warn("'%s' (path '%s') is not used by this build environment", installable->what(), from);
else {
printInfo("redirecting '%s' to '%s'", from, dir);
rewrites.insert({from, dir});
if (buildEnvironment.providesStructuredAttrs()) {
return rewriteStrings(script, rewrites);
* Replace the value of NIX_ATTRS_*_FILE (`/build/.attrs.*`) with a tmp file
* that's accessible from the interactive shell session.
void fixupStructuredAttrs(
const std::string & ext,
const std::string & envVar,
const std::string & content,
StringMap & rewrites,
const BuildEnvironment & buildEnvironment,
const Path & tmpDir)
auto targetFilePath = tmpDir + "/.attrs." + ext;
writeFile(targetFilePath, content);
auto fileInBuilderEnv = buildEnvironment.vars.find(envVar);
assert(fileInBuilderEnv != buildEnvironment.vars.end());
rewrites.insert({BuildEnvironment::getString(fileInBuilderEnv->second), targetFilePath});
Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths() override
Strings paths{
"devShells." + settings.thisSystem.get() + ".default",
"devShell." + settings.thisSystem.get(),
for (auto & p : SourceExprCommand::getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths())
return paths;
Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes() override
auto res = SourceExprCommand::getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes();
res.emplace_front("devShells." + settings.thisSystem.get() + ".");
return res;
StorePath getShellOutPath(ref<Store> store, ref<Installable> installable)
auto path = installable->getStorePath();
if (path && path->to_string().ends_with("-env"))
return *path;
else {
auto drvs = Installable::toDerivations(store, {installable});
if (drvs.size() != 1)
throw Error("'%s' needs to evaluate to a single derivation, but it evaluated to %d derivations",
installable->what(), drvs.size());
auto & drvPath = *drvs.begin();
return getDerivationEnvironment(store, getEvalStore(), drvPath);
std::pair<BuildEnvironment, std::string>
getBuildEnvironment(ref<Store> store, ref<Installable> installable)
auto shellOutPath = getShellOutPath(store, installable);
auto strPath = store->printStorePath(shellOutPath);
debug("reading environment file '%s'", strPath);
return {BuildEnvironment::fromJSON(readFile(store->toRealPath(shellOutPath))), strPath};
struct CmdDevelop : Common, MixEnvironment
std::vector<std::string> command;
std::optional<std::string> phase;
.longName = "command",
.shortName = 'c',
.description = "Instead of starting an interactive shell, start the specified command and arguments.",
.labels = {"command", "args"},
.handler = {[&](std::vector<std::string> ss) {
if (ss.empty()) throw UsageError("--command requires at least one argument");
command = ss;
.longName = "phase",
.description = "The stdenv phase to run (e.g. `build` or `configure`).",
.labels = {"phase-name"},
.handler = {&phase},
.longName = "unpack",
.description = "Run the `unpack` phase.",
.handler = {&phase, {"unpack"}},
.longName = "configure",
.description = "Run the `configure` phase.",
.handler = {&phase, {"configure"}},
.longName = "build",
.description = "Run the `build` phase.",
.handler = {&phase, {"build"}},
.longName = "check",
.description = "Run the `check` phase.",
.handler = {&phase, {"check"}},
.longName = "install",
.description = "Run the `install` phase.",
.handler = {&phase, {"install"}},
.longName = "installcheck",
.description = "Run the `installcheck` phase.",
.handler = {&phase, {"installCheck"}},
std::string description() override
return "run a bash shell that provides the build environment of a derivation";
std::string doc() override
#include ""
void run(ref<Store> store, ref<Installable> installable) override
auto [buildEnvironment, gcroot] = getBuildEnvironment(store, installable);
auto [rcFileFd, rcFilePath] = createTempFile("nix-shell");
AutoDelete tmpDir(createTempDir("", "nix-develop"), true);
auto script = makeRcScript(store, buildEnvironment, (Path) tmpDir);
if (verbosity >= lvlDebug)
script += "set -x\n";
script += fmt("command rm -f '%s'\n", rcFilePath);
if (phase) {
if (!command.empty())
throw UsageError("you cannot use both '--command' and '--phase'");
// FIXME: foundMakefile is set by buildPhase, need to get
// rid of that.
script += fmt("foundMakefile=1\n");
script += fmt("runHook %1%Phase\n", *phase);
else if (!command.empty()) {
std::vector<std::string> args;
for (auto s : command)
script += fmt("exec %s\n", concatStringsSep(" ", args));
else {
script = "[ -n \"$PS1\" ] && [ -e ~/.bashrc ] && source ~/.bashrc;\n" + script;
if (developSettings.bashPrompt != "")
script += fmt("[ -n \"$PS1\" ] && PS1=%s;\n",
if (developSettings.bashPromptPrefix != "")
script += fmt("[ -n \"$PS1\" ] && PS1=%s\"$PS1\";\n",
if (developSettings.bashPromptSuffix != "")
script += fmt("[ -n \"$PS1\" ] && PS1+=%s;\n",
writeFull(rcFileFd.get(), script);
// prevent garbage collection until shell exits
setenv("NIX_GCROOT", gcroot.c_str(), 1);
Path shell = "bash";
try {
auto state = getEvalState();
auto nixpkgsLockFlags = lockFlags;
nixpkgsLockFlags.inputOverrides = {};
nixpkgsLockFlags.inputUpdates = {};
auto nixpkgs = defaultNixpkgsFlakeRef();
if (auto * i = dynamic_cast<const InstallableFlake *>(&*installable))
nixpkgs = i->nixpkgsFlakeRef();
auto bashInstallable = make_ref<InstallableFlake>(
Strings{"legacyPackages." + settings.thisSystem.get() + "."},
bool found = false;
for (auto & path : Installable::toStorePathSet(getEvalStore(), store, Realise::Outputs, OperateOn::Output, {bashInstallable})) {
auto s = store->printStorePath(path) + "/bin/bash";
if (pathExists(s)) {
shell = s;
found = true;
if (!found)
throw Error("package 'nixpkgs#bashInteractive' does not provide a 'bin/bash'");
} catch (Error &) {
// Override SHELL with the one chosen for this environment.
// This is to make sure the system shell doesn't leak into the build environment.
setenv("SHELL", shell.c_str(), 1);
// If running a phase or single command, don't want an interactive shell running after
// Ctrl-C, so don't pass --rcfile
auto args = phase || !command.empty() ? Strings{std::string(baseNameOf(shell)), rcFilePath}
: Strings{std::string(baseNameOf(shell)), "--rcfile", rcFilePath};
// Need to chdir since phases assume in flake directory
if (phase) {
// chdir if installable is a flake of type git+file or path
auto installableFlake = installable.dynamic_pointer_cast<InstallableFlake>();
if (installableFlake) {
auto sourcePath = installableFlake->getLockedFlake()->flake.resolvedRef.input.getSourcePath();
if (sourcePath) {
if (chdir(sourcePath->c_str()) == -1) {
throw SysError("chdir to '%s' failed", *sourcePath);
runProgramInStore(store, UseSearchPath::Use, shell, args, buildEnvironment.getSystem());
struct CmdPrintDevEnv : Common, MixJSON
std::string description() override
return "print shell code that can be sourced by bash to reproduce the build environment of a derivation";
std::string doc() override
#include ""
Category category() override { return catUtility; }
void run(ref<Store> store, ref<Installable> installable) override
auto buildEnvironment = getBuildEnvironment(store, installable).first;
if (json) {
} else {
AutoDelete tmpDir(createTempDir("", "nix-dev-env"), true);
logger->writeToStdout(makeRcScript(store, buildEnvironment, tmpDir));
static auto rCmdPrintDevEnv = registerCommand<CmdPrintDevEnv>("print-dev-env");
static auto rCmdDevelop = registerCommand<CmdDevelop>("develop");