use crate::{ action::{darwin::NIX_VOLUME_MOUNTD_DEST, Action, ActionDescription, ActionState}, execute_command, }; use rand::Rng; use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use tokio::process::Command; #[derive(Debug, serde::Deserialize, serde::Serialize, Clone)] pub struct EncryptVolume { disk: PathBuf, name: String, action_state: ActionState, } impl EncryptVolume { #[tracing::instrument(skip_all)] pub async fn plan( disk: impl AsRef, name: impl AsRef, ) -> Result> { let name = name.as_ref().to_owned(); Ok(Self { name, disk: disk.as_ref().to_path_buf(), action_state: ActionState::Uncompleted, }) } } #[async_trait::async_trait] #[typetag::serde(name = "encrypt_volume")] impl Action for EncryptVolume { fn tracing_synopsis(&self) -> String { format!( "Encrypt volume `{}` on disk `{}`",, self.disk.display() ) } fn execute_description(&self) -> Vec { vec![ActionDescription::new(self.tracing_synopsis(), vec![])] } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all, fields( disk = %self.disk.display(), ))] async fn execute(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box> { let Self { disk, name, action_state: _, } = self; // Generate a random password. let password: String = { const CHARSET: &[u8] = b"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ\ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz\ 0123456789)(*&^%$#@!~"; const PASSWORD_LEN: usize = 32; let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); (0..PASSWORD_LEN) .map(|_| { let idx = rng.gen_range(0..CHARSET.len()); CHARSET[idx] as char }) .collect() }; let disk_str = disk.to_str().expect("Could not turn disk into string"); /* Should not reasonably ever fail */ execute_command(Command::new("/usr/sbin/diskutil").arg("mount").arg(&name)).await?; // Add the password to the user keychain so they can unlock it later. execute_command( Command::new("/usr/bin/security").process_group(0).args([ "add-generic-password", "-a", name.as_str(), "-s", name.as_str(), "-l", format!("{} encryption password", disk_str).as_str(), "-D", "Encrypted volume password", "-j", format!( "Added automatically by the Nix installer for use by {NIX_VOLUME_MOUNTD_DEST}" ) .as_str(), "-w", password.as_str(), "-T", "/System/Library/CoreServices/APFSUserAgent", "-T", "/System/Library/CoreServices/CSUserAgent", "-T", "/usr/bin/security", "/Library/Keychains/System.keychain", ]), ) .await?; // Encrypt the mounted volume execute_command(Command::new("/usr/sbin/diskutil").process_group(0).args([ "apfs", "encryptVolume", name.as_str(), "-user", "disk", "-passphrase", password.as_str(), ])) .await?; execute_command( Command::new("/usr/sbin/diskutil") .process_group(0) .arg("unmount") .arg("force") .arg(&name), ) .await?; Ok(()) } fn revert_description(&self) -> Vec { vec![ActionDescription::new( format!( "Remove encryption keys for volume `{}`", self.disk.display() ), vec![], )] } #[tracing::instrument(skip_all, fields( disk = %self.disk.display(), ))] async fn revert(&mut self) -> Result<(), Box> { let Self { disk, name, action_state: _, } = self; let disk_str = disk.to_str().expect("Could not turn disk into string"); /* Should not reasonably ever fail */ // TODO: This seems very rough and unsafe execute_command( Command::new("/usr/bin/security").process_group(0).args([ "delete-generic-password", "-a", name.as_str(), "-s", name.as_str(), "-l", format!("{} encryption password", disk_str).as_str(), "-D", "Encrypted volume password", "-j", format!( "Added automatically by the Nix installer for use by {NIX_VOLUME_MOUNTD_DEST}" ) .as_str(), ]), ) .await?; Ok(()) } fn action_state(&self) -> ActionState { self.action_state } fn set_action_state(&mut self, action_state: ActionState) { self.action_state = action_state; } } #[derive(Debug, thiserror::Error)] pub enum EncryptVolumeError { #[error("Failed to execute command")] Command(#[source] std::io::Error), }