Pierre Bourdon 919045560c
mirror-nixos-branch: fetch channel artifacts from S3 directly (#68)
The channel scripts hit into NixOS/nixos-org-configurations#212
sometimes when fetching ISOs from to copy to the
channels bucket. This makes runs take hours when they should take

There is no benefit gained from going through for this
use case. As noticed by @K900, the .iso nar.xz files on the cache are
unlikely to be touched by anyone other than the channel scripts, so we
don't even end up pre-warming the cache or anything along those lines -
if anything, we just waste cache bytes that could be used by other

Fixes #67.
2024-01-28 19:40:32 +01:00

372 lines
14 KiB
Executable file

#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Digest::SHA;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use File::Slurp;
use File::stat;
use JSON::PP;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use Net::Amazon::S3;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
# Runs the given command, printing the (unescaped) command.
# This command continues on failure.
sub runAllowFailure {
print STDERR " \$ ", join(" ", @_), "\n";
# Runs the given command, printing the (unescaped) command.
# This command dies on failure.
sub run {
my $context = caller(0);
my $code = runAllowFailure(@_);
unless ($code == 0) {
my $exit = $code >> 8;
my $errno = $code - ($exit << 8);
die "Command failed with code ($exit) errno ($errno).\n";
return $code;
my $channelName = $ARGV[0];
my $releaseUrl = $ARGV[1];
die "Usage: $0 CHANNEL-NAME RELEASE-URL\n" unless defined $channelName && defined $releaseUrl;
$channelName =~ /^([a-z]+)-(.*)$/ or die;
my $channelDirRel = $channelName eq "nixpkgs-unstable" ? "nixpkgs" : "$1/$2";
# Configuration.
my $TMPDIR = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} // "/tmp";
my $filesCache = "${TMPDIR}/nixos-files.sqlite";
my $bucketReleasesName = "nix-releases";
my $bucketChannelsName = "nix-channels";
my $dryRun = $ENV{'DRY_RUN'} // 0;
$ENV{'GIT_DIR'} = "/home/hydra-mirror/nixpkgs-channels";
my $bucketReleases;
my $bucketChannels;
unless ($dryRun) {
# S3 setup.
my $aws_access_key_id = $ENV{'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'} or die "No AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID given.";
my $aws_secret_access_key = $ENV{'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'} or die "No AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY given.";
my $s3 = Net::Amazon::S3->new(
{ aws_access_key_id => $aws_access_key_id,
aws_secret_access_key => $aws_secret_access_key,
retry => 1,
host => "",
$bucketReleases = $s3->bucket($bucketReleasesName) or die;
my $s3_us = Net::Amazon::S3->new(
{ aws_access_key_id => $aws_access_key_id,
aws_secret_access_key => $aws_secret_access_key,
retry => 1,
$bucketChannels = $s3_us->bucket($bucketChannelsName) or die;
} else {
print STDERR "WARNING: Running in dry-run.\n";
sub fetch {
my ($url, $type) = @_;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->default_header('Accept', $type) if defined $type;
my $response = $ua->get($url);
die "could not download $url: ", $response->status_line, "\n" unless $response->is_success;
return $response->decoded_content;
my $releaseInfo = decode_json(fetch($releaseUrl, 'application/json'));
my $releaseId = $releaseInfo->{id} or die;
my $releaseName = $releaseInfo->{nixname} or die;
$releaseName =~ /-([0-9].+)/ or die;
my $releaseVersion = $1;
my $evalId = $releaseInfo->{jobsetevals}->[0] or die;
my $evalUrl = "$evalId";
my $evalInfo = decode_json(fetch($evalUrl, 'application/json'));
my $releasePrefix = "$channelDirRel/$releaseName";
my $rev = $evalInfo->{jobsetevalinputs}->{nixpkgs}->{revision} or die;
print STDERR "\nRelease information:\n";
print STDERR " - release is: $releaseName (build $releaseId)\n - eval is: $evalId\n - prefix is: $releasePrefix\n - Git commit is: $rev\n\n";
if ($bucketChannels) {
# Guard against the channel going back in time.
my $curRelease = "";
if (defined(my $object = $bucketChannels->get_key($channelName))) {
$curRelease = $object->{'x-amz-website-redirect-location'} // "";
if (!defined $ENV{'FORCE'}) {
print STDERR "previous release is $curRelease\n";
$! = 0; # Clear errno to avoid reporting non-fork/exec-related issues
my $d = `NIX_PATH= nix-instantiate --eval -E "builtins.compareVersions (builtins.parseDrvName \\"$curRelease\\").version (builtins.parseDrvName \\"$releaseName\\").version"`;
if ($? != 0) {
warn "Could not execute nix-instantiate: exit $?; errno $!\n";
exit 1;
chomp $d;
if ($d == 1) {
warn("channel would go back in time from $curRelease to $releaseName, bailing out\n");
exit if $d == 0;
if ($bucketReleases && $bucketReleases->head_key("$releasePrefix")) {
print STDERR "release already exists\n";
} else {
my $tmpDir = "$TMPDIR/release-$channelName/$releaseName";
write_file("$tmpDir/src-url", $evalUrl);
write_file("$tmpDir/git-revision", $rev);
write_file("$tmpDir/binary-cache-url", "");
if (! -e "$tmpDir/store-paths.xz") {
my $storePaths = decode_json(fetch("$evalUrl/store-paths", 'application/json'));
write_file("$tmpDir/store-paths", join("\n", uniq(@{$storePaths})) . "\n");
sub downloadFile {
my ($jobName, $dstName, $productType) = @_;
my $buildInfo = decode_json(fetch("$evalUrl/job/$jobName", 'application/json'));
my $products = ();
# Key the products by subtype.
foreach my $key (keys $buildInfo->{buildproducts}->%*) {
my $subType = $buildInfo->{buildproducts}->{$key}->{subtype};
if ($products->{$subType}) {
die "Job $jobName has multiple products of the same subtype $subType.\nThis is a bad assumption from this script";
$products->{$subType} = $buildInfo->{buildproducts}->{$key};
my $size = keys %{$products};
if ($size > 1 && !$productType) {
my $types = join(", ", keys %{$products});
die "Job $jobName has $size build products. Select the right product by subtype [$types]";
my $product;
if (!$productType) {
# Take the only element
my ($key) = keys %{$products};
$product = $products->{$key};
} else {
# Take the selected element
$product = $products->{$productType};
unless ($product) {
die "No product could be selected for $jobName, with type $productType";
my $srcFile = $product->{path} or die "job '$jobName' lacks a store path";
$dstName //= basename($srcFile);
my $dstFile = "$tmpDir/" . $dstName;
my $sha256_expected = $product->{sha256hash} or die;
if (! -e $dstFile) {
print STDERR "downloading $srcFile to $dstFile...\n";
write_file("$dstFile.sha256", "$sha256_expected $dstName");
runAllowFailure("NIX_REMOTE=s3://nix-cache nix --experimental-features nix-command store cat '$srcFile' > '$dstFile.tmp'") == 0
or die "unable to fetch $srcFile\n";
rename("$dstFile.tmp", $dstFile) or die;
if (-e "$dstFile.sha256") {
my $sha256_actual = `nix --experimental-features nix-command hash file --base16 --type sha256 '$dstFile'`;
chomp $sha256_actual;
if ($sha256_expected ne $sha256_actual) {
print STDERR "file $dstFile is corrupt $sha256_expected $sha256_actual\n";
exit 1;
if ($channelName =~ /nixos/) {
downloadFile("", "nixexprs.tar.xz");
downloadFile("nixpkgs.tarball", "", "json-br");
downloadFile("nixos.options", "", "json-br");
# All of these jobs are not present in small channels
if ($channelName !~ /-small/) {
if ($channelName =~ /nixos-2[0123]/) { # i686 dropped for > 23.11
} else {
downloadFile("tarball", "nixexprs.tar.xz", "source-dist");
downloadFile("tarball", "", "json-br");
# Generate the programs.sqlite database and put it in
# nixexprs.tar.xz. Also maintain the debug info repository at
if ($channelName =~ /nixos/ && -e "$tmpDir/store-paths") {
run("tar", "xfJ", "$tmpDir/nixexprs.tar.xz", "-C", "$tmpDir/unpack");
my $exprDir = glob("$tmpDir/unpack/*");
run("nix-channel-index", "-o", "$exprDir/programs.sqlite", "-d", "$exprDir/debug.sqlite", "-f", "$exprDir/nixpkgs", "-s", "aarch64-linux", "-s", "x86_64-linux");
run("index-debuginfo", "$exprDir/debug.sqlite", "s3://nix-cache");
run("rm", "-f", "$tmpDir/nixexprs.tar.xz", "$exprDir/debug.sqlite");
run("tar", "cfJ", "$tmpDir/nixexprs.tar.xz", "-C", "$tmpDir/unpack", basename($exprDir));
run("rm", "-rf", "$tmpDir/unpack");
if (-e "$tmpDir/store-paths") {
run("xz", "$tmpDir/store-paths");
my $now = strftime("%F %T", localtime);
my $title = "$channelName release $releaseName";
my $githubLink = "$rev";
my $html = "<html><head>";
$html .= "<title>$title</title></head>";
$html .= "<body><h1>$title</h1>";
$html .= "<p>Released on $now from <a href='$githubLink'>Git commit <tt>$rev</tt></a> ";
$html .= "via <a href='$evalUrl'>Hydra evaluation $evalId</a>.</p>";
$html .= "<table><thead><tr><th>File name</th><th>Size</th><th>SHA-256 hash</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
if ($bucketReleases) {
# Upload the release to S3.
for my $fn (sort glob("$tmpDir/*")) {
my $basename = basename $fn;
my $key = "$releasePrefix/" . $basename;
unless (defined $bucketReleases->head_key($key)) {
print STDERR "mirroring $fn to s3://$bucketReleasesName/$key...\n";
# Default headers
my $configuration = ();
$configuration->{content_type} = "application/octet-stream";
if ($fn =~ /.sha256|src-url|binary-cache-url|git-revision/) {
# Text files
$configuration->{content_type} = "text/plain";
} elsif ($fn =~ /$/) {
# JSON encoded as brotli
$configuration->{content_type} = "application/json";
$configuration->{content_encoding} = "br";
$key, $fn, $configuration
) or die $bucketReleases->err . ": " . $bucketReleases->errstr;
next if $basename =~ /.sha256$/;
my $size = stat($fn)->size;
my $sha256 = Digest::SHA::sha256_hex(read_file($fn));
$html .= "<tr>";
$html .= "<td><a href='/$key'>$basename</a></td>";
$html .= "<td align='right'>$size</td>";
$html .= "<td><tt>$sha256</tt></td>";
$html .= "</tr>";
$html .= "</tbody></table></body></html>";
$bucketReleases->add_key($releasePrefix, $html,
{ content_type => "text/html" })
or die $bucketReleases->err . ": " . $bucketReleases->errstr;
if ($dryRun) {
print STDERR "WARNING: dry-run finished...\n";
# Update the nixos-* branch in the nixpkgs repo.
run("git remote update origin >&2");
run("git push origin $rev:refs/heads/$channelName >&2");
# maxage=600: Serve from cache for 5 minutes.
# stale-while-revaliadate=1800: Serve from cache while updating in the background for 30 minutes.
my $cache_control = "maxage=600,stale-while-revalidate=1800,public";
sub redirect {
my ($from, $to) = @_;
$to = "" . $to;
print STDERR "redirect $from -> $to\n";
$bucketChannels->add_key($from, "", { "x-amz-website-redirect-location" => $to, "cache-control" => $cache_control })
or die $bucketChannels->err . ": " . $bucketChannels->errstr;
# Update channels on
redirect($channelName, $releasePrefix);
redirect("$channelName/nixexprs.tar.xz", "$releasePrefix/nixexprs.tar.xz");
redirect("$channelName/git-revision", "$releasePrefix/git-revision");
redirect("$channelName/", "$releasePrefix/");
redirect("$channelName/store-paths.xz", "$releasePrefix/store-paths.xz");
# Create redirects relevant only to NixOS channels.
# FIXME: create only redirects to files that exist.
if ($channelName =~ /nixos/) {
# Options listing
redirect("$channelName/", "$releasePrefix/");
# Redirects for latest images.
for my $arch ("x86_64-linux", "i686-linux", "aarch64-linux") {
# i686 dropped for > 23.11
next if $arch eq "i686-linux" && $channelName !~ /nixos-2[0123]/;
for my $artifact ("nixos-graphical",
redirect("$channelName/latest-$artifact-$arch.iso", "$releasePrefix/$artifact-$releaseVersion-$arch.iso");
redirect("$channelName/latest-$artifact-$arch.iso.sha256", "$releasePrefix/$artifact-$releaseVersion-$arch.iso.sha256");
redirect("$channelName/latest-nixos-$arch.ova", "$releasePrefix/nixos-$releaseVersion-$arch.ova");
redirect("$channelName/latest-nixos-$arch.ova.sha256", "$releasePrefix/nixos-$releaseVersion-$arch.ova.sha256");