#include "command.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "nixexpr.hh" #include "profiles.hh" namespace nix { Commands * RegisterCommand::commands = nullptr; StoreCommand::StoreCommand() { } ref StoreCommand::getStore() { if (!_store) _store = createStore(); return ref(_store); } ref StoreCommand::createStore() { return openStore(); } void StoreCommand::run() { run(getStore()); } StorePathsCommand::StorePathsCommand(bool recursive) : recursive(recursive) { if (recursive) mkFlag() .longName("no-recursive") .description("apply operation to specified paths only") .set(&this->recursive, false); else mkFlag() .longName("recursive") .shortName('r') .description("apply operation to closure of the specified paths") .set(&this->recursive, true); mkFlag(0, "all", "apply operation to the entire store", &all); } void StorePathsCommand::run(ref store) { Paths storePaths; if (all) { if (installables.size()) throw UsageError("'--all' does not expect arguments"); for (auto & p : store->queryAllValidPaths()) storePaths.push_back(p); } else { for (auto & p : toStorePaths(store, realiseMode, installables)) storePaths.push_back(p); if (recursive) { PathSet closure; store->computeFSClosure(PathSet(storePaths.begin(), storePaths.end()), closure, false, false); storePaths = Paths(closure.begin(), closure.end()); } } run(store, storePaths); } void StorePathCommand::run(ref store) { auto storePaths = toStorePaths(store, NoBuild, installables); if (storePaths.size() != 1) throw UsageError("this command requires exactly one store path"); run(store, *storePaths.begin()); } Strings editorFor(const Pos & pos) { auto editor = getEnv("EDITOR").value_or("cat"); auto args = tokenizeString(editor); if (pos.line > 0 && ( editor.find("emacs") != std::string::npos || editor.find("nano") != std::string::npos || editor.find("vim") != std::string::npos)) args.push_back(fmt("+%d", pos.line)); args.push_back(pos.file); return args; } MixProfile::MixProfile() { mkFlag() .longName("profile") .description("profile to update") .labels({"path"}) .dest(&profile); } void MixProfile::updateProfile(const Path & storePath) { if (!profile) return; auto store = getStore().dynamic_pointer_cast(); if (!store) throw Error("'--profile' is not supported for this Nix store"); auto profile2 = absPath(*profile); switchLink(profile2, createGeneration( ref(store), profile2, storePath)); } void MixProfile::updateProfile(const Buildables & buildables) { if (!profile) return; std::optional result; for (auto & buildable : buildables) { for (auto & output : buildable.outputs) { if (result) throw Error("'--profile' requires that the arguments produce a single store path, but there are multiple"); result = output.second; } } if (!result) throw Error("'--profile' requires that the arguments produce a single store path, but there are none"); updateProfile(*result); } MixDefaultProfile::MixDefaultProfile() { profile = getDefaultProfile(); } MixEnvironment::MixEnvironment() : ignoreEnvironment(false) { mkFlag() .longName("ignore-environment") .shortName('i') .description("clear the entire environment (except those specified with --keep)") .set(&ignoreEnvironment, true); mkFlag() .longName("keep") .shortName('k') .description("keep specified environment variable") .arity(1) .labels({"name"}) .handler([&](std::vector ss) { keep.insert(ss.front()); }); mkFlag() .longName("unset") .shortName('u') .description("unset specified environment variable") .arity(1) .labels({"name"}) .handler([&](std::vector ss) { unset.insert(ss.front()); }); } void MixEnvironment::setEnviron() { if (ignoreEnvironment) { if (!unset.empty()) throw UsageError("--unset does not make sense with --ignore-environment"); for (const auto & var : keep) { auto val = getenv(var.c_str()); if (val) stringsEnv.emplace_back(fmt("%s=%s", var.c_str(), val)); } vectorEnv = stringsToCharPtrs(stringsEnv); environ = vectorEnv.data(); } else { if (!keep.empty()) throw UsageError("--keep does not make sense without --ignore-environment"); for (const auto & var : unset) unsetenv(var.c_str()); } } }