#include "globals.hh" #include "installables.hh" #include "installable-derived-path.hh" #include "installable-attr-path.hh" #include "installable-flake.hh" #include "outputs-spec.hh" #include "util.hh" #include "command.hh" #include "attr-path.hh" #include "common-eval-args.hh" #include "derivations.hh" #include "eval-inline.hh" #include "eval.hh" #include "eval-settings.hh" #include "get-drvs.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include "shared.hh" #include "flake/flake.hh" #include "eval-cache.hh" #include "url.hh" #include "registry.hh" #include "build-result.hh" #include #include #include namespace nix { MixFlakeOptions::MixFlakeOptions() { auto category = "Common flake-related options"; addFlag({ .longName = "recreate-lock-file", .description = "Recreate the flake's lock file from scratch.", .category = category, .handler = {&lockFlags.recreateLockFile, true} }); addFlag({ .longName = "no-update-lock-file", .description = "Do not allow any updates to the flake's lock file.", .category = category, .handler = {&lockFlags.updateLockFile, false} }); addFlag({ .longName = "no-write-lock-file", .description = "Do not write the flake's newly generated lock file.", .category = category, .handler = {&lockFlags.writeLockFile, false} }); addFlag({ .longName = "no-registries", .description = "Don't allow lookups in the flake registries. This option is deprecated; use `--no-use-registries`.", .category = category, .handler = {[&]() { lockFlags.useRegistries = false; warn("'--no-registries' is deprecated; use '--no-use-registries'"); }} }); addFlag({ .longName = "commit-lock-file", .description = "Commit changes to the flake's lock file.", .category = category, .handler = {&lockFlags.commitLockFile, true} }); addFlag({ .longName = "update-input", .description = "Update a specific flake input (ignoring its previous entry in the lock file).", .category = category, .labels = {"input-path"}, .handler = {[&](std::string s) { lockFlags.inputUpdates.insert(flake::parseInputPath(s)); }}, .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) { needsFlakeInputCompletion = {std::string(prefix)}; }} }); addFlag({ .longName = "override-input", .description = "Override a specific flake input (e.g. `dwarffs/nixpkgs`). This implies `--no-write-lock-file`.", .category = category, .labels = {"input-path", "flake-url"}, .handler = {[&](std::string inputPath, std::string flakeRef) { lockFlags.writeLockFile = false; lockFlags.inputOverrides.insert_or_assign( flake::parseInputPath(inputPath), parseFlakeRef(flakeRef, absPath("."), true)); }}, .completer = {[&](size_t n, std::string_view prefix) { if (n == 0) needsFlakeInputCompletion = {std::string(prefix)}; else if (n == 1) completeFlakeRef(getEvalState()->store, prefix); }} }); addFlag({ .longName = "reference-lock-file", .description = "Read the given lock file instead of `flake.lock` within the top-level flake.", .category = category, .labels = {"flake-lock-path"}, .handler = {[&](std::string lockFilePath) { lockFlags.referenceLockFilePath = lockFilePath; }}, .completer = completePath }); addFlag({ .longName = "output-lock-file", .description = "Write the given lock file instead of `flake.lock` within the top-level flake.", .category = category, .labels = {"flake-lock-path"}, .handler = {[&](std::string lockFilePath) { lockFlags.outputLockFilePath = lockFilePath; }}, .completer = completePath }); addFlag({ .longName = "inputs-from", .description = "Use the inputs of the specified flake as registry entries.", .category = category, .labels = {"flake-url"}, .handler = {[&](std::string flakeRef) { auto evalState = getEvalState(); auto flake = flake::lockFlake( *evalState, parseFlakeRef(flakeRef, absPath(".")), { .writeLockFile = false }); for (auto & [inputName, input] : flake.lockFile.root->inputs) { auto input2 = flake.lockFile.findInput({inputName}); // resolve 'follows' nodes if (auto input3 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(input2)) { overrideRegistry( fetchers::Input::fromAttrs({{"type","indirect"}, {"id", inputName}}), input3->lockedRef.input, {}); } } }}, .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) { completeFlakeRef(getEvalState()->store, prefix); }} }); } void MixFlakeOptions::completeFlakeInput(std::string_view prefix) { auto evalState = getEvalState(); for (auto & flakeRefS : getFlakesForCompletion()) { auto flakeRef = parseFlakeRefWithFragment(expandTilde(flakeRefS), absPath(".")).first; auto flake = flake::getFlake(*evalState, flakeRef, true); for (auto & input : flake.inputs) if (input.first.starts_with(prefix)) completions->add(input.first); } } void MixFlakeOptions::completionHook() { if (auto & prefix = needsFlakeInputCompletion) completeFlakeInput(*prefix); } SourceExprCommand::SourceExprCommand() { addFlag({ .longName = "file", .shortName = 'f', .description = "Interpret [*installables*](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/nix.md#installables) as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression stored in *file*. " "If *file* is the character -, then a Nix expression will be read from standard input. " "Implies `--impure`.", .category = installablesCategory, .labels = {"file"}, .handler = {&file}, .completer = completePath }); addFlag({ .longName = "expr", .shortName = 'E', .description = "Interpret [*installables*](@docroot@/command-ref/new-cli/nix.md#installables) as attribute paths relative to the Nix expression *expr*.", .category = installablesCategory, .labels = {"expr"}, .handler = {&expr} }); } MixReadOnlyOption::MixReadOnlyOption() { addFlag({ .longName = "read-only", .description = "Do not instantiate each evaluated derivation. " "This improves performance, but can cause errors when accessing " "store paths of derivations during evaluation.", .handler = {&settings.readOnlyMode, true}, }); } Strings SourceExprCommand::getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths() { return { "packages." + settings.thisSystem.get() + ".default", "defaultPackage." + settings.thisSystem.get() }; } Strings SourceExprCommand::getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes() { return { // As a convenience, look for the attribute in // 'outputs.packages'. "packages." + settings.thisSystem.get() + ".", // As a temporary hack until Nixpkgs is properly converted // to provide a clean 'packages' set, look in 'legacyPackages'. "legacyPackages." + settings.thisSystem.get() + "." }; } void SourceExprCommand::completeInstallable(std::string_view prefix) { try { if (file) { completionType = ctAttrs; evalSettings.pureEval = false; auto state = getEvalState(); Expr *e = state->parseExprFromFile( resolveExprPath(state->checkSourcePath(lookupFileArg(*state, *file))) ); Value root; state->eval(e, root); auto autoArgs = getAutoArgs(*state); std::string prefix_ = std::string(prefix); auto sep = prefix_.rfind('.'); std::string searchWord; if (sep != std::string::npos) { searchWord = prefix_.substr(sep + 1, std::string::npos); prefix_ = prefix_.substr(0, sep); } else { searchWord = prefix_; prefix_ = ""; } auto [v, pos] = findAlongAttrPath(*state, prefix_, *autoArgs, root); Value &v1(*v); state->forceValue(v1, pos); Value v2; state->autoCallFunction(*autoArgs, v1, v2); if (v2.type() == nAttrs) { for (auto & i : *v2.attrs) { std::string name = state->symbols[i.name]; if (name.find(searchWord) == 0) { if (prefix_ == "") completions->add(name); else completions->add(prefix_ + "." + name); } } } } else { completeFlakeRefWithFragment( getEvalState(), lockFlags, getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes(), getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths(), prefix); } } catch (EvalError&) { // Don't want eval errors to mess-up with the completion engine, so let's just swallow them } } void completeFlakeRefWithFragment( ref evalState, flake::LockFlags lockFlags, Strings attrPathPrefixes, const Strings & defaultFlakeAttrPaths, std::string_view prefix) { /* Look for flake output attributes that match the prefix. */ try { auto hash = prefix.find('#'); if (hash == std::string::npos) { completeFlakeRef(evalState->store, prefix); } else { completionType = ctAttrs; auto fragment = prefix.substr(hash + 1); auto flakeRefS = std::string(prefix.substr(0, hash)); auto flakeRef = parseFlakeRef(expandTilde(flakeRefS), absPath(".")); auto evalCache = openEvalCache(*evalState, std::make_shared(lockFlake(*evalState, flakeRef, lockFlags))); auto root = evalCache->getRoot(); /* Complete 'fragment' relative to all the attrpath prefixes as well as the root of the flake. */ attrPathPrefixes.push_back(""); for (auto & attrPathPrefixS : attrPathPrefixes) { auto attrPathPrefix = parseAttrPath(*evalState, attrPathPrefixS); auto attrPathS = attrPathPrefixS + std::string(fragment); auto attrPath = parseAttrPath(*evalState, attrPathS); std::string lastAttr; if (!attrPath.empty() && !attrPathS.ends_with(".")) { lastAttr = evalState->symbols[attrPath.back()]; attrPath.pop_back(); } auto attr = root->findAlongAttrPath(attrPath); if (!attr) continue; for (auto & attr2 : (*attr)->getAttrs()) { if (std::string_view(evalState->symbols[attr2]).starts_with(lastAttr)) { auto attrPath2 = (*attr)->getAttrPath(attr2); /* Strip the attrpath prefix. */ attrPath2.erase(attrPath2.begin(), attrPath2.begin() + attrPathPrefix.size()); completions->add(flakeRefS + "#" + concatStringsSep(".", evalState->symbols.resolve(attrPath2))); } } } /* And add an empty completion for the default attrpaths. */ if (fragment.empty()) { for (auto & attrPath : defaultFlakeAttrPaths) { auto attr = root->findAlongAttrPath(parseAttrPath(*evalState, attrPath)); if (!attr) continue; completions->add(flakeRefS + "#"); } } } } catch (Error & e) { warn(e.msg()); } } void completeFlakeRef(ref store, std::string_view prefix) { if (!experimentalFeatureSettings.isEnabled(Xp::Flakes)) return; if (prefix == "") completions->add("."); completeDir(0, prefix); /* Look for registry entries that match the prefix. */ for (auto & registry : fetchers::getRegistries(store)) { for (auto & entry : registry->entries) { auto from = entry.from.to_string(); if (!prefix.starts_with("flake:") && from.starts_with("flake:")) { std::string from2(from, 6); if (from2.starts_with(prefix)) completions->add(from2); } else { if (from.starts_with(prefix)) completions->add(from); } } } } DerivedPathWithInfo Installable::toDerivedPath() { auto buildables = toDerivedPaths(); if (buildables.size() != 1) throw Error("installable '%s' evaluates to %d derivations, where only one is expected", what(), buildables.size()); return std::move(buildables[0]); } static StorePath getDeriver( ref store, const Installable & i, const StorePath & drvPath) { auto derivers = store->queryValidDerivers(drvPath); if (derivers.empty()) throw Error("'%s' does not have a known deriver", i.what()); // FIXME: use all derivers? return *derivers.begin(); } ref openEvalCache( EvalState & state, std::shared_ptr lockedFlake) { auto fingerprint = lockedFlake->getFingerprint(); return make_ref( evalSettings.useEvalCache && evalSettings.pureEval ? std::optional { std::cref(fingerprint) } : std::nullopt, state, [&state, lockedFlake]() { /* For testing whether the evaluation cache is complete. */ if (getEnv("NIX_ALLOW_EVAL").value_or("1") == "0") throw Error("not everything is cached, but evaluation is not allowed"); auto vFlake = state.allocValue(); flake::callFlake(state, *lockedFlake, *vFlake); state.forceAttrs(*vFlake, noPos, "while parsing cached flake data"); auto aOutputs = vFlake->attrs->get(state.symbols.create("outputs")); assert(aOutputs); return aOutputs->value; }); } Installables SourceExprCommand::parseInstallables( ref store, std::vector ss) { Installables result; if (file || expr) { if (file && expr) throw UsageError("'--file' and '--expr' are exclusive"); // FIXME: backward compatibility hack if (file) evalSettings.pureEval = false; auto state = getEvalState(); auto vFile = state->allocValue(); if (file == "-") { auto e = state->parseStdin(); state->eval(e, *vFile); } else if (file) state->evalFile(lookupFileArg(*state, *file), *vFile); else { auto e = state->parseExprFromString(*expr, state->rootPath(CanonPath::fromCwd())); state->eval(e, *vFile); } for (auto & s : ss) { auto [prefix, extendedOutputsSpec] = ExtendedOutputsSpec::parse(s); result.push_back( make_ref( InstallableAttrPath::parse( state, *this, vFile, std::move(prefix), std::move(extendedOutputsSpec)))); } } else { for (auto & s : ss) { std::exception_ptr ex; auto [prefix_, extendedOutputsSpec_] = ExtendedOutputsSpec::parse(s); // To avoid clang's pedantry auto prefix = std::move(prefix_); auto extendedOutputsSpec = std::move(extendedOutputsSpec_); if (prefix.find('/') != std::string::npos) { try { result.push_back(make_ref( InstallableDerivedPath::parse(store, prefix, extendedOutputsSpec.raw))); continue; } catch (BadStorePath &) { } catch (...) { if (!ex) ex = std::current_exception(); } } try { auto [flakeRef, fragment] = parseFlakeRefWithFragment(std::string { prefix }, absPath(".")); result.push_back(make_ref( this, getEvalState(), std::move(flakeRef), fragment, std::move(extendedOutputsSpec), getDefaultFlakeAttrPaths(), getDefaultFlakeAttrPathPrefixes(), lockFlags)); continue; } catch (...) { ex = std::current_exception(); } std::rethrow_exception(ex); } } return result; } ref SourceExprCommand::parseInstallable( ref store, const std::string & installable) { auto installables = parseInstallables(store, {installable}); assert(installables.size() == 1); return installables.front(); } static SingleBuiltPath getBuiltPath(ref evalStore, ref store, const SingleDerivedPath & b) { return std::visit( overloaded{ [&](const SingleDerivedPath::Opaque & bo) -> SingleBuiltPath { return SingleBuiltPath::Opaque { bo.path }; }, [&](const SingleDerivedPath::Built & bfd) -> SingleBuiltPath { auto drvPath = getBuiltPath(evalStore, store, *bfd.drvPath); // Resolving this instead of `bfd` will yield the same result, but avoid duplicative work. SingleDerivedPath::Built truncatedBfd { .drvPath = makeConstantStorePathRef(drvPath.outPath()), .output = bfd.output, }; auto outputPath = resolveDerivedPath(*store, truncatedBfd, &*evalStore); return SingleBuiltPath::Built { .drvPath = make_ref(std::move(drvPath)), .output = { bfd.output, outputPath }, }; }, }, b.raw()); } std::vector Installable::build( ref evalStore, ref store, Realise mode, const Installables & installables, BuildMode bMode) { std::vector res; for (auto & [_, builtPathWithResult] : build2(evalStore, store, mode, installables, bMode)) res.push_back(builtPathWithResult); return res; } std::vector, BuiltPathWithResult>> Installable::build2( ref evalStore, ref store, Realise mode, const Installables & installables, BuildMode bMode) { if (mode == Realise::Nothing) settings.readOnlyMode = true; struct Aux { ref info; ref installable; }; std::vector pathsToBuild; std::map> backmap; for (auto & i : installables) { for (auto b : i->toDerivedPaths()) { pathsToBuild.push_back(b.path); backmap[b.path].push_back({.info = b.info, .installable = i}); } } std::vector, BuiltPathWithResult>> res; switch (mode) { case Realise::Nothing: case Realise::Derivation: printMissing(store, pathsToBuild, lvlError); for (auto & path : pathsToBuild) { for (auto & aux : backmap[path]) { std::visit(overloaded { [&](const DerivedPath::Built & bfd) { auto outputs = resolveDerivedPath(*store, bfd, &*evalStore); res.push_back({aux.installable, { .path = BuiltPath::Built { .drvPath = make_ref(getBuiltPath(evalStore, store, *bfd.drvPath)), .outputs = outputs, }, .info = aux.info}}); }, [&](const DerivedPath::Opaque & bo) { res.push_back({aux.installable, { .path = BuiltPath::Opaque { bo.path }, .info = aux.info}}); }, }, path.raw()); } } break; case Realise::Outputs: { if (settings.printMissing) printMissing(store, pathsToBuild, lvlInfo); for (auto & buildResult : store->buildPathsWithResults(pathsToBuild, bMode, evalStore)) { if (!buildResult.success()) buildResult.rethrow(); for (auto & aux : backmap[buildResult.path]) { std::visit(overloaded { [&](const DerivedPath::Built & bfd) { std::map outputs; for (auto & [outputName, realisation] : buildResult.builtOutputs) outputs.emplace(outputName, realisation.outPath); res.push_back({aux.installable, { .path = BuiltPath::Built { .drvPath = make_ref(getBuiltPath(evalStore, store, *bfd.drvPath)), .outputs = outputs, }, .info = aux.info, .result = buildResult}}); }, [&](const DerivedPath::Opaque & bo) { res.push_back({aux.installable, { .path = BuiltPath::Opaque { bo.path }, .info = aux.info, .result = buildResult}}); }, }, buildResult.path.raw()); } } break; } default: assert(false); } return res; } BuiltPaths Installable::toBuiltPaths( ref evalStore, ref store, Realise mode, OperateOn operateOn, const Installables & installables) { if (operateOn == OperateOn::Output) { BuiltPaths res; for (auto & p : Installable::build(evalStore, store, mode, installables)) res.push_back(p.path); return res; } else { if (mode == Realise::Nothing) settings.readOnlyMode = true; BuiltPaths res; for (auto & drvPath : Installable::toDerivations(store, installables, true)) res.emplace_back(BuiltPath::Opaque{drvPath}); return res; } } StorePathSet Installable::toStorePathSet( ref evalStore, ref store, Realise mode, OperateOn operateOn, const Installables & installables) { StorePathSet outPaths; for (auto & path : toBuiltPaths(evalStore, store, mode, operateOn, installables)) { auto thisOutPaths = path.outPaths(); outPaths.insert(thisOutPaths.begin(), thisOutPaths.end()); } return outPaths; } StorePaths Installable::toStorePaths( ref evalStore, ref store, Realise mode, OperateOn operateOn, const Installables & installables) { StorePaths outPaths; for (auto & path : toBuiltPaths(evalStore, store, mode, operateOn, installables)) { auto thisOutPaths = path.outPaths(); outPaths.insert(outPaths.end(), thisOutPaths.begin(), thisOutPaths.end()); } return outPaths; } StorePath Installable::toStorePath( ref evalStore, ref store, Realise mode, OperateOn operateOn, ref installable) { auto paths = toStorePathSet(evalStore, store, mode, operateOn, {installable}); if (paths.size() != 1) throw Error("argument '%s' should evaluate to one store path", installable->what()); return *paths.begin(); } StorePathSet Installable::toDerivations( ref store, const Installables & installables, bool useDeriver) { StorePathSet drvPaths; for (const auto & i : installables) for (const auto & b : i->toDerivedPaths()) std::visit(overloaded { [&](const DerivedPath::Opaque & bo) { drvPaths.insert( bo.path.isDerivation() ? bo.path : useDeriver ? getDeriver(store, *i, bo.path) : throw Error("argument '%s' did not evaluate to a derivation", i->what())); }, [&](const DerivedPath::Built & bfd) { drvPaths.insert(resolveDerivedPath(*store, *bfd.drvPath)); }, }, b.path.raw()); return drvPaths; } RawInstallablesCommand::RawInstallablesCommand() { addFlag({ .longName = "stdin", .description = "Read installables from the standard input. No default installable applied.", .handler = {&readFromStdIn, true} }); expectArgs({ .label = "installables", .handler = {&rawInstallables}, .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) { completeInstallable(prefix); }} }); } void RawInstallablesCommand::applyDefaultInstallables(std::vector & rawInstallables) { if (rawInstallables.empty()) { // FIXME: commands like "nix profile install" should not have a // default, probably. rawInstallables.push_back("."); } } void RawInstallablesCommand::run(ref store) { if (readFromStdIn && !isatty(STDIN_FILENO)) { std::string word; while (std::cin >> word) { rawInstallables.emplace_back(std::move(word)); } } else { applyDefaultInstallables(rawInstallables); } run(store, std::move(rawInstallables)); } std::vector RawInstallablesCommand::getFlakesForCompletion() { applyDefaultInstallables(rawInstallables); return rawInstallables; } void InstallablesCommand::run(ref store, std::vector && rawInstallables) { auto installables = parseInstallables(store, rawInstallables); run(store, std::move(installables)); } InstallableCommand::InstallableCommand() : SourceExprCommand() { expectArgs({ .label = "installable", .optional = true, .handler = {&_installable}, .completer = {[&](size_t, std::string_view prefix) { completeInstallable(prefix); }} }); } void InstallableCommand::run(ref store) { auto installable = parseInstallable(store, _installable); run(store, std::move(installable)); } void BuiltPathsCommand::applyDefaultInstallables(std::vector & rawInstallables) { if (rawInstallables.empty() && !all) rawInstallables.push_back("."); } }