2024-04-26 22:49:34 -06:00

281 lines
10 KiB

"use strict";
* The data for this file was constructed from:
* ```
* cd ~/projects/clones/vscode/extensions
* find . -type f -iname package.json -exec pcregrep -M '(?:"id":.*)|(?:"extensions":[^\]]+)' {} \; > ~/projects/cspell/src/languageIds.txt`
* ```
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.getLanguagesForBasename = exports.getLanguagesForExt = exports.buildLanguageExtensionMapSet = exports.isGenerated = exports.isGeneratedFile = exports.isGeneratedExt = exports.isBinary = exports.isBinaryFile = exports.isBinaryExt = exports.languageIds = exports.generatedFiles = exports.binaryLanguages = exports.languageExtensionDefinitions = void 0;
exports.languageExtensionDefinitions = [
{ id: 'ada', extensions: ['.adb', '.ads'] },
{ id: 'apiblueprint', extensions: ['.apib', '.apiblueprint'] },
{ id: 'asciidoc', extensions: ['.adoc', '.asc', '.asciidoc'] },
{ id: 'bat', extensions: ['.bat', '.cmd'] },
{ id: 'clojure', extensions: ['.clj', '.cljs', '.cljx', '.clojure', '.edn'] },
{ id: 'coffeescript', extensions: ['.coffee', '.cson'] },
{ id: 'c', extensions: ['.c'] },
id: 'cpp',
extensions: ['.cpp', '.cc', '.cxx', '.hpp', '.hh', '.hxx', '.h', '.mm', '.ino', '.inl'],
{ id: 'csharp', extensions: ['.cs'] },
{ id: 'css', extensions: ['.css'] },
{ id: 'dhall', extensions: ['.dhall'] },
{ id: 'diff', extensions: ['.diff', '.patch', '.rej'] },
{ id: 'dockerfile', extensions: ['.dockerfile'] },
{ id: 'elixir', extensions: ['.ex', '.exs'] },
{ id: 'fsharp', extensions: ['.fs', '.fsi', '.fsx', '.fsscript'] },
{ id: 'go', extensions: ['.go'] },
{ id: 'groovy', extensions: ['.groovy', '.gvy', '.gradle'] },
{ id: 'handlebars', extensions: ['.handlebars', '.hbs'] },
{ id: 'haskell', extensions: ['.hs', '.lhs'] },
id: 'html',
extensions: ['.html', '.htm', '.shtml', '.xhtml', '.mdoc', '.jsp', '.asp', '.aspx', '.jshtm', '.volt', '.vue'],
{ id: 'ini', extensions: ['.ini'] },
{ id: 'properties', extensions: ['.properties', '.gitconfig', '.cfg', '.conf'] },
{ id: 'jade', extensions: ['.jade', '.pug'] },
{ id: 'java', extensions: ['.java', '.jav'] },
{ id: 'javascriptreact', extensions: ['.jsx'] },
{ id: 'javascript', extensions: ['.js', '.mjs', '.es6', '.cjs'] },
id: 'json',
extensions: ['.json', '.jsonc', '.bowerrc', '.jshintrc', '.jscsrc', '.eslintrc', '.babelrc', '.webmanifest'],
{ id: 'jsonc', extensions: ['.jsonc'] },
{ id: 'jsonc', extensions: [], filenames: ['.code-workspace'] },
{ id: 'jungle', extensions: ['.jungle'] },
{ id: 'less', extensions: ['.less'] },
{ id: 'literate haskell', extensions: ['.lhs'] },
{ id: 'lua', extensions: ['.lua'] },
{ id: 'makefile', extensions: ['.mk'] },
{ id: 'markdown', extensions: ['.md', '.mdown', '.markdown', '.markdn'] },
{ id: 'mdx', extensions: ['.mdx'] },
{ id: 'monkeyc', extensions: ['.mc', '.mb'] },
{ id: 'objective-c', extensions: ['.m'] },
{ id: 'perl', extensions: ['.pl', '.pm', '.pod', '.t', '.PL', '.psgi'] },
{ id: 'perl6', extensions: ['.p6', '.pl6', '.pm6', '.nqp'] },
{ id: 'php', extensions: ['.php', '.php4', '.php5', '.phtml', '.ctp'] },
{ id: 'plaintext', extensions: ['.txt'] },
{ id: 'powershell', extensions: ['.ps1', '.psm1', '.psd1', '.pssc', '.psrc'] },
{ id: 'purescript', extensions: ['.purs'] },
{ id: 'python', extensions: ['.py', '.rpy', '.pyw', '.cpy', '.gyp', '.gypi'] },
{ id: 'r', extensions: ['.r', '.R', '.rhistory', '.rprofile', '.rt'] },
{ id: 'razor', extensions: ['.cshtml'] },
{ id: 'ruby', extensions: ['.rb', '.rbx', '.rjs', '.gemspec', '.rake', '.ru'] },
{ id: 'ruby', extensions: [], filenames: ['Gemfile'] },
{ id: 'rust', extensions: ['.rs'] },
{ id: 'scala', extensions: ['.scala', '.sc'] },
{ id: 'scss', extensions: ['.scss'] },
{ id: 'shaderlab', extensions: ['.shader', '.cginc'] },
id: 'shellscript',
extensions: [
{ id: 'sql', extensions: ['.sql', '.dsql'] },
{ id: 'swift', extensions: ['.swift'] },
{ id: 'toml', extensions: ['.toml'] },
{ id: 'typescript', extensions: ['.ts', '.cts', '.mts'] },
{ id: 'typescriptreact', extensions: ['.tsx'] },
{ id: 'vb', extensions: ['.vb', '.brs', '.vbs', '.bas'] },
{ id: 'vue', extensions: ['.vue'] },
id: 'xml',
extensions: [
{ id: 'xsl', extensions: ['.xsl', '.xslt'] },
{ id: 'yaml', extensions: ['.eyaml', '.eyml', '.yaml', '.yml'] },
{ id: 'latex', extensions: ['.tex'] },
{ id: 'map', extensions: ['.map'] },
{ id: 'pdf', extensions: ['.pdf'] },
{ id: 'rsa', extensions: ['.pub'], filenames: ['id_rsa', ''] },
{ id: 'pem', extensions: ['.private-key.pem', '.pem'] },
{ id: 'pem-private-key', extensions: ['.private-key.pem'] },
// Special file types used to prevent spell checking.
{ id: 'image', extensions: ['.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg', '.tiff', '.bmp', '.gif', '.ico'] },
// cspell:ignore woff
id: 'binary',
extensions: ['.gz', '.exe', '.dll', '.lib', '.obj', '.o', '.eot', '.cur', '.zip'],
id: 'fonts',
extensions: ['.ttf', '.woff', '.woff2'],
id: 'video',
extensions: ['.mov', '.mpg'],
id: 'lock',
extensions: ['.lock'],
filenames: ['package-lock.json'],
id: 'cache_files',
extensions: [],
// cspell:ignore eslintcache
filenames: ['.cspellcache', '.DS_Store', '.eslintcache'],
exports.binaryLanguages = new Set(['binary', 'image', 'video', 'fonts']);
exports.generatedFiles = new Set([...exports.binaryLanguages, 'map', 'lock', 'pdf', 'cache_files', 'rsa', 'pem']);
exports.languageIds ={ id }) => id);
const mapExtensionToSetOfLanguageIds = buildLanguageExtensionMapSet(exports.languageExtensionDefinitions);
const mapExtensionToLanguageIds = buildExtensionToLanguageIdMap(mapExtensionToSetOfLanguageIds);
function isBinaryExt(ext) {
return isBinary(getLanguagesForExt(ext));
exports.isBinaryExt = isBinaryExt;
function isBinaryFile(basename) {
return isBinary(getLanguagesForBasename(basename));
exports.isBinaryFile = isBinaryFile;
function isBinary(languageId) {
return doesSetContainAnyOf(exports.binaryLanguages, languageId);
exports.isBinary = isBinary;
function isGeneratedExt(ext) {
return isGenerated(getLanguagesForExt(ext));
exports.isGeneratedExt = isGeneratedExt;
function isGeneratedFile(basename) {
return isGenerated(getLanguagesForBasename(basename));
exports.isGeneratedFile = isGeneratedFile;
function isGenerated(languageId) {
return doesSetContainAnyOf(exports.generatedFiles, languageId);
exports.isGenerated = isGenerated;
function doesSetContainAnyOf(setOfIds, languageId) {
if (typeof languageId === 'string') {
return setOfIds.has(languageId);
for (const id of languageId) {
if (setOfIds.has(id)) {
return true;
return false;
function buildLanguageExtensionMapSet(defs) {
return defs.reduce((map, def) => {
var _a;
function getMapSet(value) {
const found = map.get(value);
if (found)
return found;
const s = new Set();
map.set(value, s);
return s;
function addId(value) {
(_a = def.filenames) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.forEach(addId);
return map;
}, new Map());
exports.buildLanguageExtensionMapSet = buildLanguageExtensionMapSet;
function buildExtensionToLanguageIdMap(map) {
return new Map([].map(([k, s]) => [k, [...s]]));
function getLanguagesForExt(ext) {
return mapExtensionToLanguageIds.get(ext) || mapExtensionToLanguageIds.get('.' + ext) || [];
exports.getLanguagesForExt = getLanguagesForExt;
function getLanguagesForBasename(basename) {
const found = mapExtensionToLanguageIds.get(basename);
if (found)
return found;
for (let pos = basename.indexOf('.'); pos >= 0; pos = basename.indexOf('.', pos + 1)) {
const ids = mapExtensionToLanguageIds.get(basename.slice(pos));
if (ids)
return ids;
return [];
exports.getLanguagesForBasename = getLanguagesForBasename;