#include "lockfile.hh" #include "store-api.hh" #include namespace nix::flake { FlakeRef getFlakeRef( const nlohmann::json & json, const char * attr, const char * info) { auto i = json.find(attr); if (i != json.end()) { auto attrs = jsonToAttrs(*i); // FIXME: remove when we drop support for version 5. if (info) { auto j = json.find(info); if (j != json.end()) { for (auto k : jsonToAttrs(*j)) attrs.insert_or_assign(k.first, k.second); } } return FlakeRef::fromAttrs(attrs); } throw Error("attribute '%s' missing in lock file", attr); } LockedNode::LockedNode(const nlohmann::json & json) : lockedRef(getFlakeRef(json, "locked", "info")) , originalRef(getFlakeRef(json, "original", nullptr)) , isFlake(json.find("flake") != json.end() ? (bool) json["flake"] : true) { if (!lockedRef.input.isImmutable()) throw Error("lockfile contains mutable lock '%s'", attrsToJson(lockedRef.input.toAttrs())); } StorePath LockedNode::computeStorePath(Store & store) const { return lockedRef.input.computeStorePath(store); } std::shared_ptr LockFile::findInput(const InputPath & path) { auto pos = root; if (!pos) return {}; for (auto & elem : path) { if (auto i = get(pos->inputs, elem)) { if (auto node = std::get_if<0>(&*i)) pos = *node; else if (auto follows = std::get_if<1>(&*i)) { pos = findInput(*follows); if (!pos) return {}; } } else return {}; } return pos; } LockFile::LockFile(const nlohmann::json & json, const Path & path) { auto version = json.value("version", 0); if (version < 5 || version > 7) throw Error("lock file '%s' has unsupported version %d", path, version); std::unordered_map> nodeMap; std::function getInputs; getInputs = [&](Node & node, const nlohmann::json & jsonNode) { if (jsonNode.find("inputs") == jsonNode.end()) return; for (auto & i : jsonNode["inputs"].items()) { if (i.value().is_array()) { InputPath path; for (auto & j : i.value()) path.push_back(j); node.inputs.insert_or_assign(i.key(), path); } else { std::string inputKey = i.value(); auto k = nodeMap.find(inputKey); if (k == nodeMap.end()) { auto jsonNode2 = json["nodes"][inputKey]; auto input = std::make_shared(jsonNode2); k = nodeMap.insert_or_assign(inputKey, input).first; getInputs(*input, jsonNode2); } if (auto child = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(k->second)) node.inputs.insert_or_assign(i.key(), child); else // FIXME: replace by follows node throw Error("lock file contains cycle to root node"); } } }; std::string rootKey = json["root"]; nodeMap.insert_or_assign(rootKey, root); getInputs(*root, json["nodes"][rootKey]); // FIXME: check that there are no cycles in version >= 7. Cycles // between inputs are only possible using 'follows' indirections. // Once we drop support for version <= 6, we can simplify the code // a bit since we don't need to worry about cycles. } nlohmann::json LockFile::toJson() const { nlohmann::json nodes; std::unordered_map, std::string> nodeKeys; std::unordered_set keys; std::function node)> dumpNode; dumpNode = [&](std::string key, std::shared_ptr node) -> std::string { auto k = nodeKeys.find(node); if (k != nodeKeys.end()) return k->second; if (!keys.insert(key).second) { for (int n = 2; ; ++n) { auto k = fmt("%s_%d", key, n); if (keys.insert(k).second) { key = k; break; } } } nodeKeys.insert_or_assign(node, key); auto n = nlohmann::json::object(); if (!node->inputs.empty()) { auto inputs = nlohmann::json::object(); for (auto & i : node->inputs) { if (auto child = std::get_if<0>(&i.second)) { inputs[i.first] = dumpNode(i.first, *child); } else if (auto follows = std::get_if<1>(&i.second)) { auto arr = nlohmann::json::array(); for (auto & x : *follows) arr.push_back(x); inputs[i.first] = std::move(arr); } } n["inputs"] = std::move(inputs); } if (auto lockedNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(node)) { n["original"] = fetchers::attrsToJson(lockedNode->originalRef.toAttrs()); n["locked"] = fetchers::attrsToJson(lockedNode->lockedRef.toAttrs()); if (!lockedNode->isFlake) n["flake"] = false; } nodes[key] = std::move(n); return key; }; nlohmann::json json; json["version"] = 7; json["root"] = dumpNode("root", root); json["nodes"] = std::move(nodes); return json; } std::string LockFile::to_string() const { return toJson().dump(2); } LockFile LockFile::read(const Path & path) { if (!pathExists(path)) return LockFile(); return LockFile(nlohmann::json::parse(readFile(path)), path); } std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, const LockFile & lockFile) { stream << lockFile.toJson().dump(2); return stream; } void LockFile::write(const Path & path) const { createDirs(dirOf(path)); writeFile(path, fmt("%s\n", *this)); } bool LockFile::isImmutable() const { std::unordered_set> nodes; std::function node)> visit; visit = [&](std::shared_ptr node) { if (!nodes.insert(node).second) return; for (auto & i : node->inputs) if (auto child = std::get_if<0>(&i.second)) visit(*child); }; visit(root); for (auto & i : nodes) { if (i == root) continue; auto lockedNode = std::dynamic_pointer_cast(i); if (lockedNode && !lockedNode->lockedRef.input.isImmutable()) return false; } return true; } bool LockFile::operator ==(const LockFile & other) const { // FIXME: slow return toJson() == other.toJson(); } InputPath parseInputPath(std::string_view s) { InputPath path; for (auto & elem : tokenizeString>(s, "/")) { if (!std::regex_match(elem, flakeIdRegex)) throw UsageError("invalid flake input path element '%s'", elem); path.push_back(elem); } return path; } static void flattenLockFile( std::shared_ptr node, const InputPath & prefix, std::unordered_set> & done, std::map & res) { if (!done.insert(node).second) return; for (auto &[id, input] : node->inputs) { auto inputPath(prefix); inputPath.push_back(id); res.emplace(inputPath, input); if (auto child = std::get_if<0>(&input)) flattenLockFile(*child, inputPath, done, res); } } std::ostream & operator <<(std::ostream & stream, const Node::Edge & edge) { if (auto node = std::get_if<0>(&edge)) stream << "'" << (*node)->lockedRef << "'"; else if (auto follows = std::get_if<1>(&edge)) stream << fmt("follows '%s'", printInputPath(*follows)); return stream; } static bool equals(const Node::Edge & e1, const Node::Edge & e2) { if (auto n1 = std::get_if<0>(&e1)) if (auto n2 = std::get_if<0>(&e2)) return (*n1)->lockedRef == (*n2)->lockedRef; if (auto f1 = std::get_if<1>(&e1)) if (auto f2 = std::get_if<1>(&e2)) return *f1 == *f2; return false; } std::string diffLockFiles(const LockFile & oldLocks, const LockFile & newLocks) { std::unordered_set> done; std::map oldFlat, newFlat; flattenLockFile(oldLocks.root, {}, done, oldFlat); done.clear(); flattenLockFile(newLocks.root, {}, done, newFlat); auto i = oldFlat.begin(); auto j = newFlat.begin(); std::string res; while (i != oldFlat.end() || j != newFlat.end()) { if (j != newFlat.end() && (i == oldFlat.end() || i->first > j->first)) { res += fmt("* Added '%s': %s\n", printInputPath(j->first), j->second); ++j; } else if (i != oldFlat.end() && (j == newFlat.end() || i->first < j->first)) { res += fmt("* Removed '%s'\n", printInputPath(i->first)); ++i; } else { if (!equals(i->second, j->second)) { res += fmt("* Updated '%s': %s -> %s\n", printInputPath(i->first), i->second, j->second); } ++i; ++j; } } return res; } std::string printInputPath(const InputPath & path) { return concatStringsSep("/", path); } }