Graham Christensen 38d2339ca2
Namespace channel pushes in nixpkgs
PRs to NixOS are a bit confused about if they should PR to release-* or nixos-* or nixpkgs-*. I think namespacing the refs will go a long way in making it more obvious.
2019-10-29 12:17:25 +01:00

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#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Digest::SHA;
use Fcntl qw(:flock);
use File::Basename;
use File::Path;
use File::Slurp;
use File::stat;
use JSON::PP;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use List::MoreUtils qw(uniq);
use Net::Amazon::S3;
use POSIX qw(strftime);
my $channelName = $ARGV[0];
my $releaseUrl = $ARGV[1];
die "Usage: $0 CHANNEL-NAME RELEASE-URL\n" unless defined $channelName && defined $releaseUrl;
$channelName =~ /^([a-z]+)-(.*)$/ or die;
my $channelDirRel = $channelName eq "nixpkgs-unstable" ? "nixpkgs" : "$1/$2";
# Configuration.
my $TMPDIR = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} // "/tmp";
my $channelsDir = "/home/hydra-mirror/channels";
my $filesCache = "${TMPDIR}/nixos-files.sqlite";
my $bucketName = "nix-releases";
$ENV{'GIT_DIR'} = "/home/hydra-mirror/nixpkgs-channels";
# S3 setup.
my $aws_access_key_id = $ENV{'AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID'} or die;
my $aws_secret_access_key = $ENV{'AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY'} or die;
my $s3 = Net::Amazon::S3->new(
{ aws_access_key_id => $aws_access_key_id,
aws_secret_access_key => $aws_secret_access_key,
retry => 1,
host => "",
my $bucket = $s3->bucket($bucketName) or die;
sub fetch {
my ($url, $type) = @_;
my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->default_header('Accept', $type) if defined $type;
my $response = $ua->get($url);
die "could not download $url: ", $response->status_line, "\n" unless $response->is_success;
return $response->decoded_content;
my $releaseInfo = decode_json(fetch($releaseUrl, 'application/json'));
my $releaseId = $releaseInfo->{id} or die;
my $releaseName = $releaseInfo->{nixname} or die;
my $evalId = $releaseInfo->{jobsetevals}->[0] or die;
my $evalUrl = "$evalId";
my $evalInfo = decode_json(fetch($evalUrl, 'application/json'));
my $releasePrefix = "$channelDirRel/$releaseName";
my $rev = $evalInfo->{jobsetevalinputs}->{nixpkgs}->{revision} or die;
print STDERR "release is $releaseName (build $releaseId), eval is $evalId, prefix is $releasePrefix, Git commit is $rev\n";
# Guard against the channel going back in time.
my @curReleaseUrl = split(/\//, read_file("$channelsDir/$channelName", err_mode => 'quiet') // "");
my $curRelease = pop @curReleaseUrl;
my $d = `NIX_PATH= nix-instantiate --eval -E "builtins.compareVersions (builtins.parseDrvName \\"$curRelease\\").version (builtins.parseDrvName \\"$releaseName\\").version"`;
chomp $d;
die "channel would go back in time from $curRelease to $releaseName, bailing out\n" if $d == 1;
exit if $d == 0;
if ($bucket->head_key("$releasePrefix")) {
print STDERR "release already exists\n";
} else {
my $tmpDir = "$TMPDIR/release-$channelName/$releaseName";
write_file("$tmpDir/src-url", $evalUrl);
write_file("$tmpDir/git-revision", $rev);
write_file("$tmpDir/binary-cache-url", "");
if (! -e "$tmpDir/store-paths.xz") {
my $storePaths = decode_json(fetch("$evalUrl/store-paths", 'application/json'));
write_file("$tmpDir/store-paths", join("\n", uniq(@{$storePaths})) . "\n");
sub downloadFile {
my ($jobName, $dstName) = @_;
my $buildInfo = decode_json(fetch("$evalUrl/job/$jobName", 'application/json'));
my $srcFile = $buildInfo->{buildproducts}->{1}->{path} or die "job '$jobName' lacks a store path";
$dstName //= basename($srcFile);
my $dstFile = "$tmpDir/" . $dstName;
my $sha256_expected = $buildInfo->{buildproducts}->{1}->{sha256hash} or die;
if (! -e $dstFile) {
print STDERR "downloading $srcFile to $dstFile...\n";
write_file("$dstFile.sha256", "$sha256_expected $dstName");
system("NIX_REMOTE= nix cat-store '$srcFile' > '$dstFile.tmp'") == 0
or die "unable to fetch $srcFile\n";
rename("$dstFile.tmp", $dstFile) or die;
if (-e "$dstFile.sha256") {
my $sha256_actual = `nix hash-file --base16 --type sha256 '$dstFile'`;
chomp $sha256_actual;
if ($sha256_expected ne $sha256_actual) {
print STDERR "file $dstFile is corrupt $sha256_expected $sha256_actual\n";
exit 1;
if ($channelName =~ /nixos/) {
downloadFile("", "nixexprs.tar.xz");
if ($channelName !~ /-small/) {
} else {
downloadFile("tarball", "nixexprs.tar.xz");
# Generate the programs.sqlite database and put it in
# nixexprs.tar.xz. Also maintain the debug info repository at
if ($channelName =~ /nixos/ && -e "$tmpDir/store-paths") {
system("tar", "xfJ", "$tmpDir/nixexprs.tar.xz", "-C", "$tmpDir/unpack") == 0 or die;
my $exprDir = glob("$tmpDir/unpack/*");
system("generate-programs-index $filesCache $exprDir/programs.sqlite $tmpDir/store-paths $exprDir/nixpkgs") == 0 or die;
system("index-debuginfo $filesCache s3://nix-cache $tmpDir/store-paths") == 0 or die;
system("rm -f $tmpDir/nixexprs.tar.xz $exprDir/programs.sqlite-journal") == 0 or die;
system("tar", "cfJ", "$tmpDir/nixexprs.tar.xz", "-C", "$tmpDir/unpack", basename($exprDir)) == 0 or die;
system("rm -rf $tmpDir/unpack") == 0 or die;
if (-e "$tmpDir/store-paths") {
system("xz", "$tmpDir/store-paths") == 0 or die;
my $now = strftime("%F %T", localtime);
my $title = "$channelName release $releaseName";
my $githubLink = "$rev";
my $html = "<html><head>";
$html .= "<title>$title</title></head>";
$html .= "<body><h1>$title</h1>";
$html .= "<p>Released on $now from <a href='$githubLink'>Git commit <tt>$rev</tt></a> ";
$html .= "via <a href='$evalUrl'>Hydra evaluation $evalId</a>.</p>";
$html .= "<table><thead><tr><th>File name</th><th>Size</th><th>SHA-256 hash</th></tr></thead><tbody>";
# Upload the release to S3.
for my $fn (sort glob("$tmpDir/*")) {
my $basename = basename $fn;
my $key = "$releasePrefix/" . $basename;
unless (defined $bucket->head_key($key)) {
print STDERR "mirroring $fn to s3://$bucketName/$key...\n";
$key, $fn,
{ content_type => $fn =~ /.sha256|src-url|binary-cache-url|git-revision/ ? "text/plain" : "application/octet-stream" })
or die $bucket->err . ": " . $bucket->errstr;
next if $basename =~ /.sha256$/;
my $size = stat($fn)->size;
my $sha256 = Digest::SHA::sha256_hex(read_file($fn));
$html .= "<tr>";
$html .= "<td><a href='/$key'>$basename</a></td>";
$html .= "<td align='right'>$size</td>";
$html .= "<td><tt>$sha256</tt></td>";
$html .= "</tr>";
$html .= "</tbody></table></body></html>";
$bucket->add_key($releasePrefix, $html,
{ content_type => "text/html" })
or die $bucket->err . ": " . $bucket->errstr;
# Prevent concurrent writes to the channels directory.
open(my $lockfile, ">>", "$channelsDir/.htaccess.lock");
flock($lockfile, LOCK_EX) or die "cannot acquire channels lock\n";
# Update the channel.
my $htaccess = "$channelsDir/.htaccess-$channelName";
my $target = "$releasePrefix";
"Redirect /channels/$channelName $target\n" .
"Redirect /releases/nixos/channels/$channelName $target\n");
my $channelLink = "$channelsDir/$channelName";
if ((read_file($channelLink, err_mode => 'quiet') // "") ne $target) {
write_file("$channelLink.tmp", "$target");
rename("$channelLink.tmp", $channelLink) or die;
system("cat $channelsDir/.htaccess-nix* > $channelsDir/.htaccess.tmp") == 0 or die;
rename("$channelsDir/.htaccess.tmp", "$channelsDir/.htaccess") or die;
# Update the nixos-* branch in the nixpkgs repo. Also update the
# nixpkgs-channels repo for compatibility.
system("git remote update origin >&2") == 0 or die;
system("git push origin $rev:refs/heads/channels/$channelName >&2") == 0 or die;
system("git push channels $rev:refs/heads/$channelName >&2") == 0 or die;
flock($lockfile, LOCK_UN) or die "cannot release channels lock\n";
# Upload to
system("rsync -avx $channelsDir/ hydra-mirror\") == 0 or die;