dramforever fc6bfb261d libfetchers/tarball: Lock on effectiveUrl
Basically, if a tarball URL is used as a flake input, and the URL leads
to a redirect, the final redirect destination would be recorded as the
locked URL.

This allows tarballs under to be used as
flake inputs. If we, as before, lock on to the original URL it would
break every time the channel updates.
2021-03-02 21:56:50 +08:00

162 lines
4.3 KiB

#pragma once
#include "types.hh"
#include "hash.hh"
#include "path.hh"
#include "attrs.hh"
#include "url.hh"
#include <memory>
namespace nix { class Store; }
namespace nix::fetchers {
struct Tree
Path actualPath;
StorePath storePath;
Tree(Path && actualPath, StorePath && storePath) : actualPath(actualPath), storePath(std::move(storePath)) {}
struct InputScheme;
/* The Input object is generated by a specific fetcher, based on the
* user-supplied input attribute in the flake.nix file, and contains
* the information that the specific fetcher needs to perform the
* actual fetch. The Input object is most commonly created via the
* "fromURL()" or "fromAttrs()" static functions which are provided
* the url or attrset specified in the flake file.
struct Input
friend struct InputScheme;
std::shared_ptr<InputScheme> scheme; // note: can be null
Attrs attrs;
bool immutable = false;
bool direct = true;
static Input fromURL(const std::string & url);
static Input fromURL(const ParsedURL & url);
static Input fromAttrs(Attrs && attrs);
ParsedURL toURL() const;
std::string toURLString(const std::map<std::string, std::string> & extraQuery = {}) const;
std::string to_string() const;
Attrs toAttrs() const;
/* Check whether this is a "direct" input, that is, not
one that goes through a registry. */
bool isDirect() const { return direct; }
/* Check whether this is an "immutable" input, that is,
one that contains a commit hash or content hash. */
bool isImmutable() const { return immutable; }
bool hasAllInfo() const;
bool operator ==(const Input & other) const;
bool contains(const Input & other) const;
std::pair<Tree, Input> fetch(ref<Store> store) const;
Input applyOverrides(
std::optional<std::string> ref,
std::optional<Hash> rev) const;
void clone(const Path & destDir) const;
std::optional<Path> getSourcePath() const;
void markChangedFile(
std::string_view file,
std::optional<std::string> commitMsg) const;
StorePath computeStorePath(Store & store) const;
// Convenience functions for common attributes.
std::string getType() const;
std::optional<Hash> getNarHash() const;
std::optional<std::string> getRef() const;
std::optional<Hash> getRev() const;
std::optional<uint64_t> getRevCount() const;
std::optional<time_t> getLastModified() const;
/* The InputScheme represents a type of fetcher. Each fetcher
* registers with nix at startup time. When processing an input for a
* flake, each scheme is given an opportunity to "recognize" that
* input from the url or attributes in the flake file's specification
* and return an Input object to represent the input if it is
* recognized. The Input object contains the information the fetcher
* needs to actually perform the "fetch()" when called.
struct InputScheme
virtual ~InputScheme()
{ }
virtual std::optional<Input> inputFromURL(const ParsedURL & url) = 0;
virtual std::optional<Input> inputFromAttrs(const Attrs & attrs) = 0;
virtual ParsedURL toURL(const Input & input);
virtual bool hasAllInfo(const Input & input) = 0;
virtual Input applyOverrides(
const Input & input,
std::optional<std::string> ref,
std::optional<Hash> rev);
virtual void clone(const Input & input, const Path & destDir);
virtual std::optional<Path> getSourcePath(const Input & input);
virtual void markChangedFile(const Input & input, std::string_view file, std::optional<std::string> commitMsg);
virtual std::pair<Tree, Input> fetch(ref<Store> store, const Input & input) = 0;
void registerInputScheme(std::shared_ptr<InputScheme> && fetcher);
struct DownloadFileResult
StorePath storePath;
std::string etag;
std::string effectiveUrl;
DownloadFileResult downloadFile(
ref<Store> store,
const std::string & url,
const std::string & name,
bool immutable,
const Headers & headers = {});
struct DownloadTarballMeta
time_t lastModified;
std::string effectiveUrl;
std::pair<Tree, DownloadTarballMeta> downloadTarball(
ref<Store> store,
const std::string & url,
const std::string & name,
bool immutable,
const Headers & headers = {});