forked from lix-project/lix
Jörg Thalheim
If we don't have any github token, we won't be able to fetch private repos, but we are also more likely to run into API limits since we don't have a token. To mitigate this only ever use the github api if we actually have a token.
451 lines
17 KiB
451 lines
17 KiB
#include "filetransfer.hh"
#include "cache.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "types.hh"
#include "url-parts.hh"
#include "git.hh"
#include "fetchers.hh"
#include "fetch-settings.hh"
#include <optional>
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
#include <fstream>
namespace nix::fetchers {
struct DownloadUrl
std::string url;
Headers headers;
// A github, gitlab, or sourcehut host
const static std::string hostRegexS = "[a-zA-Z0-9.]*"; // FIXME: check
std::regex hostRegex(hostRegexS, std::regex::ECMAScript);
struct GitArchiveInputScheme : InputScheme
virtual std::string type() = 0;
virtual std::optional<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> accessHeaderFromToken(const std::string & token) const = 0;
std::optional<Input> inputFromURL(const ParsedURL & url) override
if (url.scheme != type()) return {};
auto path = tokenizeString<std::vector<std::string>>(url.path, "/");
std::optional<Hash> rev;
std::optional<std::string> ref;
std::optional<std::string> host_url;
auto size = path.size();
if (size == 3) {
if (std::regex_match(path[2], revRegex))
rev = Hash::parseAny(path[2], htSHA1);
else if (std::regex_match(path[2], refRegex))
ref = path[2];
throw BadURL("in URL '%s', '%s' is not a commit hash or branch/tag name", url.url, path[2]);
} else if (size > 3) {
std::string rs;
for (auto i = std::next(path.begin(), 2); i != path.end(); i++) {
rs += *i;
if (std::next(i) != path.end()) {
rs += "/";
if (std::regex_match(rs, refRegex)) {
ref = rs;
} else {
throw BadURL("in URL '%s', '%s' is not a branch/tag name", url.url, rs);
} else if (size < 2)
throw BadURL("URL '%s' is invalid", url.url);
for (auto &[name, value] : url.query) {
if (name == "rev") {
if (rev)
throw BadURL("URL '%s' contains multiple commit hashes", url.url);
rev = Hash::parseAny(value, htSHA1);
else if (name == "ref") {
if (!std::regex_match(value, refRegex))
throw BadURL("URL '%s' contains an invalid branch/tag name", url.url);
if (ref)
throw BadURL("URL '%s' contains multiple branch/tag names", url.url);
ref = value;
else if (name == "host") {
if (!std::regex_match(value, hostRegex))
throw BadURL("URL '%s' contains an invalid instance host", url.url);
host_url = value;
// FIXME: barf on unsupported attributes
if (ref && rev)
throw BadURL("URL '%s' contains both a commit hash and a branch/tag name %s %s", url.url, *ref, rev->gitRev());
Input input;
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("type", type());
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("owner", path[0]);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("repo", path[1]);
if (rev) input.attrs.insert_or_assign("rev", rev->gitRev());
if (ref) input.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", *ref);
if (host_url) input.attrs.insert_or_assign("host", *host_url);
return input;
std::optional<Input> inputFromAttrs(const Attrs & attrs) override
if (maybeGetStrAttr(attrs, "type") != type()) return {};
for (auto & [name, value] : attrs)
if (name != "type" && name != "owner" && name != "repo" && name != "ref" && name != "rev" && name != "narHash" && name != "lastModified" && name != "host")
throw Error("unsupported input attribute '%s'", name);
getStrAttr(attrs, "owner");
getStrAttr(attrs, "repo");
Input input;
input.attrs = attrs;
return input;
ParsedURL toURL(const Input & input) override
auto owner = getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner");
auto repo = getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo");
auto ref = input.getRef();
auto rev = input.getRev();
auto path = owner + "/" + repo;
assert(!(ref && rev));
if (ref) path += "/" + *ref;
if (rev) path += "/" + rev->to_string(Base16, false);
return ParsedURL {
.scheme = type(),
.path = path,
bool hasAllInfo(const Input & input) override
return input.getRev() && maybeGetIntAttr(input.attrs, "lastModified");
Input applyOverrides(
const Input & _input,
std::optional<std::string> ref,
std::optional<Hash> rev) override
auto input(_input);
if (rev && ref)
throw BadURL("cannot apply both a commit hash (%s) and a branch/tag name ('%s') to input '%s'",
rev->gitRev(), *ref, input.to_string());
if (rev) {
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("rev", rev->gitRev());
if (ref) {
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", *ref);
return input;
std::optional<std::string> getAccessToken(const std::string & host) const
auto tokens = fetchSettings.accessTokens.get();
if (auto token = get(tokens, host))
return *token;
return {};
Headers makeHeadersWithAuthTokens(const std::string & host) const
Headers headers;
auto accessToken = getAccessToken(host);
if (accessToken) {
auto hdr = accessHeaderFromToken(*accessToken);
if (hdr)
warn("Unrecognized access token for host '%s'", host);
return headers;
virtual Hash getRevFromRef(nix::ref<Store> store, const Input & input) const = 0;
virtual DownloadUrl getDownloadUrl(const Input & input) const = 0;
std::pair<StorePath, Input> fetch(ref<Store> store, const Input & _input) override
Input input(_input);
if (!maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "ref")) input.attrs.insert_or_assign("ref", "HEAD");
auto rev = input.getRev();
if (!rev) rev = getRevFromRef(store, input);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("rev", rev->gitRev());
Attrs lockedAttrs({
{"type", "git-tarball"},
{"rev", rev->gitRev()},
if (auto res = getCache()->lookup(store, lockedAttrs)) {
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("lastModified", getIntAttr(res->first, "lastModified"));
return {std::move(res->second), input};
auto url = getDownloadUrl(input);
auto [tree, lastModified] = downloadTarball(store, url.url, input.getName(), true, url.headers);
input.attrs.insert_or_assign("lastModified", uint64_t(lastModified));
{"rev", rev->gitRev()},
{"lastModified", uint64_t(lastModified)}
return {std::move(tree.storePath), input};
struct GitHubInputScheme : GitArchiveInputScheme
std::string type() override { return "github"; }
std::optional<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> accessHeaderFromToken(const std::string & token) const override
// Github supports PAT/OAuth2 tokens and HTTP Basic
// Authentication. The former simply specifies the token, the
// latter can use the token as the password. Only the first
// is used here. See
// and
return std::pair<std::string, std::string>("Authorization", fmt("token %s", token));
Hash getRevFromRef(nix::ref<Store> store, const Input & input) const override
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
auto url = fmt(
host == ""
? "https://api.%s/repos/%s/%s/commits/%s"
: "https://%s/api/v3/repos/%s/%s/commits/%s",
host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo"), *input.getRef());
Headers headers = makeHeadersWithAuthTokens(host);
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(
downloadFile(store, url, "source", false, headers).storePath)));
auto rev = Hash::parseAny(std::string { json["sha"] }, htSHA1);
debug("HEAD revision for '%s' is %s", url, rev.gitRev());
return rev;
DownloadUrl getDownloadUrl(const Input & input) const override
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
Headers headers = makeHeadersWithAuthTokens(host);
// If we have no auth headers then we default to the public archive
// urls so we do not run into rate limits.
const auto urlFmt =
host != ""
? "https://%s/api/v3/repos/%s/%s/tarball/%s"
: headers.empty()
? "https://%s/%s/%s/archive/%s.tar.gz"
: "https://api.%s/repos/%s/%s/tarball/%s";
const auto url = fmt(urlFmt, host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo"),
input.getRev()->to_string(Base16, false));
return DownloadUrl { url, headers };
void clone(const Input & input, const Path & destDir) override
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo")))
.applyOverrides(input.getRef(), input.getRev())
struct GitLabInputScheme : GitArchiveInputScheme
std::string type() override { return "gitlab"; }
std::optional<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> accessHeaderFromToken(const std::string & token) const override
// Gitlab supports 4 kinds of authorization, two of which are
// relevant here: OAuth2 and PAT (Private Access Token). The
// user can indicate which token is used by specifying the
// token as <TYPE>:<VALUE>, where type is "OAuth2" or "PAT".
// If the <TYPE> is unrecognized, this will fall back to
// treating this simply has <HDRNAME>:<HDRVAL>. See
auto fldsplit = token.find_first_of(':');
// n.b. C++20 would allow: if (token.starts_with("OAuth2:")) ...
if ("OAuth2" == token.substr(0, fldsplit))
return std::make_pair("Authorization", fmt("Bearer %s", token.substr(fldsplit+1)));
if ("PAT" == token.substr(0, fldsplit))
return std::make_pair("Private-token", token.substr(fldsplit+1));
warn("Unrecognized GitLab token type %s", token.substr(0, fldsplit));
return std::make_pair(token.substr(0,fldsplit), token.substr(fldsplit+1));
Hash getRevFromRef(nix::ref<Store> store, const Input & input) const override
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
// See rate limiting note below
auto url = fmt("https://%s/api/v4/projects/%s%%2F%s/repository/commits?ref_name=%s",
host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo"), *input.getRef());
Headers headers = makeHeadersWithAuthTokens(host);
auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(
downloadFile(store, url, "source", false, headers).storePath)));
auto rev = Hash::parseAny(std::string(json[0]["id"]), htSHA1);
debug("HEAD revision for '%s' is %s", url, rev.gitRev());
return rev;
DownloadUrl getDownloadUrl(const Input & input) const override
// This endpoint has a rate limit threshold that may be
// server-specific and vary based whether the user is
// authenticated via an accessToken or not, but the usual rate
// is 10 reqs/sec/ip-addr. See
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
auto url = fmt("https://%s/api/v4/projects/%s%%2F%s/repository/archive.tar.gz?sha=%s",
host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo"),
input.getRev()->to_string(Base16, false));
Headers headers = makeHeadersWithAuthTokens(host);
return DownloadUrl { url, headers };
void clone(const Input & input, const Path & destDir) override
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
// FIXME: get username somewhere
host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo")))
.applyOverrides(input.getRef(), input.getRev())
struct SourceHutInputScheme : GitArchiveInputScheme
std::string type() override { return "sourcehut"; }
std::optional<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> accessHeaderFromToken(const std::string & token) const override
// SourceHut supports both PAT and OAuth2. See
return std::pair<std::string, std::string>("Authorization", fmt("Bearer %s", token));
// Note: This currently serves no purpose, as this kind of authorization
// does not allow for downloading tarballs on sourcehut private repos.
// Once it is implemented, however, should work as expected.
Hash getRevFromRef(nix::ref<Store> store, const Input & input) const override
// TODO: In the future, when the sourcehut graphql API is implemented for mercurial
// and with anonymous access, this method should use it instead.
auto ref = *input.getRef();
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
auto base_url = fmt("https://%s/%s/%s",
host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo"));
Headers headers = makeHeadersWithAuthTokens(host);
std::string refUri;
if (ref == "HEAD") {
auto file = store->toRealPath(
downloadFile(store, fmt("%s/HEAD", base_url), "source", false, headers).storePath);
std::ifstream is(file);
std::string line;
getline(is, line);
auto remoteLine = git::parseLsRemoteLine(line);
if (!remoteLine) {
throw BadURL("in '%d', couldn't resolve HEAD ref '%d'", input.to_string(), ref);
refUri = remoteLine->target;
} else {
refUri = fmt("refs/(heads|tags)/%s", ref);
std::regex refRegex(refUri);
auto file = store->toRealPath(
downloadFile(store, fmt("%s/info/refs", base_url), "source", false, headers).storePath);
std::ifstream is(file);
std::string line;
std::optional<std::string> id;
while(!id && getline(is, line)) {
auto parsedLine = git::parseLsRemoteLine(line);
if (parsedLine && parsedLine->reference && std::regex_match(*parsedLine->reference, refRegex))
id = parsedLine->target;
throw BadURL("in '%d', couldn't find ref '%d'", input.to_string(), ref);
auto rev = Hash::parseAny(*id, htSHA1);
debug("HEAD revision for '%s' is %s", fmt("%s/%s", base_url, ref), rev.gitRev());
return rev;
DownloadUrl getDownloadUrl(const Input & input) const override
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
auto url = fmt("https://%s/%s/%s/archive/%s.tar.gz",
host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo"),
input.getRev()->to_string(Base16, false));
Headers headers = makeHeadersWithAuthTokens(host);
return DownloadUrl { url, headers };
void clone(const Input & input, const Path & destDir) override
auto host = maybeGetStrAttr(input.attrs, "host").value_or("");
host, getStrAttr(input.attrs, "owner"), getStrAttr(input.attrs, "repo")))
.applyOverrides(input.getRef(), input.getRev())
static auto rGitHubInputScheme = OnStartup([] { registerInputScheme(std::make_unique<GitHubInputScheme>()); });
static auto rGitLabInputScheme = OnStartup([] { registerInputScheme(std::make_unique<GitLabInputScheme>()); });
static auto rSourceHutInputScheme = OnStartup([] { registerInputScheme(std::make_unique<SourceHutInputScheme>()); });