The Hydra Buildfarm User Manual

Draft (Version 0.1)

Eelco Dolstra and Eelco Visser

Delft University of Technology

Department of Software Technology

Copyright 2008 Eelco Dolstra

Chapter 1. Introduction

1.1. About Hydra

Hydra is a buildfarm system based on the Nix software deployment system.

... advantages ...

1.2. Hydra at

The installation of Hydra runs at
That installation is used to build software components from the Nix, NixOS, Stratego/XT, and related projects. If you are one of the developers on those projects, it is likely that you will be using the NixOS Hydra server in some way. If you need to administer automatic builds for your project, you should pull the right strings to get an account on the server. This manual will tell you how to set up new projects and build jobs within those projects and write a release.nix file to describe the build process of your project to Hydra. You can skip Chapter 2.

If your project does not yet have automatic builds within the NixOS Hydra server, it may actually be eligible. We are in the process of setting up a large buildfarm that should be able to support open source and academic software projects. Get in touch.

1.3. Hydra on your own buildfarm

If you need to run your own Hydra installation, Chapter 2 explains how to download and install the system on your own server.

Chapter 2. Installation and Configuration

This chapter explains how to install Hydra on your own buildfarm server. We assume that you have

2.1. Platform Requirements

To run Hydra you need a Linux server with at least a considerable amount of diskspace to store builds. A multi-core machine is not a waste since Hydra can schedule multiple simultaneous build jobs.

Of course we think it is a good idea to use the NixOS Linux distribution for your buildfarm server. But this is not a requirement. The Nix software deployment system can be installed on any Linux distribution in parallel to the regular package management system. Thus, you can use Hydra on a Suse, Fedora, or Ubuntu system.

Hydra on Windows??

2.2. Getting Nix

If your server runs NixOS you are all set to continue with installation of Hydra. Otherwise you first need to install Nix. The latest stable release is Nix 0.12. Installation instructions can be found in the Nix User's Guide.

Why Nix ...

2.3. Installation

To install Hydra, get the most recent 'closure' available from
And follow the instructions that are revealed by clicking [help].
$ gunzip < hydra-build.closure.gz | nix-store --import
This unpacks the closure and imports its components into the Nix store.
$ nix-env -i /nix/store/...-hydra-build
This makes the tools in the Hydra package available in your Nix user environment.

Command completion should then reveal a number of tools related to hydra installed:

$ hydra_<tab> 

2.4. Configuration

The Hydra software is installed in the Nix store, but to run it needs a directory for storing the database, logs, and session data. In your .bashrc or similar configuration file define:
 export HYDRA_DATA=/usr/local/hydra
and make sure that you actually create that directory. (Of course, you can use another directory, but then remember to also substitute that name in the commands below.)

Run to initialize the database

Run to start the webserver at http://localhost:3000
Also start the scheduler, which monitors the source repositories and adds builds to the queue, and the runner, which executes jobs in the queue.
Now your Hydra server should be up and running and the web interface operational.

2.5. User Administration

To be able to add jobs and create projects you need to register users in the Hydra database. In the current version, the web interface does not yet support user administration. Use the following command to add a new user to the database.
$ sqlite3 /usr/local/hydra/hydra.sqlite "insert into Users(userName, emailAddress, password) values('eelco', '', '$(echo -n foobar | sha1sum | cut -c1-40)');"
where eelco is the username, and foobar the password. (Make sure to use other values!)

To give this user administrator privileges, follow this up by:

$ sqlite3 /usr/local/hydra/hydra.sqlite "insert into UserRoles(userName, role) values('eelco', 'admin');"
Now you should be able to create a project using the Hydra web interface.

Chapter 3. Creating Projects

The next step is to add projects to the buildfarm. We follow the example of the patchelf project at Note that the error messages provided as feedback by the webinterface can be somewhat unfriendly in the current version.

Login to the webinterface of your Hydra installation using the username and password you inserted in the database. Then follow the 'Create Project' link to create a new project.

3.1. General information

A project definition consists of some general information The general information of a project are mainly its name and owner. Here's what we fill in for the patchelf project:
  Identifier:    patchelf
  Display name:  Patchelf
  Description:   A tool for modifying ELF binaries
  Owner:         eelco
  Enabled:       Yes
The Identifier should be a unique name (it is the primary database key for the project table in the database). If you try to create a project with an already existing identifier you'd get an error message such as:
I'm very sorry, but an error occurred: 
DBIx::Class::ResultSet::create(): DBI Exception: DBD::SQLite::st execute failed: column name is not unique(19) at dbdimp.c line 402
So try to create the project after entering just the general information to figure out if you have chosen a unique name. Jobsets can be added once the project has been created.

Once create there should be an entry for the project in the sidebar. Go to the project page for the Patchelf project.


A project can consist of multiple `jobsets', separate tasks that can be built separately, but may depend on each other (without cyclic dependencies, of course). Go to the Edit page of the Patchelf project and 'Add a new jobset' by providing the following 'Information':
  Identifier:     trunk
  Description:    Trunk
  Nix expression: release.nix in input patchelfSrc
This states that in order to build the 'Trunk' jobset, the Nix expression in the file 'release.nix', which can be obtained from input 'patchelfSrc', should be evaluated. (We'll have a look at release.nix later.)

To realize a job we probably need a number of inputs, which can be declared in the table below. As many inputs as required can be added. For patchelf we declare the following inputs.

  nixpkgs 'CVS checkout'
  officialRelease   Boolean false
  patchelfSrc Subversion checkout
  system String value "i686-linux" 
nixpkgs officialRelease patchelfSrc system

Release Set

there must be one primary job check the radio button of exactly one job

Building Jobs


- Voorbeelden van Nix expressies voor Hydra:

Building on the command line

Overigens zijn die helemaal niet Hydra-specifiek, je kunt ze gewoon vanaf de command line bouwen, bijv. als je een patchelf checkout hebt (met een nixpkgs checkout in ../nixpkgs): $ nix-build release.nix -A rpm_fedora10i386

Release Set