#include "command.hh" #include "globals.hh" #include "eval.hh" #include "eval-inline.hh" #include "names.hh" #include "get-drvs.hh" #include "common-args.hh" #include "json.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "eval-cache.hh" #include "attr-path.hh" #include <regex> #include <fstream> using namespace nix; std::string wrap(std::string prefix, std::string s) { return prefix + s + ANSI_NORMAL; } std::string hilite(const std::string & s, const std::smatch & m, std::string postfix) { return m.empty() ? s : std::string(m.prefix()) + ANSI_GREEN + std::string(m.str()) + postfix + std::string(m.suffix()); } struct CmdSearch : InstallableCommand, MixJSON { std::vector<std::string> res; CmdSearch() { expectArgs("regex", &res); } std::string description() override { return "query available packages"; } Examples examples() override { return { Example{ "To show all packages in the flake in the current directory:", "nix search" }, Example{ "To show packages in the 'nixpkgs' flake containing 'blender' in its name or description:", "nix search nixpkgs blender" }, Example{ "To search for Firefox or Chromium:", "nix search nixpkgs 'firefox|chromium'" }, Example{ "To search for packages containing 'git' and either 'frontend' or 'gui':", "nix search nixpkgs git 'frontend|gui'" } }; } Strings getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths() override { return { "packages." + settings.thisSystem.get() + ".", "legacyPackages." + settings.thisSystem.get() + "." }; } void run(ref<Store> store) override { settings.readOnlyMode = true; // Empty search string should match all packages // Use "^" here instead of ".*" due to differences in resulting highlighting // (see #1893 -- libc++ claims empty search string is not in POSIX grammar) if (res.empty()) res.push_back("^"); std::vector<std::regex> regexes; regexes.reserve(res.size()); for (auto & re : res) regexes.push_back(std::regex(re, std::regex::extended | std::regex::icase)); auto state = getEvalState(); auto jsonOut = json ? std::make_unique<JSONObject>(std::cout) : nullptr; uint64_t results = 0; std::function<void(eval_cache::AttrCursor & cursor, const std::vector<Symbol> & attrPath)> visit; visit = [&](eval_cache::AttrCursor & cursor, const std::vector<Symbol> & attrPath) { Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, actUnknown, fmt("evaluating '%s'", concatStringsSep(".", attrPath))); try { auto recurse = [&]() { for (const auto & attr : cursor.getAttrs()) { auto cursor2 = cursor.getAttr(attr); auto attrPath2(attrPath); attrPath2.push_back(attr); visit(*cursor2, attrPath2); } }; if (cursor.isDerivation()) { size_t found = 0; DrvName name(cursor.getAttr("name")->getString()); auto aMeta = cursor.maybeGetAttr("meta"); auto aDescription = aMeta ? aMeta->maybeGetAttr("description") : nullptr; auto description = aDescription ? aDescription->getString() : ""; std::replace(description.begin(), description.end(), '\n', ' '); auto attrPath2 = concatStringsSep(".", attrPath); std::smatch attrPathMatch; std::smatch descriptionMatch; std::smatch nameMatch; for (auto & regex : regexes) { std::regex_search(attrPath2, attrPathMatch, regex); std::regex_search(name.name, nameMatch, regex); std::regex_search(description, descriptionMatch, regex); if (!attrPathMatch.empty() || !nameMatch.empty() || !descriptionMatch.empty()) found++; } if (found == res.size()) { results++; if (json) { auto jsonElem = jsonOut->object(attrPath2); jsonElem.attr("pkgName", name.name); jsonElem.attr("version", name.version); jsonElem.attr("description", description); } else { auto name2 = hilite(name.name, nameMatch, "\e[0;2m") + std::string(name.fullName, name.name.length()); if (results > 1) logger->stdout(""); logger->stdout( "* %s (%s)", wrap("\e[0;1m", hilite(attrPath2, attrPathMatch, "\e[0;1m")), wrap("\e[0;2m", hilite(name2, nameMatch, "\e[0;2m"))); if (description != "") logger->stdout( " %s", hilite(description, descriptionMatch, ANSI_NORMAL)); } } } else if ( attrPath.size() == 0 || (attrPath[0] == "legacyPackages" && attrPath.size() <= 2) || (attrPath[0] == "packages" && attrPath.size() <= 2)) recurse(); } catch (EvalError & e) { if (!(attrPath.size() > 0 && attrPath[0] == "legacyPackages")) throw; } }; for (auto & [cursor, prefix] : installable->getCursor(*state, true)) visit(*cursor, parseAttrPath(*state, prefix)); if (!results) throw Error("no results for the given search term(s)!"); } }; static auto r1 = registerCommand<CmdSearch>("search");