forked from lix-project/lix

need any info on substitutable paths, we just call the substituters (such as directly. This means that it's no longer necessary for nix-pull to register substitutes or for nix-channel to clear them, which makes those operations much faster (NIX-95). Also, we don't have to worry about keeping nix-pull manifests (in /nix/var/nix/manifests) and the database in sync with each other. The downside is that there is some overhead in calling an external program to get the substitutes info. For instance, "nix-env -qas" takes a bit longer. Abolishing the substitutes table also makes the logic in simpler, as we don't need to store info for invalid paths. On the downside, you cannot do things like "nix-store -qR" on a substitutable but invalid path (but nobody did that anyway). * Never catch interrupts (the Interrupted exception).
111 lines
2.9 KiB
111 lines
2.9 KiB
#! @perl@ -w -I@libexecdir@/nix
use strict;
use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
use readmanifest;
my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-pull.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
my $binDir = $ENV{"NIX_BIN_DIR"};
$binDir = "@bindir@" unless defined $binDir;
my $libexecDir = $ENV{"NIX_LIBEXEC_DIR"};
$libexecDir = "@libexecdir@" unless defined $libexecDir;
my $stateDir = $ENV{"NIX_STATE_DIR"};
$stateDir = "@localstatedir@/nix" unless defined $stateDir;
my $storeDir = $ENV{"NIX_STORE_DIR"};
$storeDir = "@storedir@" unless defined $storeDir;
# Prevent access problems in shared-stored installations.
umask 0022;
# Process the URLs specified on the command line.
my %narFiles;
my %localPaths;
my %patches;
my $skipWrongStore = 0;
sub downloadFile {
my $url = shift;
$ENV{"QUIET"} = 1;
my ($dummy, $path) = `@bindir@/nix-prefetch-url '$url'`;
chomp $path;
return $path;
sub processURL {
my $url = shift;
$url =~ s/\/$//;
my $manifest;
# First see if a bzipped manifest is available.
if (system("@curl@ --fail --silent --head '$url'.bz2 > /dev/null") == 0) {
print "obtaining list of Nix archives at `$url.bz2'...\n";
my $bzipped = downloadFile "$url.bz2";
$manifest = "$tmpDir/MANIFEST";
system("@bunzip2@ < $bzipped > $manifest") == 0
or die "cannot decompress manifest";
$manifest = (`$binDir/nix-store --add $manifest`
or die "cannot copy $manifest to the store");
chomp $manifest;
# Otherwise, just get the uncompressed manifest.
else {
print "obtaining list of Nix archives at `$url'...\n";
$manifest = downloadFile $url;
if (readManifest($manifest, \%narFiles, \%localPaths, \%patches) < 3) {
die "manifest `$url' is too old (i.e., for Nix <= 0.7)\n";
if ($skipWrongStore) {
foreach my $path (keys %narFiles) {
if (substr($path, 0, length($storeDir) + 1) ne "$storeDir/") {
print STDERR "warning: manifest `$url' assumes a Nix store at a different location than $storeDir, skipping...\n";
exit 0;
my $baseName = "unnamed";
if ($url =~ /\/([^\/]+)\/[^\/]+$/) { # get the forelast component
$baseName = $1;
my $hash = `$binDir/nix-hash --flat '$manifest'`
or die "cannot hash `$manifest'";
chomp $hash;
my $finalPath = "$stateDir/manifests/$baseName-$hash.nixmanifest";
system("@coreutils@/ln", "-sfn", "$manifest", "$finalPath") == 0
or die "cannot link `$finalPath to `$manifest'";
while (@ARGV) {
my $url = shift @ARGV;
if ($url eq "--skip-wrong-store") {
$skipWrongStore = 1;
} else {
processURL $url;
my $size = scalar (keys %narFiles) + scalar (keys %localPaths);
print "$size store paths in manifest\n";