API test /api/push
This commit is contained in:
@ -254,8 +254,10 @@ sub push : Chained('api') PathPart('push') Args(0) {
foreach my $r (@repos) {
triggerJobset($self, $c, $_, $force) foreach $c->model('DB::Jobsets')->search(
{ 'project.enabled' => 1, 'me.enabled' => 1 },
{ join => 'project'
, where => \ [ 'exists (select 1 from JobsetInputAlts where project = me.project and jobset = me.name and value = ?)', [ 'value', $r ] ]
join => 'project',
where => \ [ 'exists (select 1 from JobsetInputAlts where project = me.project and jobset = me.name and value = ?)', [ 'value', $r ] ],
order_by => 'me.id DESC'
@ -100,4 +100,45 @@ subtest "/api/nrbuilds" => sub {
subtest "/api/push" => sub {
subtest "with a specific jobset" => sub {
my $build = $finishedBuilds->{"one_job"};
my $jobset = $build->jobset;
my $projectName = $jobset->project->name;
my $jobsetName = $jobset->name;
is($jobset->forceeval, undef, "The existing jobset is not set to be forced to eval");
my $response = request(GET "/api/push?jobsets=$projectName:$jobsetName&force=1");
ok($response->is_success, "The API enpdoint for triggering jobsets returns 200.");
my $data = is_json($response);
is($data, { jobsetsTriggered => [ "$projectName:$jobsetName" ] });
my $updatedJobset = $ctx->db->resultset('Jobsets')->find({ id => $jobset->id });
is($updatedJobset->forceeval, 1, "The jobset is now forced to eval");
subtest "with a specific source" => sub {
my $repo = $ctx->jobsdir;
my $jobsetA = $queuedBuilds->{"one_job"}->jobset;
my $jobsetB = $finishedBuilds->{"one_job"}->jobset;
is($jobsetA->forceeval, undef, "The existing jobset is not set to be forced to eval");
print STDERR $repo;
my $response = request(GET "/api/push?repos=$repo&force=1");
ok($response->is_success, "The API enpdoint for triggering jobsets returns 200.");
my $data = is_json($response);
is($data, { jobsetsTriggered => [
] });
my $updatedJobset = $ctx->db->resultset('Jobsets')->find({ id => $jobsetA->id });
is($updatedJobset->forceeval, 1, "The jobset is now forced to eval");
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