#pragma once #include "serialise.hh" #include #include #include namespace rust { typedef void (*DropFun)(void *); /* A Rust value of N bytes. It can be moved but not copied. When it goes out of scope, the C++ destructor will run the drop function. */ template struct Value { protected: std::array raw; ~Value() { if (!isEvacuated()) { drop(this); evacuate(); } } // Must not be called directly. Value() { } Value(Value && other) : raw(other.raw) { other.evacuate(); } void operator =(Value && other) { if (!isEvacuated()) drop(this); raw = other.raw; other.evacuate(); } private: /* FIXME: optimize these (ideally in such a way that the compiler can elide most calls to evacuate() / isEvacuated(). */ inline void evacuate() { for (auto & i : raw) i = 0; } inline bool isEvacuated() { for (auto & i : raw) if (i != 0) return false; return true; } }; /* A Rust vector. */ template struct Vec : Value<3 * sizeof(void *), drop> { inline size_t size() const { return ((const size_t *) &this->raw)[2]; } const T * data() const { return ((const T * *) &this->raw)[0]; } }; /* A Rust slice. */ template struct Slice { const T * ptr; size_t size; Slice(const T * ptr, size_t size) : ptr(ptr), size(size) { assert(ptr); } }; struct StringSlice : Slice { StringSlice(const std::string & s): Slice(s.data(), s.size()) {} explicit StringSlice(std::string_view s): Slice(s.data(), s.size()) {} StringSlice(const char * s): Slice(s, strlen(s)) {} operator std::string_view() const { return std::string_view(ptr, size); } }; /* A Rust string. */ struct String; extern "C" { void ffi_String_new(StringSlice s, String * out); void ffi_String_drop(void * s); } struct String : Vec { String(std::string_view s) { ffi_String_new(StringSlice(s), this); } String(const char * s) : String({s, std::strlen(s)}) { } operator std::string_view() const { return std::string_view(data(), size()); } }; std::ostream & operator << (std::ostream & str, const String & s); struct Source { size_t (*fun)(void * source_this, rust::Slice data); nix::Source * _this; Source(nix::Source & _this) : fun(sourceWrapper), _this(&_this) {} // FIXME: how to propagate exceptions? static size_t sourceWrapper(void * _this, rust::Slice data) { auto n = ((nix::Source *) _this)->read((unsigned char *) data.ptr, data.size); return n; } }; /* C++ representation of Rust's Result. */ template struct Result { enum { Ok = 0, Err = 1, Uninit = 2 } tag; union { T data; std::exception_ptr * exc; }; Result() : tag(Uninit) { }; // FIXME: remove Result(const Result &) = delete; Result(Result && other) : tag(other.tag) { other.tag = Uninit; if (tag == Ok) data = std::move(other.data); else if (tag == Err) exc = other.exc; } ~Result() { if (tag == Ok) data.~T(); else if (tag == Err) free(exc); else if (tag == Uninit) ; else abort(); } /* Rethrow the wrapped exception or return the wrapped value. */ T unwrap() { if (tag == Ok) { tag = Uninit; return std::move(data); } else if (tag == Err) std::rethrow_exception(*exc); else abort(); } }; }