forked from lix-project/lix

path can be created by copying it from another location in the file system. This is useful in the NixOS installation.
77 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable file
77 lines
1.6 KiB
Executable file
#! /usr/bin/perl -w -I. -I..
use strict;
use readmanifest;
use readcache;
my %allNarFiles;
my %allLocalPaths;
my %allPatches;
foreach my $manifest (glob "/data/webserver/dist/*/*/MANIFEST") {
print STDERR "loading $manifest\n";
readManifest($manifest, \%allNarFiles, \%allLocalPaths, \%allPatches, 1);
foreach my $manifest (@ARGV) {
print STDERR "shrinking manifest $manifest...\n";
my %narFiles;
my %patches;
if (readManifest($manifest, \%narFiles, \%patches, 1) < 3) {
print STDERR "manifest `$manifest' is too old (i.e., for Nix <= 0.7)\n";
my %done;
sub traverse {
my $p = shift;
my $prefix = shift;
print "$prefix$p\n";
my $reachesNAR = 0;
foreach my $patch (@{$patches{$p}}) {
next if defined $done{$patch->{url}};
$done{$patch->{url}} = 1;
$reachesNAR = 1 if traverse ($patch->{basePath}, $prefix . " ");
$reachesNAR = 1 if defined $allNarFiles{$p};
print " $prefix$reachesNAR\n";
return $reachesNAR;
# foreach my $p (keys %narFiles) {
# traverse ($p, "");
# }
my %newPatches;
foreach my $p (keys %patches) {
my $patchList = $patches{$p};
my @newList;
foreach my $patch (@{$patchList}) {
if (! defined $allNarFiles{$patch->{basePath}} ||
! defined $allNarFiles{$p} )
# print "REMOVING PATCH ", $patch->{basePath}, " -> ", $p, "\n";
} else {
# print "KEEPING PATCH ", $patch->{basePath}, " -> ", $p, "\n";
push @newList, $patch;
$newPatches{$p} = \@newList;
writeManifest ($manifest, \%narFiles, \%newPatches);