forked from lix-project/lix
a pointer to a Value, rather than the Value directly. This improves the effectiveness of garbage collection a lot: if the Value is stored inside the set directly, then any live pointer to the Value causes all other attributes in the set to be live as well.
257 lines
7.6 KiB
257 lines
7.6 KiB
#include "util.hh"
#include "get-drvs.hh"
#include "derivations.hh"
#include "store-api.hh"
#include "globals.hh"
#include "shared.hh"
#include "eval.hh"
#include "parser.hh"
#include "profiles.hh"
namespace nix {
static void readLegacyManifest(const Path & path, DrvInfos & elems);
DrvInfos queryInstalled(EvalState & state, const Path & userEnv)
DrvInfos elems;
Path manifestFile = userEnv + "/manifest.nix";
Path oldManifestFile = userEnv + "/manifest";
if (pathExists(manifestFile)) {
Value v;
state.eval(parseExprFromFile(state, manifestFile), v);
Bindings bindings;
getDerivations(state, v, "", bindings, elems);
} else if (pathExists(oldManifestFile))
readLegacyManifest(oldManifestFile, elems);
return elems;
bool createUserEnv(EvalState & state, DrvInfos & elems,
const Path & profile, bool keepDerivations,
const string & lockToken)
/* Build the components in the user environment, if they don't
exist already. */
PathSet drvsToBuild;
foreach (DrvInfos::const_iterator, i, elems)
if (i->queryDrvPath(state) != "")
debug(format("building user environment dependencies"));
/* Construct the whole top level derivation. */
PathSet references;
Value manifest;
state.mkList(manifest, elems.size());
unsigned int n = 0;
foreach (DrvInfos::iterator, i, elems) {
/* Create a pseudo-derivation containing the name, system,
output path, and optionally the derivation path, as well as
the meta attributes. */
Path drvPath = keepDerivations ? i->queryDrvPath(state) : "";
Value & v(*state.allocValues(1));
manifest.list.elems[n++] = &v;
mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sType), "derivation");
mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sName), i->name);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sSystem), i->system);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sOutPath), i->queryOutPath(state));
if (drvPath != "")
mkString(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sDrvPath), i->queryDrvPath(state));
state.mkAttrs(*state.allocAttr(v, state.sMeta));
MetaInfo meta = i->queryMetaInfo(state);
foreach (MetaInfo::const_iterator, j, meta) {
Value & v2(*state.allocAttr(*(*v.attrs)[state.sMeta].value, state.symbols.create(j->first)));
switch (j->second.type) {
case MetaValue::tpInt: mkInt(v2, j->second.intValue); break;
case MetaValue::tpString: mkString(v2, j->second.stringValue); break;
case MetaValue::tpStrings: {
state.mkList(v2, j->second.stringValues.size());
unsigned int m = 0;
foreach (Strings::const_iterator, k, j->second.stringValues) {
v2.list.elems[m] = state.allocValues(1);
mkString(*v2.list.elems[m++], *k);
default: abort();
/* This is only necessary when installing store paths, e.g.,
`nix-env -i /nix/store/abcd...-foo'. */
if (drvPath != "") references.insert(drvPath);
/* Also write a copy of the list of user environment elements to
the store; we need it for future modifications of the
environment. */
Path manifestFile = store->addTextToStore("env-manifest.nix",
(format("%1%") % manifest).str(), references);
/* Get the environment builder expression. */
Value envBuilder;
state.eval(parseExprFromFile(state, nixDataDir + "/nix/corepkgs/buildenv"), envBuilder);
/* Construct a Nix expression that calls the user environment
builder with the manifest as argument. */
Value args, topLevel;
mkString(*state.allocAttr(args, state.sSystem), thisSystem);
mkString(*state.allocAttr(args, state.symbols.create("manifest")),
manifestFile, singleton<PathSet>(manifestFile));
(*args.attrs)[state.symbols.create("derivations")].value = &manifest;
mkApp(topLevel, envBuilder, args);
/* Evaluate it. */
debug("evaluating user environment builder");
DrvInfo topLevelDrv;
if (!getDerivation(state, topLevel, topLevelDrv))
/* Realise the resulting store expression. */
debug("building user environment");
/* Switch the current user environment to the output path. */
PathLocks lock;
lockProfile(lock, profile);
Path lockTokenCur = optimisticLockProfile(profile);
if (lockToken != lockTokenCur) {
printMsg(lvlError, format("profile `%1%' changed while we were busy; restarting") % profile);
return false;
debug(format("switching to new user environment"));
Path generation = createGeneration(profile, topLevelDrv.queryOutPath(state));
switchLink(profile, generation);
return true;
/* Code for parsing manifests in the old textual ATerm format. */
static string parseStr(std::istream & str)
expect(str, "Str(");
string s = parseString(str);
expect(str, ",[])");
return s;
static string parseWord(std::istream & str)
string res;
while (isalpha(str.peek()))
res += str.get();
return res;
static MetaInfo parseMeta(std::istream & str)
MetaInfo meta;
expect(str, "Attrs([");
while (!endOfList(str)) {
expect(str, "Bind(");
MetaValue value;
string name = parseString(str);
expect(str, ",");
string type = parseWord(str);
if (type == "Str") {
expect(str, "(");
value.type = MetaValue::tpString;
value.stringValue = parseString(str);
expect(str, ",[])");
else if (type == "List") {
expect(str, "([");
value.type = MetaValue::tpStrings;
while (!endOfList(str))
expect(str, ")");
else throw Error(format("unexpected token `%1%'") % type);
expect(str, ",NoPos)");
meta[name] = value;
expect(str, ")");
return meta;
static void readLegacyManifest(const Path & path, DrvInfos & elems)
string manifest = readFile(path);
std::istringstream str(manifest);
expect(str, "List([");
unsigned int n = 0;
while (!endOfList(str)) {
DrvInfo elem;
expect(str, "Attrs([");
while (!endOfList(str)) {
expect(str, "Bind(");
string name = parseString(str);
expect(str, ",");
if (name == "meta") elem.setMetaInfo(parseMeta(str));
else {
string value = parseStr(str);
if (name == "name") = value;
else if (name == "outPath") elem.setOutPath(value);
else if (name == "drvPath") elem.setDrvPath(value);
else if (name == "system") elem.system = value;
expect(str, ",NoPos)");
expect(str, ")");
if ( != "") {
elem.attrPath = int2String(n++);
expect(str, ")");