channel(); $channel->basic_qos(null, 1, true); $channel->exchange_declare('build-results', 'fanout', false, true, false); $channel->queue_bind('build-results', 'build-results', ''); list($queueName, , ) = $channel->queue_declare('build-results', false, true, false, false); function runner($msg) { $body = json_decode($msg->body); $num = $body->pr->number; if ($body->success) { echo "yay! $num passed!\n"; } else { echo "Yikes, $num failed\n"; } reply_to_issue($body, implode("\n", $body->output), $body->success, $body->system); var_dump($body->success); $msg->delivery_info['channel']->basic_ack($msg->delivery_info['delivery_tag']); } function reply_to_issue($body, $output, $success, $system) { $num = $body->pr->number; $owner = $body->repo->owner; $repo = $body->repo->name; $event = $success ? 'APPROVE' : 'COMMENT'; $passfail = $success ? "Success" : "Failure"; echo "Sending $event to $owner/$repo#$num with " . $passfail . " on $system\n"; $client = gh_client(); $pr = $client->api('pull_request')->show( $owner, $repo, $num ); if ($pr['state'] == 'closed') { $event = 'COMMENT'; } // With multiple archs, it is better to not approve at all, since // another arch may come in later with a failure. // - By request of Domen $event = 'COMMENT'; $sha = $body->pr->head_sha; echo "On sha: $sha\n"; echo "Body:\n"; echo $output; echo "\n\n"; $fullloglink = strtolower("$owner/$repo.$num"); $client->api('pull_request')->reviews()->create( $owner, $repo, $num, array( 'body' => "
$passfail for system: $system

\n\n". "[Full log]($fullloglink)\n". "```\n$output\n```\n". "

", 'event' => $event, 'commit_id' => $sha, )); } function outrunner($msg) { return runner($msg); } $consumerTag = 'consumer' . getmypid(); $channel->basic_consume($queueName, $consumerTag, false, false, false, false, 'outrunner'); while(count($channel->callbacks)) { $channel->wait(); }