var util = require("util"); var BaseClient = require("./client"); var extend = require("./extend"); function ApiBaseClient(settings) { this.server = { host: "" };, settings); } util.inherits(ApiBaseClient, BaseClient); // public API extend(ApiBaseClient.prototype, { getBrowsers: function(fn) { this._getBrowsers(function(error, browsers) { if (!error) { this.updateLatest(browsers); } fn(error, browsers); }.bind(this)); }, createWorker: function(options, fn) { if (options[this.versionField] === "latest") { return this.getLatest(options, function(error, version) { if (error) { return fn(error); } options = extend({}, options); options[this.versionField] = version; this.createWorker(options, fn); }.bind(this)); } var data = JSON.stringify(options); this.request({ path: this.path("/worker"), method: "POST" }, data, fn); }, getWorker: function(id, fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/worker/" + id) }, fn); }, changeUrl: function(id, options, fn) { var data = JSON.stringify(options); this.request({ path: this.path("/worker/" + id + "/url.json"), method: "PUT" }, data, fn); }, terminateWorker: function(id, fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/worker/" + id), method: "DELETE" }, fn); }, getWorkers: function(fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/workers") }, fn); }, getLatest: function(browser, fn) { var latest = this.latest; if (typeof browser === "function") { fn = browser; browser = null; } // there may be a lot of createWorker() calls with "latest" version // so minimize the number of calls to getBrowsers() if (this.latestPending) { return setTimeout(function() { this.getLatest(browser, fn); }.bind(this), 50); } // only cache browsers for one day if (!latest || this.latestUpdate < (new Date() - 864e5)) { this.latestPending = true; return this.getBrowsers(function(error) { this.latestPending = false; if (error) { return fn(error); } this.getLatest(browser, fn); }.bind(this)); } process.nextTick(function() { fn(null, browser ? latest[this.getBrowserId(browser)] : extend({}, latest)); }.bind(this)); }, takeScreenshot: function(id, fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/worker/" + id + "/screenshot.json") }, fn); } }); // internal API extend(ApiBaseClient.prototype, { latest: null, latestUpdate: 0, latestPending: false, path: function(path) { return "/" + this.version + path; }, updateLatest: function(browsers) { var latest = this.latest = {}; var getBrowserId = this.getBrowserId.bind(this); var versionField = this.versionField; this.latestUpdate = new Date(); browsers.forEach(function(browser) { var version = browser[versionField]; var browserId = getBrowserId(browser); // ignore devices that don't have versions if (!version) { return; } // ignore pre-release versions if (/\s/.test(version)) { return; } if (parseFloat(version) > (parseFloat(latest[browserId]) || 0)) { latest[browserId] = version; } }); }, getBrowserId: function(browser) { return this._getBrowserId(browser).toLowerCase(); } }); // Versions ApiBaseClient.versions = {}; ApiBaseClient.latestVersion = 0; ApiBaseClient.createVersion = function(version, prototype) { function ApiClient(settings) {, settings); } util.inherits(ApiClient, ApiBaseClient); ApiClient.prototype.version = version; extend(ApiClient.prototype, prototype); ApiBaseClient.versions[version] = ApiClient; ApiBaseClient.latestVersion = Math.max(ApiBaseClient.latestVersion, version); }; ApiBaseClient.createVersion(1, { useHttp: true, versionField: "version", _getBrowsers: function(fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/browsers") }, fn); }, _getBrowserId: function(browser) { return browser.browser; } }); ApiBaseClient.createVersion(2, { useHttp: true, versionField: "version", _getBrowsers: function(fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/browsers") }, function(error, osBrowsers) { if (error) { return fn(error); } fn(null, [].concat.apply([], Object.keys(osBrowsers).map(function(os) { return osBrowsers[os].map(function(browser) { browser.os = os; return browser; }); }) )); }); }, _getBrowserId: function(browser) { return browser.os + ":" + (browser.browser || browser.device); } }); ApiBaseClient.createVersion(3, { useHttp: true, versionField: "browser_version", _getBrowsers: function(fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/browsers?flat=true") }, fn); }, _getBrowserId: function(browser) { var id = browser.os + ":" + browser.os_version + ":" + browser.browser; if (browser.device) { id += ":" + browser.device; } return id; }, getApiStatus: function(fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/status") }, fn); } }); ApiBaseClient.createVersion(4, { versionField: "browser_version", _getBrowsers: function(fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/browsers?flat=true") }, fn); }, _getBrowserId: function(browser) { var id = browser.os + ":" + browser.os_version + ":" + browser.browser; if (browser.device) { id += ":" + browser.device; } return id; }, getApiStatus: function(fn) { this.request({ path: this.path("/status") }, fn); } }); module.exports = { createClient: function(settings) { var ApiClient = ApiBaseClient.versions[settings.version || ApiBaseClient.latestVersion]; if (!ApiClient) { throw new Error("Invalid version"); } return new ApiClient(settings); } };