#include #include #include "globals.hh" #include "misc.hh" #include "gc.hh" #include "archive.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "dotgraph.hh" #include "local-store.hh" #include "db.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "help.txt.hh" using namespace nix; using std::cin; using std::cout; typedef void (* Operation) (Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs); void printHelp() { cout << string((char *) helpText, sizeof helpText); } static Path gcRoot; static int rootNr = 0; static bool indirectRoot = false; static Path fixPath(Path path) { SwitchToOriginalUser sw; path = absPath(path); while (!isInStore(path)) { if (!isLink(path)) break; string target = readLink(path); path = absPath(target, dirOf(path)); } return toStorePath(path); } static Path useDeriver(Path path) { if (!isDerivation(path)) { path = queryDeriver(noTxn, path); if (path == "") throw Error(format("deriver of path `%1%' is not known") % path); } return path; } /* Realisation the given path. For a derivation that means build it; for other paths it means ensure their validity. */ static Path realisePath(const Path & path) { if (isDerivation(path)) { PathSet paths; paths.insert(path); store->buildDerivations(paths); Path outPath = findOutput(derivationFromPath(path), "out"); if (gcRoot == "") printGCWarning(); else outPath = addPermRoot(outPath, makeRootName(gcRoot, rootNr), indirectRoot); return outPath; } else { store->ensurePath(path); return path; } } /* Realise the given paths. */ static void opRealise(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) *i = fixPath(*i); if (opArgs.size() > 1) { PathSet drvPaths; for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) if (isDerivation(*i)) drvPaths.insert(*i); store->buildDerivations(drvPaths); } for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) cout << format("%1%\n") % realisePath(*i); } /* Add files to the Nix store and print the resulting paths. */ static void opAdd(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) cout << format("%1%\n") % store->addToStore(*i); } /* Preload the output of a fixed-output derivation into the Nix store. */ static void opAddFixed(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { bool recursive = false; for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ++i) if (*i == "--recursive") recursive = true; else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % *i); if (opArgs.empty()) throw UsageError("first argument must be hash algorithm"); string hashAlgo = opArgs.front(); opArgs.pop_front(); for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) cout << format("%1%\n") % store->addToStore(*i, true, recursive, hashAlgo); } static Hash parseHash16or32(HashType ht, const string & s) { return s.size() == Hash(ht).hashSize * 2 ? parseHash(ht, s) : parseHash32(ht, s); } /* Hack to support caching in `nix-prefetch-url'. */ static void opPrintFixedPath(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { bool recursive = false; for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ++i) if (*i == "--recursive") recursive = true; else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % *i); Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); string hashAlgo = *i++; string hash = *i++; string name = *i++; cout << format("%1%\n") % makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, hashAlgo, parseHash16or32(parseHashType(hashAlgo), hash), name); } /* Place in `paths' the set of paths that are required to `realise' the given store path, i.e., all paths necessary for valid deployment of the path. For a derivation, this is the union of requisites of the inputs, plus the derivation; for other store paths, it is the set of paths in the FS closure of the path. If `includeOutputs' is true, include the requisites of the output paths of derivations as well. Note that this function can be used to implement three different deployment policies: - Source deployment (when called on a derivation). - Binary deployment (when called on an output path). - Source/binary deployment (when called on a derivation with `includeOutputs' set to true). */ static void storePathRequisites(const Path & storePath, bool includeOutputs, PathSet & paths) { computeFSClosure(storePath, paths); if (includeOutputs) { for (PathSet::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) if (isDerivation(*i)) { Derivation drv = derivationFromPath(*i); for (DerivationOutputs::iterator j = drv.outputs.begin(); j != drv.outputs.end(); ++j) if (store->isValidPath(j->second.path)) computeFSClosure(j->second.path, paths); } } } static Path maybeUseOutput(const Path & storePath, bool useOutput, bool forceRealise) { if (forceRealise) realisePath(storePath); if (useOutput && isDerivation(storePath)) { Derivation drv = derivationFromPath(storePath); return findOutput(drv, "out"); } else return storePath; } static void printPathSet(const PathSet & paths) { for (PathSet::iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) cout << format("%s\n") % *i; } /* Some code to print a tree representation of a derivation dependency graph. Topological sorting is used to keep the tree relatively flat. */ const string treeConn = "+---"; const string treeLine = "| "; const string treeNull = " "; static void dfsVisit(const PathSet & paths, const Path & path, PathSet & visited, Paths & sorted) { if (visited.find(path) != visited.end()) return; visited.insert(path); PathSet closure; computeFSClosure(path, closure); for (PathSet::iterator i = closure.begin(); i != closure.end(); ++i) if (*i != path && paths.find(*i) != paths.end()) dfsVisit(paths, *i, visited, sorted); sorted.push_front(path); } static Paths topoSort(const PathSet & paths) { Paths sorted; PathSet visited; for (PathSet::const_iterator i = paths.begin(); i != paths.end(); ++i) dfsVisit(paths, *i, visited, sorted); return sorted; } static void printTree(const Path & path, const string & firstPad, const string & tailPad, PathSet & done) { if (done.find(path) != done.end()) { cout << format("%1%%2% [...]\n") % firstPad % path; return; } done.insert(path); cout << format("%1%%2%\n") % firstPad % path; PathSet references; store->queryReferences(path, references); #if 0 for (PathSet::iterator i = drv.inputSrcs.begin(); i != drv.inputSrcs.end(); ++i) cout << format("%1%%2%\n") % (tailPad + treeConn) % *i; #endif /* Topologically sort under the relation A < B iff A \in closure(B). That is, if derivation A is an (possibly indirect) input of B, then A is printed first. This has the effect of flattening the tree, preventing deeply nested structures. */ Paths sorted = topoSort(references); reverse(sorted.begin(), sorted.end()); for (Paths::iterator i = sorted.begin(); i != sorted.end(); ++i) { Paths::iterator j = i; ++j; printTree(*i, tailPad + treeConn, j == sorted.end() ? tailPad + treeNull : tailPad + treeLine, done); } } /* Perform various sorts of queries. */ static void opQuery(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { enum { qOutputs, qRequisites, qReferences, qReferrers , qReferrersClosure, qDeriver, qBinding, qHash , qTree, qGraph } query = qOutputs; bool useOutput = false; bool includeOutputs = false; bool forceRealise = false; string bindingName; for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ++i) if (*i == "--outputs") query = qOutputs; else if (*i == "--requisites" || *i == "-R") query = qRequisites; else if (*i == "--references") query = qReferences; else if (*i == "--referrers" || *i == "--referers") query = qReferrers; else if (*i == "--referrers-closure" || *i == "--referers-closure") query = qReferrersClosure; else if (*i == "--deriver" || *i == "-d") query = qDeriver; else if (*i == "--binding" || *i == "-b") { if (opArgs.size() == 0) throw UsageError("expected binding name"); bindingName = opArgs.front(); opArgs.pop_front(); query = qBinding; } else if (*i == "--hash") query = qHash; else if (*i == "--tree") query = qTree; else if (*i == "--graph") query = qGraph; else if (*i == "--use-output" || *i == "-u") useOutput = true; else if (*i == "--force-realise" || *i == "-f") forceRealise = true; else if (*i == "--include-outputs") includeOutputs = true; else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % *i); switch (query) { case qOutputs: { for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) { *i = fixPath(*i); if (forceRealise) realisePath(*i); Derivation drv = derivationFromPath(*i); cout << format("%1%\n") % findOutput(drv, "out"); } break; } case qRequisites: case qReferences: case qReferrers: case qReferrersClosure: { PathSet paths; for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) { Path path = maybeUseOutput(fixPath(*i), useOutput, forceRealise); if (query == qRequisites) storePathRequisites(path, includeOutputs, paths); else if (query == qReferences) store->queryReferences(path, paths); else if (query == qReferrers) store->queryReferrers(path, paths); else if (query == qReferrersClosure) computeFSClosure(path, paths, true); } printPathSet(paths); break; } case qDeriver: for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) { Path deriver = queryDeriver(noTxn, fixPath(*i)); cout << format("%1%\n") % (deriver == "" ? "unknown-deriver" : deriver); } break; case qBinding: for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) { Path path = useDeriver(fixPath(*i)); Derivation drv = derivationFromPath(path); StringPairs::iterator j = drv.env.find(bindingName); if (j == drv.env.end()) throw Error(format("derivation `%1%' has no environment binding named `%2%'") % path % bindingName); cout << format("%1%\n") % j->second; } break; case qHash: for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) { Path path = maybeUseOutput(fixPath(*i), useOutput, forceRealise); Hash hash = store->queryPathHash(path); assert(hash.type == htSHA256); cout << format("sha256:%1%\n") % printHash32(hash); } break; case qTree: { PathSet done; for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) printTree(fixPath(*i), "", "", done); break; } case qGraph: { PathSet roots; for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) roots.insert(maybeUseOutput(fixPath(*i), useOutput, forceRealise)); printDotGraph(roots); break; } default: abort(); } } static void opReadLog(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) { Path path = useDeriver(fixPath(*i)); Path logPath = (format("%1%/%2%/%3%") % nixLogDir % drvsLogDir % baseNameOf(path)).str(); if (!pathExists(logPath)) throw Error(format("build log of derivation `%1%' is not available") % path); /* !!! Make this run in O(1) memory. */ string log = readFile(logPath); writeFull(STDOUT_FILENO, (const unsigned char *) log.c_str(), log.size()); } } static void opRegisterSubstitutes(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); if (!opArgs.empty()) throw UsageError("no arguments expected"); Transaction txn; createStoreTransaction(txn); while (1) { Path srcPath; Substitute sub; PathSet references; getline(cin, srcPath); if (cin.eof()) break; getline(cin, sub.deriver); getline(cin, sub.program); string s; int n; getline(cin, s); if (!string2Int(s, n)) throw Error("number expected"); while (n--) { getline(cin, s); sub.args.push_back(s); } getline(cin, s); if (!string2Int(s, n)) throw Error("number expected"); while (n--) { getline(cin, s); references.insert(s); } if (!cin || cin.eof()) throw Error("missing input"); registerSubstitute(txn, srcPath, sub); setReferences(txn, srcPath, references); } txn.commit(); } static void opClearSubstitutes(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); if (!opArgs.empty()) throw UsageError("no arguments expected"); clearSubstitutes(); } static void opRegisterValidity(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { bool reregister = false; // !!! maybe this should be the default for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ++i) if (*i == "--reregister") reregister = true; else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % *i); if (!opArgs.empty()) throw UsageError("no arguments expected"); ValidPathInfos infos; while (1) { ValidPathInfo info; getline(cin, info.path); if (cin.eof()) break; getline(cin, info.deriver); string s; int n; getline(cin, s); if (!string2Int(s, n)) throw Error("number expected"); while (n--) { getline(cin, s); info.references.insert(s); } if (!cin || cin.eof()) throw Error("missing input"); if (!store->isValidPath(info.path) || reregister) { /* !!! races */ canonicalisePathMetaData(info.path); info.hash = hashPath(htSHA256, info.path); infos.push_back(info); } } Transaction txn; createStoreTransaction(txn); registerValidPaths(txn, infos); txn.commit(); } static void opCheckValidity(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) if (!store->isValidPath(*i)) throw Error(format("path `%1%' is not valid") % *i); } struct PrintFreed { bool show, dryRun; unsigned long long bytesFreed; PrintFreed(bool show, bool dryRun) : show(show), dryRun(dryRun), bytesFreed(0) { } ~PrintFreed() { if (show) cout << format( (dryRun ? "%d bytes would be freed (%.2f MiB)\n" : "%d bytes freed (%.2f MiB)\n")) % bytesFreed % (bytesFreed / (1024.0 * 1024.0)); } }; static void opGC(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { GCAction action = gcDeleteDead; /* Do what? */ for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ++i) if (*i == "--print-roots") action = gcReturnRoots; else if (*i == "--print-live") action = gcReturnLive; else if (*i == "--print-dead") action = gcReturnDead; else if (*i == "--delete") action = gcDeleteDead; else throw UsageError(format("bad sub-operation `%1%' in GC") % *i); PathSet result; PrintFreed freed(action == gcDeleteDead || action == gcReturnDead, action == gcReturnDead); collectGarbage(action, PathSet(), false, result, freed.bytesFreed); if (action != gcDeleteDead) { for (PathSet::iterator i = result.begin(); i != result.end(); ++i) cout << *i << std::endl; } } /* Remove paths from the Nix store if possible (i.e., if they do not have any remaining referrers and are not reachable from any GC roots). */ static void opDelete(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { bool ignoreLiveness = false; for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ++i) if (*i == "--ignore-liveness") ignoreLiveness = true; else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % *i); PathSet pathsToDelete; for (Strings::iterator i = opArgs.begin(); i != opArgs.end(); ++i) pathsToDelete.insert(fixPath(*i)); PathSet dummy; PrintFreed freed(true, false); collectGarbage(gcDeleteSpecific, pathsToDelete, ignoreLiveness, dummy, freed.bytesFreed); } /* Dump a path as a Nix archive. The archive is written to standard output. */ static void opDump(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); if (opArgs.size() != 1) throw UsageError("only one argument allowed"); FdSink sink(STDOUT_FILENO); string path = *opArgs.begin(); dumpPath(path, sink); } /* Restore a value from a Nix archive. The archive is read from standard input. */ static void opRestore(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); if (opArgs.size() != 1) throw UsageError("only one argument allowed"); FdSource source(STDIN_FILENO); restorePath(*opArgs.begin(), source); } /* Initialise the Nix databases. */ static void opInit(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opFlags.empty()) throw UsageError("unknown flag"); if (!opArgs.empty()) throw UsageError("no arguments expected"); /* Doesn't do anything right now; database tables are initialised automatically. */ } /* Verify the consistency of the Nix environment. */ static void opVerify(Strings opFlags, Strings opArgs) { if (!opArgs.empty()) throw UsageError("no arguments expected"); bool checkContents = false; for (Strings::iterator i = opFlags.begin(); i != opFlags.end(); ++i) if (*i == "--check-contents") checkContents = true; else throw UsageError(format("unknown flag `%1%'") % *i); verifyStore(checkContents); } /* Scan the arguments; find the operation, set global flags, put all other flags in a list, and put all other arguments in another list. */ void run(Strings args) { Strings opFlags, opArgs; Operation op = 0; for (Strings::iterator i = args.begin(); i != args.end(); ) { string arg = *i++; Operation oldOp = op; if (arg == "--realise" || arg == "-r") op = opRealise; else if (arg == "--add" || arg == "-A") op = opAdd; else if (arg == "--add-fixed") op = opAddFixed; else if (arg == "--print-fixed-path") op = opPrintFixedPath; else if (arg == "--delete") op = opDelete; else if (arg == "--query" || arg == "-q") op = opQuery; else if (arg == "--read-log" || arg == "-l") op = opReadLog; else if (arg == "--register-substitutes") op = opRegisterSubstitutes; else if (arg == "--clear-substitutes") op = opClearSubstitutes; else if (arg == "--register-validity") op = opRegisterValidity; else if (arg == "--check-validity") op = opCheckValidity; else if (arg == "--gc") op = opGC; else if (arg == "--dump") op = opDump; else if (arg == "--restore") op = opRestore; else if (arg == "--init") op = opInit; else if (arg == "--verify") op = opVerify; else if (arg == "--add-root") { if (i == args.end()) throw UsageError("`--add-root requires an argument"); gcRoot = absPath(*i++); } else if (arg == "--indirect") indirectRoot = true; else if (arg[0] == '-') opFlags.push_back(arg); else opArgs.push_back(arg); if (oldOp && oldOp != op) throw UsageError("only one operation may be specified"); } if (!op) throw UsageError("no operation specified"); if (op != opDump && op != opRestore) /* !!! hack */ store = openStore(op != opGC); op(opFlags, opArgs); } string programId = "nix-store";