#include "command.hh" #include "common-args.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "archive.hh" #include "builtins/buildenv.hh" #include "flake/flakeref.hh" #include "../nix-env/user-env.hh" #include "profiles.hh" #include "names.hh" #include #include using namespace nix; struct ProfileElementSource { FlakeRef originalRef; // FIXME: record original attrpath. FlakeRef resolvedRef; std::string attrPath; // FIXME: output names bool operator < (const ProfileElementSource & other) const { return std::pair(originalRef.to_string(), attrPath) < std::pair(other.originalRef.to_string(), other.attrPath); } }; struct ProfileElement { StorePathSet storePaths; std::optional source; bool active = true; // FIXME: priority std::string describe() const { if (source) return fmt("%s#%s", source->originalRef, source->attrPath); StringSet names; for (auto & path : storePaths) names.insert(DrvName(path.name()).name); return concatStringsSep(", ", names); } std::string versions() const { StringSet versions; for (auto & path : storePaths) versions.insert(DrvName(path.name()).version); return showVersions(versions); } bool operator < (const ProfileElement & other) const { return std::tuple(describe(), storePaths) < std::tuple(other.describe(), other.storePaths); } }; struct ProfileManifest { std::vector elements; ProfileManifest() { } ProfileManifest(EvalState & state, const Path & profile) { auto manifestPath = profile + "/manifest.json"; if (pathExists(manifestPath)) { auto json = nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(manifestPath)); auto version = json.value("version", 0); if (version != 1) throw Error("profile manifest '%s' has unsupported version %d", manifestPath, version); for (auto & e : json["elements"]) { ProfileElement element; for (auto & p : e["storePaths"]) element.storePaths.insert(state.store->parseStorePath((std::string) p)); element.active = e["active"]; if (e.value("uri", "") != "") { element.source = ProfileElementSource{ parseFlakeRef(e["originalUri"]), parseFlakeRef(e["uri"]), e["attrPath"] }; } elements.emplace_back(std::move(element)); } } else if (pathExists(profile + "/manifest.nix")) { // FIXME: needed because of pure mode; ugly. if (state.allowedPaths) { state.allowedPaths->insert(state.store->followLinksToStore(profile)); state.allowedPaths->insert(state.store->followLinksToStore(profile + "/manifest.nix")); } auto drvInfos = queryInstalled(state, state.store->followLinksToStore(profile)); for (auto & drvInfo : drvInfos) { ProfileElement element; element.storePaths = {state.store->parseStorePath(drvInfo.queryOutPath())}; elements.emplace_back(std::move(element)); } } } std::string toJSON(Store & store) const { auto array = nlohmann::json::array(); for (auto & element : elements) { auto paths = nlohmann::json::array(); for (auto & path : element.storePaths) paths.push_back(store.printStorePath(path)); nlohmann::json obj; obj["storePaths"] = paths; obj["active"] = element.active; if (element.source) { obj["originalUri"] = element.source->originalRef.to_string(); obj["uri"] = element.source->resolvedRef.to_string(); obj["attrPath"] = element.source->attrPath; } array.push_back(obj); } nlohmann::json json; json["version"] = 1; json["elements"] = array; return json.dump(); } StorePath build(ref store) { auto tempDir = createTempDir(); StorePathSet references; Packages pkgs; for (auto & element : elements) { for (auto & path : element.storePaths) { if (element.active) pkgs.emplace_back(store->printStorePath(path), true, 5); references.insert(path); } } buildProfile(tempDir, std::move(pkgs)); writeFile(tempDir + "/manifest.json", toJSON(*store)); /* Add the symlink tree to the store. */ StringSink sink; dumpPath(tempDir, sink); auto narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *sink.s); ValidPathInfo info { store->makeFixedOutputPath(FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, narHash, "profile", references), narHash, }; info.references = std::move(references); info.narSize = sink.s->size(); info.ca = FixedOutputHash { .method = FileIngestionMethod::Recursive, .hash = info.narHash }; auto source = StringSource { *sink.s }; store->addToStore(info, source); return std::move(info.path); } static void printDiff(const ProfileManifest & prev, const ProfileManifest & cur, std::string_view indent) { auto prevElems = prev.elements; std::sort(prevElems.begin(), prevElems.end()); auto curElems = cur.elements; std::sort(curElems.begin(), curElems.end()); auto i = prevElems.begin(); auto j = curElems.begin(); bool changes = false; while (i != prevElems.end() || j != curElems.end()) { if (j != curElems.end() && (i == prevElems.end() || i->describe() > j->describe())) { std::cout << fmt("%s%s: ∅ -> %s\n", indent, j->describe(), j->versions()); changes = true; ++j; } else if (i != prevElems.end() && (j == curElems.end() || i->describe() < j->describe())) { std::cout << fmt("%s%s: %s -> ∅\n", indent, i->describe(), i->versions()); changes = true; ++i; } else { auto v1 = i->versions(); auto v2 = j->versions(); if (v1 != v2) { std::cout << fmt("%s%s: %s -> %s\n", indent, i->describe(), v1, v2); changes = true; } ++i; ++j; } } if (!changes) std::cout << fmt("%sNo changes.\n", indent); } }; struct CmdProfileInstall : InstallablesCommand, MixDefaultProfile { std::string description() override { return "install a package into a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-install.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { ProfileManifest manifest(*getEvalState(), *profile); std::vector pathsToBuild; for (auto & installable : installables) { if (auto installable2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(installable)) { auto [attrPath, resolvedRef, drv] = installable2->toDerivation(); ProfileElement element; if (!drv.outPath) throw UnimplementedError("CA derivations are not yet supported by 'nix profile'"); element.storePaths = {*drv.outPath}; // FIXME element.source = ProfileElementSource{ installable2->flakeRef, resolvedRef, attrPath, }; pathsToBuild.push_back(DerivedPath::Built{drv.drvPath, StringSet{drv.outputName}}); manifest.elements.emplace_back(std::move(element)); } else { auto buildables = build(getEvalStore(), store, Realise::Outputs, {installable}, bmNormal); for (auto & buildable : buildables) { ProfileElement element; std::visit(overloaded { [&](BuiltPath::Opaque bo) { pathsToBuild.push_back(bo); element.storePaths.insert(bo.path); }, [&](BuiltPath::Built bfd) { // TODO: Why are we querying if we know the output // names already? Is it just to figure out what the // default one is? for (auto & output : store->queryDerivationOutputMap(bfd.drvPath)) { pathsToBuild.push_back(DerivedPath::Built{bfd.drvPath, {output.first}}); element.storePaths.insert(output.second); } }, }, buildable.raw()); manifest.elements.emplace_back(std::move(element)); } } } store->buildPaths(pathsToBuild); updateProfile(manifest.build(store)); } }; class MixProfileElementMatchers : virtual Args { std::vector _matchers; public: MixProfileElementMatchers() { expectArgs("elements", &_matchers); } typedef std::variant Matcher; std::vector getMatchers(ref store) { std::vector res; for (auto & s : _matchers) { if (auto n = string2Int(s)) res.push_back(*n); else if (store->isStorePath(s)) res.push_back(s); else res.push_back(std::regex(s, std::regex::extended | std::regex::icase)); } return res; } bool matches(const Store & store, const ProfileElement & element, size_t pos, const std::vector & matchers) { for (auto & matcher : matchers) { if (auto n = std::get_if(&matcher)) { if (*n == pos) return true; } else if (auto path = std::get_if(&matcher)) { if (element.storePaths.count(store.parseStorePath(*path))) return true; } else if (auto regex = std::get_if(&matcher)) { if (element.source && std::regex_match(element.source->attrPath, *regex)) return true; } } return false; } }; struct CmdProfileRemove : virtual EvalCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixProfileElementMatchers { std::string description() override { return "remove packages from a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-remove.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { ProfileManifest oldManifest(*getEvalState(), *profile); auto matchers = getMatchers(store); ProfileManifest newManifest; for (size_t i = 0; i < oldManifest.elements.size(); ++i) { auto & element(oldManifest.elements[i]); if (!matches(*store, element, i, matchers)) newManifest.elements.push_back(std::move(element)); } // FIXME: warn about unused matchers? printInfo("removed %d packages, kept %d packages", oldManifest.elements.size() - newManifest.elements.size(), newManifest.elements.size()); updateProfile(newManifest.build(store)); } }; struct CmdProfileUpgrade : virtual SourceExprCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixProfileElementMatchers { std::string description() override { return "upgrade packages using their most recent flake"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-upgrade.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { ProfileManifest manifest(*getEvalState(), *profile); auto matchers = getMatchers(store); // FIXME: code duplication std::vector pathsToBuild; for (size_t i = 0; i < manifest.elements.size(); ++i) { auto & element(manifest.elements[i]); if (element.source && !element.source->originalRef.input.isImmutable() && matches(*store, element, i, matchers)) { Activity act(*logger, lvlChatty, actUnknown, fmt("checking '%s' for updates", element.source->attrPath)); InstallableFlake installable( this, getEvalState(), FlakeRef(element.source->originalRef), {element.source->attrPath}, {}, lockFlags); auto [attrPath, resolvedRef, drv] = installable.toDerivation(); if (element.source->resolvedRef == resolvedRef) continue; printInfo("upgrading '%s' from flake '%s' to '%s'", element.source->attrPath, element.source->resolvedRef, resolvedRef); if (!drv.outPath) throw UnimplementedError("CA derivations are not yet supported by 'nix profile'"); element.storePaths = {*drv.outPath}; // FIXME element.source = ProfileElementSource{ installable.flakeRef, resolvedRef, attrPath, }; pathsToBuild.push_back(DerivedPath::Built{drv.drvPath, {drv.outputName}}); } } store->buildPaths(pathsToBuild); updateProfile(manifest.build(store)); } }; struct CmdProfileList : virtual EvalCommand, virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile { std::string description() override { return "list installed packages"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-list.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { ProfileManifest manifest(*getEvalState(), *profile); for (size_t i = 0; i < manifest.elements.size(); ++i) { auto & element(manifest.elements[i]); logger->cout("%d %s %s %s", i, element.source ? element.source->originalRef.to_string() + "#" + element.source->attrPath : "-", element.source ? element.source->resolvedRef.to_string() + "#" + element.source->attrPath : "-", concatStringsSep(" ", store->printStorePathSet(element.storePaths))); } } }; struct CmdProfileDiffClosures : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile { std::string description() override { return "show the closure difference between each version of a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-diff-closures.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { auto [gens, curGen] = findGenerations(*profile); std::optional prevGen; bool first = true; for (auto & gen : gens) { if (prevGen) { if (!first) std::cout << "\n"; first = false; std::cout << fmt("Version %d -> %d:\n", prevGen->number, gen.number); printClosureDiff(store, store->followLinksToStorePath(prevGen->path), store->followLinksToStorePath(gen.path), " "); } prevGen = gen; } } }; struct CmdProfileHistory : virtual StoreCommand, EvalCommand, MixDefaultProfile { std::string description() override { return "show all versions of a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-history.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { auto [gens, curGen] = findGenerations(*profile); std::optional> prevGen; bool first = true; for (auto & gen : gens) { ProfileManifest manifest(*getEvalState(), gen.path); if (!first) std::cout << "\n"; first = false; if (prevGen) std::cout << fmt("Version %d -> %d:\n", prevGen->first.number, gen.number); else std::cout << fmt("Version %d:\n", gen.number); ProfileManifest::printDiff( prevGen ? prevGen->second : ProfileManifest(), manifest, " "); prevGen = {gen, std::move(manifest)}; } } }; struct CmdProfileRollback : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixDryRun { std::optional version; CmdProfileRollback() { addFlag({ .longName = "to", .description = "The profile version to roll back to.", .labels = {"version"}, .handler = {&version}, }); } std::string description() override { return "roll back to the previous version or a specified version of a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-rollback.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { switchGeneration(*profile, version, dryRun); } }; struct CmdProfileWipeHistory : virtual StoreCommand, MixDefaultProfile, MixDryRun { std::optional minAge; CmdProfileWipeHistory() { addFlag({ .longName = "older-than", .description = "Delete versions older than the specified age. *age* " "must be in the format *N*`d`, where *N* denotes a number " "of days.", .labels = {"age"}, .handler = {&minAge}, }); } std::string description() override { return "delete non-current versions of a profile"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile-wipe-history.md" ; } void run(ref store) override { if (minAge) deleteGenerationsOlderThan(*profile, *minAge, dryRun); else deleteOldGenerations(*profile, dryRun); } }; struct CmdProfile : NixMultiCommand { CmdProfile() : MultiCommand({ {"install", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"remove", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"upgrade", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"list", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"diff-closures", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"history", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"rollback", []() { return make_ref(); }}, {"wipe-history", []() { return make_ref(); }}, }) { } std::string description() override { return "manage Nix profiles"; } std::string doc() override { return #include "profile.md" ; } void run() override { if (!command) throw UsageError("'nix profile' requires a sub-command."); command->second->prepare(); command->second->run(); } }; static auto rCmdProfile = registerCommand("profile");